Im also have running saltyd at (delegated to but maybe i do something wrong
Im also have running saltyd at (delegated to but maybe i do something wrong Of course! 🤣 @xuu and I run saltyd
Anyone has saltyd actually up and running? my deployment was a mess … will tell you all about it when I wake up 😅
Content-Type: text/plain
might be not enough, as the HTTP spec defaults to Latin1 or whatever, not UTF-8. So there is a gap or room for incorrect interpretation. I could be wrong, but I understand @anth's comment that he doesn't want to even have a Content-Type
header in the first place.
Just to be clear, I’m 100% for mandating UTF-8 and only UTF-8. Nothing else. Exactly how it has always been.
I just like to send a proper Content-Type
stating the right encoding to be a good web citizen. That’s all. :-)
Righto, v2 is up again for me:
Clients (and human readers) just assume a flat threading
structure by default, read things in order […]
I might misunderstand this, but I slightly disagree. Personally, I like to look at the tree structure and my client also does present me the conversation tree as an actual tree, not a flat list. Yes, this gets messy when there are a lot of branches and long messages, but I managed to live with that. Doesn’t happen very often. Anyway, just a personal preference. Nothing to really worry.The v2 spec requires each reply to re-calculate the hash
of the specific entry I’m replying to […]
Hmmmm, where do you read that the client has to re-calculate the hash on reply? (Sorry, I’m probably just not getting your point here in the entire paragraph.)Clients should not be expected to track conversations back
across forking points […]
I agree. It totally depends on the client. If my memory serves me right, I think v2 doesn’t mention UTF-8 at all. Then I came along and noted that the Content-Type: text/plain
might be not enough, as the HTTP spec defaults to Latin1 or whatever, not UTF-8. So there is a gap or room for incorrect interpretation. I could be wrong, but I understand’s comment that he doesn’t want to even have a Content-Type
header in the first place.
I reckon it should be optional, but when deciding to sending one, it should be Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
. That also helps browsers pick up the right encoding right away without guessing wrong (basically always happens with Firefox here). That aids people who read raw feeds in browsers for debugging or what not. (I sometimes do that to decide if there is enough interesting content to follow the feed at hand.)
Merci,! Back to gray this afternoon again, mostly dry, though. (I’m also a bit confused by the UTF-8 topic. I thought that the original twtxt spec has always mandated UTF-8 for the content. Why’s that an issue now? 😅 Granted, my client also got this wrong in the past, but it has been fixed ~3 years ago.) That looks like lovely weather. We had nothing but rain. 🥴
Cool,, thanks for the followup! I have to reread the original v2 in order to really follow your explanation, but that document seems to be offline at the moment. I’ll try again later. :-)
Oh no, @xuu. :-( Speedy recovery and I hope you still miss out on long-covid.
Let’s talk about #foo 🤣 Oh wow that photo looks sick 🤣
Ugh! May the afflicted get well soon!
Finally, a sunny day. I jumped at the opportunity and went for a quick evening stroll:
Well poop. Covid coming to visit for a second time.
Video of my latest #livecoding show using #punctual for #visuals Haha 🤣 Blame 🤣
I know no client support it (yet) - but it could be the future 😅
this looks strange in twet xD: blue highlight of @2024-10-09T08:11:00Z(prologic) It doesn’t work🤣 No other clients
Support this 😅 It an easy way of twt-adressing by using the timestamp instead of a nick, which is arbitrary anyhow. Just my suggestion for a new reply-model ;) curious why you at mentioned a timestamp? 🤔 Thanks for the followup. I agrees with most of it - especially:
Please nobody suggest sticking the content type in more metadata. 🙄
Yes, URL can be considered ugly, but they work and are understandable by both humans and machines. And its trivial for any client to hide the URLs used as reference in replies/treading.
Webfinger can be an add-on to help lookup people, and it can be made independent of the nick by just serving the same json regardless of the nick as people do with static sites and a as I implemented it on (wf endpoint). Try
on (wf lookup) or
New post (mostly follow-up on the previous with a few new points) on the twtxt v2 discussion. will do my best! 😅 Milton has sustained winds of 270 kph now, but it is still at sea. Once it touches ground it is bound to lose strength. yes, there is no evacuation going on where we live—Central-East Florida. It will be category 1-2 here. Non-flooding area.
Good luck and all the best wishes, Please don’t die! That was indeed an interesting dive! I also never heard of just
before. So you stayed? Fingers crossed 🤞😵 lol indeed 😆
Arriving tomorrow. Finishing all preps as best as we can.
I hope you guys in the US get safely through the next storm. 😳
That is a fun little rabbit hole:
Setting up my twtxt site again
Honestly… not much. Have abandon two projects (both private) on Golang and one related to cryptography. My mostly languages are Python and Javascript (also can PHP). After writing code on Go i spend same time on fixing dumb errors
I share that opinion, but sadly advertisers were completely spoiled, over the years of social media companies bowing down to them. Even if unethical ways of targeting ads were banned, I assume the websites would get paid less.
Now when the pockets of many investors also dried up and they won’t just infinitely pump billions of dollars into an empty promise of mysterious grand future returns (unless AI is involved), sites would have no options, other than squeeze that cash, out of their users.
I know community donations exist, but they’re a model unsustainable for bigger sites and less dedicated communities - furthermore the more sites start begging for donations, the less money there will be to split among them.
The only option that remains, is paid subscriptions and microtransactions, that are already way out of hand, on many sites and I can’t even imagine how hard those would be pushed, if their finances got worse.
@xuu I guess the way SimpleX does its routing is quote clever and ingineious really. – However we never designed that way. That wasn’t an attack vector we were really concerned with right? I’ve been using SimpleX with you for the last day or so now and reading up on it, and whilst there are some overlapping and similar ideas I feel that SimpleX has slightly different design goals right?
I mean is more designed to be self-hosted, with good crypto but we never tried to set out to build a complex multi-broker, relay network-type protocol right? Do we need to? Probably not I think. Hmmm 🧐 I mean generally speaking you would cache things for a period of time right? There are other things you could do as well to build a better more resilient system. These are good conversations to have, however we, and by we I mean mostly @xuu and I really, haven’t had a lot of time to spend/invest in of late 😭 Are you interested in helping continue it’s development with us? Do you have any experience with cryptography and/or programming language like Go?
So… Yes all this is sorta/kinda true, remember I used to work there once (great place to work, awful company). It isn’t by design or on-purpose I don’t think, at least not from the perspective I had back then.
What really needs to happen here in general, and I’ve said it before; is this:
Profiting off of user-generated data and metadata should be made illegal.
Social Media (systems) don’t need to be regulated beyond not allowing minors to access social media. But if you enact the changes to laws (see above) such that profiting off of userdata is made illegal, then you minors can be potentially “safe” from predators. Let’s be honest, predators are the “big tech” companies that make this shit™ highly addictive to the point where it “rots your brain”.
I would recommend watching at least the very end of this video, as it explains, how Meta funds “independent advocacy groups”, to fight government regulation, disguised as some social good, open-source, equality, freedom, whatever…
What if webfinger endpoint goes down? currently? it wouldnt :D.
we would need to come up with a way of registering with multiple brokers that can i guess forward to a reader broker. something that will retry if needed. need to read into how simplex handles multi brokers Cool ! Thanks for sharing your thoughts 🙏 I agree, on the surface this looks bad for privacy and community well being.
@xuu How would that work?
What’s so terrible about Vivaldi? 🤔