In-reply-to » I like how tags like #reading now actually work correctly on Yarn pods 👌 No bubbles burst 💥 hehe 😝 All good! 👍 I think I was aware of the search results and the lack of interactivity there, artifact of borrowed template code from the search engine 😢 Just need to refactor it to use the same template as the normal timeline, but also support highlights, something it doesn’t do now either.

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In-reply-to » Media There are probably many extensions for Apache2. Nearly all of which you don’t need. Maybe libapache2-mod-php* if you want to make use of PHP.

Typically, systemd will automatically start your webserver during system startup. Your package manager (apt) does not prompt you, because the package maintainer has chosen some defaults for you which works with the rest of the system. So there is simply no need. Why would you want to change the installation directory anyways?

Also, right after installation, I’d assume that Apache2 is automatically started. If you want to start Apache2 by hand, you can sudo systemctl start apache2, there are also the stop and restart verbs.

The tutorial linked by seems a bit outdated to me (old Ubuntu version and SysVInit), you might be better off with: Even though, that’s probably also not so beginner-friendly.

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In-reply-to » 4 week vacation time is done tomorrow, then it's back to work. A bit excited to see what happens there for the rest of the year, a bit stressfull too, but It'll be nice to get back to work. This summer vacation has been super nice, and also felt like it lasted long. Been a super time with my family, we got to visit a lot of cool places, and went on a lot of trips etc. Been really nice. And we've already planned what to do next year - so I already look forward to that :) Yeah, paid. If not even big IT companies offer more, I will not emmigrate to Down Under. ;-)

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In-reply-to » @movq The success of large neural nets. People love to criticize today's LLMs and image models, but if you compare them to what we had before, the progress is astonishing. Can’t argue with the some of the feats we’ve achieved for sure 😅 I think some of the good stuff is in smarter auto completion: summarization and pattern reproduction.

But “intelligent” it ain’t 🤣

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In-reply-to » If some of you budding fathers want to know how I created a computer nerd to one day work for Facebook in the big USA, well you purchase a $1000 Xmas present, an enormous thick book with C++ programming, and say, you can play as many games as you like kids, but James has to create them using computer software. If it still existed I bet the first thing he’d do is convert it to Golang 👌🤣

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In-reply-to » @movq The success of large neural nets. People love to criticize today's LLMs and image models, but if you compare them to what we had before, the progress is astonishing. I don’t know what you mean when you call them stochastic parrots, or how you define understanding. It’s certainly true that current language models show an obvious lack of understanding in many situations, but I find the trend impressive. I would love to see someone achieve similar results with much less power or training data.

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In-reply-to » 4 week vacation time is done tomorrow, then it's back to work. A bit excited to see what happens there for the rest of the year, a bit stressfull too, but It'll be nice to get back to work. This summer vacation has been super nice, and also felt like it lasted long. Been a super time with my family, we got to visit a lot of cool places, and went on a lot of trips etc. Been really nice. And we've already planned what to do next year - so I already look forward to that :) Yeah in Australia it’s only 20 paid days of annual leave (paid)

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OK I found this one, small enough, but where does it install to? can’t find the app, of any files of anything.
Being a total novice to Linux stuff….where is this file located and why don’t they prompt you for a folder location of the program? And why such a stupid name? Dozens to choose from and most over 300MB, not what I want - I just want Apache to run the index.html webpage or the index.php webpage. I do not need Javascript or Java programming editors….

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In-reply-to » If some of you budding fathers want to know how I created a computer nerd to one day work for Facebook in the big USA, well you purchase a $1000 Xmas present, an enormous thick book with C++ programming, and say, you can play as many games as you like kids, but James has to create them using computer software. Ahh, too bad that program is gone. I would have loved to see that. 🤯

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In-reply-to » 4 week vacation time is done tomorrow, then it's back to work. A bit excited to see what happens there for the rest of the year, a bit stressfull too, but It'll be nice to get back to work. This summer vacation has been super nice, and also felt like it lasted long. Been a super time with my family, we got to visit a lot of cool places, and went on a lot of trips etc. Been really nice. And we've already planned what to do next year - so I already look forward to that :) Wow, that’s surprising. Assuming a full time job, you are legally entitled to at least 20 days annual leave in Germany. Some companies even offer 30, esp. when in a union. I don’t know how many companies actually do, but in my circle of friends and acquaintances, nearly everyone has 30 days paid vacation. I somehow thought it’s very similar in Scandinavia and Australia.

Oh boy, the week is already over and I haven’t accomplished much useful stuff when I look back on it. Gotta check the vacation calendars of my workmates tomorrow and take one or the other week off soon.

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In-reply-to » If some of you budding fathers want to know how I created a computer nerd to one day work for Facebook in the big USA, well you purchase a $1000 Xmas present, an enormous thick book with C++ programming, and say, you can play as many games as you like kids, but James has to create them using computer software. A gamer will not necessarily become a programmer. Especially these days I’d say.

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In-reply-to » Hey all your computer experts, I am having trouble with running Apache on my Ubuntu machine using Vine, the problem I think is configuring the /apache/conf/httpd.conf file, I usually NotePad2.exe edit it and change the path to the appropriate files It’s been a few years that I used Apache, but I also strongly recommend to run the Linux version. As root: apt-get install apache2 Its configuration file is probably /etc/apache2/apache2.conf_ these days.

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In-reply-to » 4 week vacation time is done tomorrow, then it's back to work. A bit excited to see what happens there for the rest of the year, a bit stressfull too, but It'll be nice to get back to work. This summer vacation has been super nice, and also felt like it lasted long. Been a super time with my family, we got to visit a lot of cool places, and went on a lot of trips etc. Been really nice. And we've already planned what to do next year - so I already look forward to that :) Ahh nice! i only get 4 weeks off a year 🙄

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In-reply-to » Hey all your computer experts, I am having trouble with running Apache on my Ubuntu machine using Vine, the problem I think is configuring the /apache/conf/httpd.conf file, I usually NotePad2.exe edit it and change the path to the appropriate files Is there a particular reason why you run it through wine? And not the ‘standard’ ubuntu way of doing it? It’ll make it much easier to make sure things are working the way it should.. :)

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In-reply-to » 4 week vacation time is done tomorrow, then it's back to work. A bit excited to see what happens there for the rest of the year, a bit stressfull too, but It'll be nice to get back to work. This summer vacation has been super nice, and also felt like it lasted long. Been a super time with my family, we got to visit a lot of cool places, and went on a lot of trips etc. Been really nice. And we've already planned what to do next year - so I already look forward to that :) During summer - yes, since our kids have 2 months. First month of their vacation I still work, then I join them on their last month. We do have 5 weeks, so I save the last week for around Christmas. :)

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If some of you budding fathers want to know how I created a computer nerd to one day work for Facebook in the big USA, well you purchase a $1000 Xmas present, an enormous thick book with C++ programming, and say, you can play as many games as you like kids, but James has to create them using computer software.

SO James created once a 3D chess program with sound, took 6 months or so, really hard to beat, not based on logic moves point by point like other chess programs, this one was based on the depth of looking for patterns, set it to 5 moves ahead and you were toast every time. Nice program too, sadly gone over the years, computers suffer from bit rot. We used to try and mark rotten hard drive discs once as bad sectors, not sure how UBuntu does this these days, I see a dozen errors on the screen every time I load.

Today I would purchase for my kids AI CAD simulation software with metal 3D printer and get your child to build fancy 3D models and engines from scratch. This will make them an expert in the CAD AI industry by the time they are 14 years old. Sadly AI is here to stay and will spoil the Internet.

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Hey all your computer experts, I am having trouble with running Apache on my Ubuntu machine using Vine, the problem I think is configuring the /apache/conf/httpd.conf file, I usually NotePad2.exe edit it and change the path to the appropriate files

For example see the next post

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In-reply-to » @movq The success of large neural nets. People love to criticize today's LLMs and image models, but if you compare them to what we had before, the progress is astonishing.

LLMs though, whilst good at understating the “model” (or shape) of things (not just natural language), are generally still stochastic parrots.

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In-reply-to » @movq The success of large neural nets. People love to criticize today's LLMs and image models, but if you compare them to what we had before, the progress is astonishing. It’s also astonishing how much power these things use and how incredibly inefficient they are 🤣

But seriously though we have come a long way in some machine learning sxiwnde and twxh and we’ve managed to build ever more powerful and power hungry massively parallel matrix computational hardware 😅

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In-reply-to » 4 week vacation time is done tomorrow, then it's back to work. A bit excited to see what happens there for the rest of the year, a bit stressfull too, but It'll be nice to get back to work. This summer vacation has been super nice, and also felt like it lasted long. Been a super time with my family, we got to visit a lot of cool places, and went on a lot of trips etc. Been really nice. And we've already planned what to do next year - so I already look forward to that :) Very nice! 👌 I’ve enjoyed your photos and stories of your trips!

Do you normally take 4-week long vacations all in one go?

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In-reply-to » part 2, James your twtxt is way too short.... say 2 tonnes of wheat, costing me say 15,000 thats 7,500 for a tonne or $7.5 for a Kg of wheat. That is about 12 times for expensive than wheat is today, ans this assumes the cow manure has any minerals in it, which I know from experience doesn't. So I would have to add NPK, Ca and Mg along with B, Mn, Co, Zn and Cu, all adding thousands to the overall cost. Setting up a local Apache + PHP server on your Ubuntu laptop is easy as pie 🤣

What do you think the world runs on 😅 Hint: Not Windows 🤣

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In-reply-to » QOTD: What’s your favorite technological advancement in the last ~10 years? 🤔 There are drivers and such for linux as well. I also think it works fine with steamVR on linux (But currently my main computer for gaming is running windows) so I have not tested VR on linux yet. I am planning on installing linux on that machine when I get a extra disk for it soon. (I run linux on all other laptops I have, but those are not good enough for VR stuff).

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In-reply-to » QOTD: What’s your favorite technological advancement in the last ~10 years? 🤔 , yeah, I have one. First one I bought was the first oculus on kickstarter. Then facebook delivered their first (after they bought oculus) on my doorstep for free (since I backed the first oculus on kickstarter). I use it a lot, especially for Xplane (flight sim) and Elite: Dangerous etc. It’s not one of those quest standalone VR headsets I have, it’s the one you hook up to a computer.

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