In-reply-to » @bender I mean @movq is basisally spot on! These pieces of crap are just large expensive statistical models that occasionally spit out something sort of valid for some reason, but otherwise are the most useless idiotic and inefficient things I've ever seen or used. I can’t debug it, I don’t have the knowledge to do it. One thing I have noticed on LLMs is they don’t excel at mathematics (duh!). They are better at providing information that already exists, sometimes even in a logical way, or generating artistic outcomes (poems, songs, letters, images, videos, etc.). They can even generate decent code! (granted, not to be blindly trusted, but very helpful for a programmer, as it could speed up development process).

I have found other issues, like asking it who was the youngest person to ever been elected president of the United States. It often replies with wrong information to things that should be trivial knowledge. Every once in a while fully hallucinates.

The technology is rapidly evolving. I wouldn’t just dis it, and simply call it “pieces of crap”, or worthless things. There has been other things/technologies/stuff that worked/performed/functioned bad in their infancy, but then get better, and more useful, over time.

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In-reply-to » @bender I mean @movq is basisally spot on! These pieces of crap are just large expensive statistical models that occasionally spit out something sort of valid for some reason, but otherwise are the most useless idiotic and inefficient things I've ever seen or used. one can understand how LLMs work, and even train one (with the needed hardware), if interested (that, of course, will not happen if uninterested to begin with).

I think LLMs, and whatever they morph into, will be useful. They are also not going away. As for the energy consumption, well, some say it is a good thing, as it will speed up the transition to green energy usage. :-)

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In-reply-to » I really can't bring myself to donate to a school fundraising that makes $25m per year in revenue 🧐 all fundraising I have ever seeing are for institutions/centres/organisations, etc., that have a really big operating cost (they spend millions), or revenue (they spend, and also make, millions). That’s how they managed to do both, spend, and make! LOL.

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In-reply-to » Speaking of “AI” 
 I guess I gotta find out soon how to disable/sabotage Microsoft’s “Recall”, before this garbage takes over the family computers. đŸ˜© Product activation? Oh.. I never had to deal with that. I always had the CD-R XP Pro version with the enterprise key written in sharpie that my brother got somehow.

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In-reply-to » Fire-proof safes are generally designed so the internal temperature stays at or below ~350°F. Is there a computer medium I can write that's likely to survive an extended stay around that temperature? Storage size doesn't matter too much; a CD would be plenty (although an actual CD would presumably turn to soup). If you can find a UL 150 certified media safe it should stay at or below 150°F which should protect tape, CDs, etc.

​ Read More J’espĂšre que vous allez bien. Et c’est fous comme histoire, j’ai vu exactement la mĂȘme sur BFM ce matain oĂč le conducteur ĂągĂ© (70 ans et quelques si je me rappelle bien) impliquĂ© dans l’accident a fini par percuter quelqu’un d’autre quelques minutes aprĂšs le premier accident.

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Traveling this week on business. Airport lounges aren’t what they used to be. They are just crowded closets stuffed with rude slobs stuffing their faces at a mediocre buffet. The enshittification of air travel has no bottom.

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Durante anos tive sempre de ir confirmar como criar um USB bootåvel a partir de uma imagem ISO. Usei o Unetbootin, Balena Etcher, e ultimamente recorria ao velho dd, mas a wiki do debian acaba de me dar a solução mais simples, e que funciona impecavelmente:

$ cp live.iso /dev/sda
$ sync

E tĂĄ feito

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In-reply-to » Wasted another hour trying to get Windows XP to work again (while avoiding totally shady stuff). Not much success.

Windows XP Pro 32bits volume license media: DKPRM-Q68HX-FRKCJ-MT88X-7QKBB

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In-reply-to » Muay Boran Martial Arts Sparring w Small Gloves 7: Strike and Grapple In Muay Boran sparring we can apply both strikes and grappling exchanges. This allows practitioners to get accustomed to using other body weapons aside from just striking. In today's fighting environment, it's important to know how it feels to be taken down and hit on the ground. By becoming familiar with level changes, practitioners learn to deal with pressure in any circumstance and counter accordingly.#martialarts #muayboran #muaythai #warrior #technique #selfdefense #karate #kungfu #kickboxing #martialartstraining #sparring #sweeps #silat #combatsports #mma #howtospar #foryou

it won’t have more, I’m sorry, it is my fault. I wanted to create my own training of Muay Boran, and for that I created a program that transforms a youtube channel in twtxt, with the goal to have an alerting that gives me 4 training videos per weekend, the time was suppose to increment + 1 week at each 4 videos. (so I could read it in my feed, each saturday morning like “don’t forget to train on those videos today”) BUT I messed up the time part.

Sorry again.

PS: Yes still active user (reader).

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In-reply-to » Muay Boran Martial Arts Sparring w Small Gloves 7: Strike and Grapple In Muay Boran sparring we can apply both strikes and grappling exchanges. This allows practitioners to get accustomed to using other body weapons aside from just striking. In today's fighting environment, it's important to know how it feels to be taken down and hit on the ground. By becoming familiar with level changes, practitioners learn to deal with pressure in any circumstance and counter accordingly.#martialarts #muayboran #muaythai #warrior #technique #selfdefense #karate #kungfu #kickboxing #martialartstraining #sparring #sweeps #silat #combatsports #mma #howtospar #foryou Huh, a twtxt feed hosted on Google Drive.

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In-reply-to » 👋 Okay folks, let's startup the calls again.

I might join from mum’s house (on the phone), as she just asked me this evening to come by early to help her with a few things on her backyard. đŸ˜©

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In-reply-to » @movq it is an interesting thing to do. I mean, he found a way to fool Defender, but why? A disabled Defender is worthless, and that's what he is doing. If I were to use Microsoft Windows, I would want the Defender to be bonafide active. well
 reading through This I can but wonder if it is defending anything at all

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In-reply-to » Lol, somebody reverse-engineered the secret API to tell Windows that some snake oil is installed: it is an interesting thing to do. I mean, he found a way to fool Defender, but why? A disabled Defender is worthless, and that’s what he is doing. If I were to use Microsoft Windows, I would want the Defender to be bonafide active.

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In-reply-to » @bender Maybe I'll get back into it at some point. I think it would be a little excessive to have a standard twtxt, a rich twtxt, and a Nostr feed, not to mention a regular blog and a separate "notes" section on my website. I am researching a bit on crossposting. I have a couple of Hugo static notes, for example, Netbros, and I figured that by using Algia, a Nostr CLI client, I can crosspost from Hugo to Nostr quite easily with something like:

cat | algia n --article-title "A long post test" --article-name "A long post test" --article-summary "This is a long post test. Let's see if it works as intended." --stdin

Same approach can be used with twtxt, or anything else!

Having my own relay ensures my notes in it remain for as long as the relay runs, at the very least. Of course, you can post to more than one relay.

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A careless rm -rf just got me, big time. I realized what had happened and stopped it in less than a second, but it had already deleted ~3000 (70 GiB) of files I didn’t want to delete. Luckily I had backups in Restic.

Fun fact: This is the first time I’ve had to restore more than a file or two from any of my Restic repositories.

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In-reply-to » I’ve been using DuckDuckGo for years now, worked fine. Today it’s down – and now I’m learning that it runs on Bing? 😳 I will take this as pretty clear:

“we have more traditional links and images in our search results too, which we largely source from Bing”

Emphasis mine. Of course, they could have spelled “links” as “results”. We all know that was done purposely. 😅

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In-reply-to » @mckinley, what's your npub? Mine is npub1fzsnac6k335u7tmjmrhalyyp78ccq3t4vyx7m2zchafax2eeqaxqx3kj5s. Maybe I’ll get back into it at some point. I think it would be a little excessive to have a standard twtxt, a rich twtxt, and a Nostr feed, not to mention a regular blog and a separate “notes” section on my website.

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In-reply-to » Today's project: Put 2 failing hard drives in RAID 0 and boot from it. What could go wrong? No pain here. There’s no important data on them, and the first portion of the drives work reliably enough that there weren’t any issues before I had to shelf it. This is just for fun. I don’t even think I’d consider it a war game.

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In-reply-to » Today's project: Put 2 failing hard drives in RAID 0 and boot from it. What could go wrong? It booted. I was going to do more but I had actual work to do so I shelved it. Maybe I’ll come back to it another time. These drives are in really bad shape, though. They hold up udev by 30-60 seconds on every boot, even when booting the Arch install ISO, covering the console with lots of SATA errors and timeouts I don’t really understand.

Badblocks via mkfs.ext4 -cc was taking too long on the full 1+1 TB array so I made new 250 GB partitions and neither drive had bad blocks in that range so it was just a waste of time. Maybe if I come back to it I’ll do the full array and have the EFI system partition in RAID 1 just for fun. I didn’t know that worked with software RAID.

The key part is to use –metadata 1.0 in order to keep the RAID metadata at the end of the partition, otherwise the firmware will not be able to access it.

I had the ESP on a USB stick for simplicity’s sake.

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In-reply-to » ... So it's gonna be either a:

Holly insert inappropriate word here ! đŸ€Ł I have finally done it !!!

FreeBSD 14.0-RELEASE (GENERIC) #0 releng/14.0-n265380-f9716eee8ab4: Fri Nov 10 05:57:23 UTC 2023

Welcome to FreeBSD!

% pkg update
The package management tool is not yet installed on your system.
Do you want to fetch and install it now? [y/N]:

A freshly installed #FreeBSD Over SSH, thanks to mfsBSD !

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In-reply-to » @prologic Thank you. I'm using Pixel Station. I can't recommend it enough for this kind of pixelart, but it's only available for Android. I’m not sure. I never had an Apple device and when this app was briefly broken by Android updates, I sadly wasn’t able to find any good alternative, other than emulating an older version of Android, until a fix came out.

It does worry me a little, because it is this one developer hobby project, that is not opensource, that my ability to properly draw pixelart, relies upon.

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In-reply-to » @thecanine Btw... Do you have a web (ideally) based gallery view of your pixel art work here somewhere? đŸ€” if you go into the “ART menu” and click /pixel-art/, you get the main folder, where it can all be browsed by file names, but currently without a preview.

If you want more of a gallery thing, check out the backup sites listed under it (also in the “ART menu”, of the main site). Currently you can choose between NextCloud, Gdrive, OneDrive and TeraBox - NextCloud is probably the most accessible option.

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