In-reply-to » @movq Is there a good way to get jenny to do a one-off fetch of a feed, for when you want to fill in missing parts of a thread? I just added @slashdot to my private follow file just because @prologic keeps responding to the feed :-P and I want to know what he's commenting on even though I don't want to see every new slashdot twt. I pushed an alternative implementation to the fetch-context branch. This integrates the whole thing into mutt/jenny.

You will want to configure a new mutt hotkey, similar to the “reply” hotkey:

macro index,pager <esc>C "\
<enter-command> set my_pipe_decode=\$pipe_decode nopipe_decode<Enter>\
<pipe-message> jenny -c<Enter>\
<enter-command> set pipe_decode=\$my_pipe_decode; unset my_pipe_decode<Enter>" \
"Try to fetch context of current twt, like a missing root twt"

This pipes the mail to jenny -c. jenny will try to find the thread hash and the URL and then fetch it. (If there’s no URL or if the specific twt cannot be found in that particular feed, it could query a Yarn pod. That is not yet implemented, though.)

The whole thing looks like this:

In other words, when there’s a missing root twt, you press a hotkey to fetch it, done.

I think I like this version better. 🤔

(This needs a lot of testing. 😆)

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In-reply-to » My 9yr old daughter just made her Git commit today, her first website, setup two-factor authentication and used several credentials (which I helped her with) 🤣 -- next lessons: password hygiene/management. Great! Git knowledge is helpful in a lot of situations. What’s the website about? You both had some fun writing HTML by hand? :-)

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In-reply-to » @prologic @falsifian This just popped up in my head: How about adding a “fetch context” feature? Point jenny to some mail file that contains a twt (or pipe it to stdin) and it will try to auto-discover and fetch all related things. Like, if it sees something like @<falsifian>, then it will look in for a twt with hash tkjafka. Maybe even do this recursively until there are no new references anymore. This process could include explicitly querying some user-configurable Yarn pods as well. 🤔 Yeah, I need to clean this up in jenny. It still supports a ton of old formats that aren’t used anymore at all. 🧟

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It cooled off to 20°C today, but mid week is supposed to be crazy hot again. It was a nice walk, also plenty of people around, though. So we decided against going up our backyard mountain to avoid the masses. We finally took a path that we haven’t checked out for years. That was pretty cool. I couldn’t remember anything on that.

Garden with sunflowers in the background

Garden with sunflowers in the background

More scenery:

Neither of us has ever seen such a marmelade bun mushroom:

Marmelade bun in the woods, ah, no, it's a mushroom

Marmelade bun in the woods, ah, no, it's a mushroom

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In-reply-to » There was an outage of the Mastodon server I use this morning. A good reminder that this is a service that someone else hosts (and I don’t even pay for it). Could be gone tomorrow.

Honestly, the only thing I want to do on Mastodon is follow the #retrocomputing hashtag and sometimes post under that hashtag. That’s it. 😂

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There was an outage of the Mastodon server I use this morning. A good reminder that this is a service that someone else hosts (and I don’t even pay for it). Could be gone tomorrow.

Now that I’ve got a server to spare (the Matrix one is gone), I might look into hosting a snac instance. 🤔

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In-reply-to » @movq Is there a good way to get jenny to do a one-off fetch of a feed, for when you want to fill in missing parts of a thread? I just added @slashdot to my private follow file just because @prologic keeps responding to the feed :-P and I want to know what he's commenting on even though I don't want to see every new slashdot twt. I’ve pushed a draft into the git repo.

You can now do a “oneshot fetch” for a URL:

jenny oneshot-fetch --url --nick hacker-news-newest

This fetches the entire feed, which might be too much. So there’s also this, which only fetches a single twt:

jenny oneshot-fetch --url --nick hacker-news-newest --only-twt-hash r6rbinq

Let me know what you think. 🤔

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My 9yr old daughter just made her Git commit today, her first website, setup two-factor authentication and used several credentials (which I helped her with) 🤣 – next lessons: password hygiene/management.

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In-reply-to » @falsifian @movq You actually only really want the missing root Twt. You could just fetch this from any Yarn pod. There are scripts I built way back when yo do this 😅 You can just GET /twt/<HASH> with Accept: application/json:

$ curl -sH 'Accept: application/json' | jq 
  "twter": {
    "nick": "prologic",
    "uri": "",
    "avatar": ""
  "text": "(#tkjafka) @<falsifian> @<movq> You actually only really want the missing root Twt. You could just fetch this from any Yarn pod. There are scripts I built way back when yo do this 😅",
  "created": "2024-08-23T00:54:04Z",
  "markdownText": "(#tkjafka) [@falsifian]( [@movq]( You actually only really want the missing root Twt. You could just fetch this from any Yarn pod. There are scripts I built way back when yo do this 😅",
  "hash": "fgthxaq",
  "tags": [
  "subject": "(#tkjafka)",
  "mentions": [
  "links": []

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In-reply-to » @movq, that would be a nice addition. :-) I would also love the ability to hide/not show the hash when reading twtxts (after all, that's on the header on each "email"). Could that be added as a user configurable toggle? It’s really only about the hash, isn’t it? 🤔 The user mention (@<quark …) should still be visible in full?

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In-reply-to » (Btw, I deliberately don’t join all the time. If I did, I suspect that a couple of development discussions would move over from twtxt to IRC. 🤪 Okay, and I often prefer slow asynchronous communication.) This is fair 😅 Most development with Twtxt / Yarn.socail continues to be “asynchronous” and “slow” in nature 🤣 – regardless of whether we see you on IRC or not 😅

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In-reply-to » @movq Is there a good way to get jenny to do a one-off fetch of a feed, for when you want to fill in missing parts of a thread? I just added @slashdot to my private follow file just because @prologic keeps responding to the feed :-P and I want to know what he's commenting on even though I don't want to see every new slashdot twt.

(The jenny code is getting a bit long and convoluted. I feel the need to refactor this quite a bit. That’s why I’m not implementing any of this right away.)

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In-reply-to » @prologic @falsifian This just popped up in my head: How about adding a “fetch context” feature? Point jenny to some mail file that contains a twt (or pipe it to stdin) and it will try to auto-discover and fetch all related things. Like, if it sees something like @<falsifian>, then it will look in for a twt with hash tkjafka. Maybe even do this recursively until there are no new references anymore. This process could include explicitly querying some user-configurable Yarn pods as well. 🤔 This is gone though right? 🤔

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