In-reply-to » Wow! My god spammers really try hard song they? 🤣 Geez 🤦‍♂️ Media Do we need to make the captcha harder? 🙄

This happens again today. This is twice just today alone. Hmm I’m reconsidering this feature entirely, rarely used and if it’s just going to be abused by spammer, I don’t see the value in it. I’m certainly not going to try to build some kind of “anti-spam” filters or anything, sounds cool, I’d learn a lot, but smells of effort and time I simply don’t have 😢 #spam #sucks

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In-reply-to » Far-Right 'Terrorgram' Chatrooms Are Fueling a Wave of Power Grid Attacks An anonymous reader quotes a report from Bloomberg: People in a quiet neighborhood in Carthage, a town in Moore County, North Carolina, heard a series of six loud pops a few minutes before 8:00 p.m. on Dec. 3, 2022. A resident named Michael Campbell said he ducked at the sound. Another witness told police they thought they were he ... ⌘ Read more OMG! 😦 What da hell is going on here?! I used to have a friend that came from North Carolina, this is terrible (attacking power grids) 🤬 wtf are these people smoking?! 🚬

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Far-Right ‘Terrorgram’ Chatrooms Are Fueling a Wave of Power Grid Attacks
An anonymous reader quotes a report from Bloomberg: People in a quiet neighborhood in Carthage, a town in Moore County, North Carolina, heard a series of six loud pops a few minutes before 8:00 p.m. on Dec. 3, 2022. A resident named Michael Campbell said he ducked at the sound. Another witness told police they thought they were he … ⌘ Read more

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In-reply-to » Wow! My god spammers really try hard song they? 🤣 Geez 🤦‍♂️ Media Do we need to make the captcha harder? 🙄

Like why does spammers even bother?! Don’t they realize how fucking futile and useless it is to be abuse something like a support form? I mean clearly nothing is going to come of this, except it’s going to be clearly ignored and toss in the bin. 🤣

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In-reply-to » Yeah, user error on my end, never mind. The persisted settings.yaml overrides the command line arguments. That's surprising to me. I expected the command line options to overrule the config file. Oh well. to be fair the settings that you can change in the user interface are persisted to the settings YAML file and yes override any environmental command online options. This is always made sense to me because there are subset of settings that can be changed dynamically at runtime without requiring any restart.

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Samsung TVs Will Get 7 Years of Free Tizen OS Upgrades
Samsung Electronics said it will provide Tizen OS updates for its newer TVs for at least seven years, starting with models released in March this year and some 2023 models. Business Korea reports: [Yoon Seok-woo, President of Samsung Electronics’ Visual Display Business Division] emphasized that the seven-year free upgrade for Tizen applied to AI TVs would … ⌘ Read more

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In-reply-to » I'm happy with the current implementation though, because the only reason you should be hitting the external profile endpoint at all is a) you're logged in and happen to click on someone's profile that is external to the pod or b) you're anonymous and just clicking through the frontpage (see a) It is if he’s turned off open profiles 👌

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In-reply-to » @lyse Interesting. The yarnd --help currently says (for me): Yep, --open-registrations=false has to also use the equal sign, just like the short form, otherwise it’s activated. At least that’s consistent. But, is has no effect, if the settings.yaml claims something different.

I have the impression that command line flags only take effect the first time you start yarnd. Unless the option has no pendant in the config file, such as -A/--admin-user $user. Since -A is not a boolean, but takes a string, you are free to use a blank or an equal sign…

It’s this package:

I also noticed and fixed the typo. 8-)

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In-reply-to » @abucci You can also use -R=false on the command line or leave it out entirely. When explicitly stating -R=false, there has to be an equal sign. With a space (-R false) it's somehow parsed as -R which is equivalent to -R=true. O_o Very weird. I'd really like to see an error instead.

Yeah, user error on my end, never mind. The persisted settings.yaml overrides the command line arguments. That’s surprising to me. I expected the command line options to overrule the config file. Oh well.

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In-reply-to » @mckinley He's signed up three times now even though I keep deleting the account, which is enough for me to permaban this person. I don't technically want open registrations on my pod but up till now I've been too lazy to figure out how to turn them off and actually do that, and there hasn't been a pressing need. I may have to now. Interesting. The yarnd --help currently says (for me):

  -R, --open-registrations            whether or not to have open user registgration

meaning it doesn’t give the default setting or warn you that you need to use -R=false and not -R false. It also leaves unclear whether --open-registrations false would work or if you need to do --open-registrations=false. It’s also unclear whether the setting change in the user interface is overridden by the command line arguments, overrides the command line arguments, is persisted across restarts.

Maybe all this is worth posting an issue for additional documentation on the git repo if there isn’t one already.

“registgration” is misspelled that way in the help by the way.

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In-reply-to » Yeah, user error on my end, never mind. The persisted settings.yaml overrides the command line arguments. That's surprising to me. I expected the command line options to overrule the config file. Oh well. in Australia, take everything you have learned, and do the opposite. After all, it is the land down under! :-D

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In-reply-to » POWER EFFIN' OUTAGE!!! Electricity came back after ~10 min like... no beggie BUT, Internet stayed out for like 2 more hrs 😅 Hmmm, so it is permanent damage. Damn! :-( I’m no electronics guy, but I’d suspect it to be broken, if unplugging it and plugging it in again doesn’t fix it. Kinda doubt that a repair shop will get it going again. I have no idea where I would bring it over here. The best I can think of is to ask the volunteers at the repair café if they have any suggestions, I reckon they’re not able to fix it either. But that place is only open once a month.

How much of your screen is gone by now? Looks like a lot.

Wow, crazy. A decade ago, I think I only experienced power outages three or maybe four times in my entire life. Since then, they became a bit more frequent. Probably five or six, maybe more. Not sure how many of these events are attributed to construction incidents, where an excavator ripped a power line apart. Last time, loggers threw a tree in an overhead power line, so the power company had to disconnect my area from the grid.

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In-reply-to » POWER EFFIN' OUTAGE!!! Electricity came back after ~10 min like... no beggie BUT, Internet stayed out for like 2 more hrs 😅 didn’t know there was a place to fix them; in here we toss them. Wish it was cheap to ship stuff. I have a couple of decent monitors in the garage that will soon take a trip to the curve…

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In-reply-to » @mckinley He's signed up three times now even though I keep deleting the account, which is enough for me to permaban this person. I don't technically want open registrations on my pod but up till now I've been too lazy to figure out how to turn them off and actually do that, and there hasn't been a pressing need. I may have to now. You can also use -R=false on the command line or leave it out entirely. When explicitly stating -R=false, there has to be an equal sign. With a space (-R false) it’s somehow parsed as -R which is equivalent to -R=true. O_o Very weird. I’d really like to see an error instead.

I still have to figure out the precedence of the settings.yaml or command line arguments. I’m probably holding it wrong, but it seems to give me different results…

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In-reply-to » @movq, maybe you can help me with this. I want to place the vim cursor at the end of the first line on replies, and forks. I have tried adding to this to jenny's configuration: hmm, I am already using au BufNewFile,BufRead jenny-posting.eml setl completefunc=jenny#CompleteMentions fo-=t wrap, from jenny. How would I go to incorporate that there?

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In-reply-to » @mckinley Wow, I was not aware, that there are different kinds of blackberries. But of course there are. Everything has all sorts of different species, why would it be different with these tasty guys? :-) “good, good, and fascinating indeed” – says Quark, all while eating an overflowing toast with butter, and blackberry jam. :-D

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In-reply-to » Transformed four kilograms of blackberries into a bit over three kilograms of blackberry jelly. The leftover jelly did not fit in prepared canning jars, so I dumped it in a regular drinking glass (which was a mustard glass in its former life): Media The rest is cooling off on the bench outside. Wow, I was not aware, that there are different kinds of blackberries. But of course there are. Everything has all sorts of different species, why would it be different with these tasty guys? :-)

I just read up on them and – surprise, surprise – it turns out, the Himalayans are not native to most of Europe either. Doh! It gets even more interesting, their origin is unclear. Maybe Armenia and the Caucasus region. Fascinating!

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In-reply-to » @movq, maybe you can help me with this. I want to place the vim cursor at the end of the first line on replies, and forks. I have tried adding to this to jenny's configuration: Ah, startinsert, didn’t even know that existed, tbh. 😅

It doesn’t work because the editor command is currently not run through sh -c ..., i.e. it is supposed to be just a path like /usr/bin/vim. I was just stumped by this myself and I think I’ll soon push a patch to allow setting something like vim -c foo.

In the meantime, your best option is probably putting this in your .vimrc:

au BufRead,BufNewFile jenny-posting.eml normal $

(I use something similar to disable hard text wrapping after 72 chars for twtxt postings.)

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In-reply-to » It cooled off to 20°C today, but mid week is supposed to be crazy hot again. It was a nice walk, also plenty of people around, though. So we decided against going up our backyard mountain to avoid the masses. We finally took a path that we haven't checked out for years. That was pretty cool. I couldn't remember anything on that. Right, what can possibily go wrong!? ;-)

It’s funny that you mention it, too. We also were quite surprised that it was incredibly quiet in nature. Not just no man-made noise (we obviously avoided the crowds), not even in the distance, but also hardly any birds. We joked they’re still exhausted from the heat of the days before and still resting.

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In-reply-to » @movq, maybe you can help me with this. I want to place the vim cursor at the end of the first line on replies, and forks. I have tried adding to this to jenny's configuration: hmm, I guess I could do that too. I have startinsert set on my .vimrc, so I will either have to take it out, or exit insert, $, then insert again. I think the way you do it would be the way to go.

I tried setting VISUAL to be something like vim -c 'star!', which does the same thing, but no dice. :-/

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In-reply-to » @mckinley He's signed up three times now even though I keep deleting the account, which is enough for me to permaban this person. I don't technically want open registrations on my pod but up till now I've been too lazy to figure out how to turn them off and actually do that, and there hasn't been a pressing need. I may have to now. Thank you for using Lyse’s Unofficial Yarnd Help Desk:

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In-reply-to » @movq, maybe you can help me with this. I want to place the vim cursor at the end of the first line on replies, and forks. I have tried adding to this to jenny's configuration: Uhm, yeah, that can’t be set in the config file (only by overriding the VISUAL environment variable). It probably should. I’ll fix it.

What’s the goal, though? I usually hit Shift-A in Vim to append text to the end of the line. Is that what you want? 😅

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In-reply-to » I'm happy with the current implementation though, because the only reason you should be hitting the external profile endpoint at all is a) you're logged in and happen to click on someone's profile that is external to the pod or b) you're anonymous and just clicking through the frontpage (see a) Or c) you click on a link somebody gave you. My brain is a bit dead now, but that might be a problem when you’re logged in.

⤋ Read More, maybe you can help me with this. I want to place the vim cursor at the end of the first line on replies, and forks. I have tried adding to this to jenny’s configuration:

"editor": "vim \"+normal $\"",

But that doesn’t work. How would you go about it?

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In-reply-to » There is a bug in yarnd that's been around for awhile and is still present in the current version I'm running that lets a person hit a constructed URL like

I’m happy with the current implementation though, because the only reason you should be hitting the external profile endpoint at all is a) you’re logged in and happen to click on someone’s profile that is external to the pod or b) you’re anonymous and just clicking through the frontpage (see a)

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In-reply-to » There is a bug in yarnd that's been around for awhile and is still present in the current version I'm running that lets a person hit a constructed URL like The problem with this is we just don’t know until we try. That’s why if the external feed you’re looking for isn’t found in the cache, it’ll try to fetch it in the background. It’s a bit of a sucky UX really, but its better than the experience of “waiting, waiting waiting and then timeout”.

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