QOTD: What are some (GNU/|)Linux distributions that think outside the box? I’ll start.

  • Bedrock Linux - A “meta distribution” that uses black magic to install packages from any distribution you can think of
  • GoboLinux - A distribution that uses black magic to eradicate the standard filesystem hierarchy and give each package its own directory tree, e.g. /Programs/GCC/9.2.0. It’s been around for a whopping 21 years.

There are also the well-known ones like NixOS, Qubes, and even Gentoo but I don’t see those two mentioned very often.

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In-reply-to » Not making THREADING the default view of e-mail clients and thus teaching users that e-mail is “chaotic” (if you get a lot of mail, it becomes unusable without threading) and “needs” full quoting all the time was one of the worst mistakes ever.

My email is such a cluster of noise. The only time i actually use it is to find out I have to do my security training or something. All communication is slack now days.

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In-reply-to » @prologic I've thought about that, but it seems awfully inefficient to host a full code forge with a Web interface just to mirror some Git repositories.

Whoops, I started a thread when I meant to reply to the other one. I don’t think I’ve ever done that before.

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In-reply-to » @prologic I've thought about that, but it seems awfully inefficient to host a full code forge with a Web interface just to mirror some Git repositories.

How does Gitea store repositories? Are they just bare Git repositories on the filesystem that can be cloned separately? Also, how does it handle the upstream force-pushing an empty repository? Will that destroy your archive?

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QOTD: Do you keep a personal archive of Git repositories? If so, how? My backup system is a poorly written, inefficient shell script that I run manually when I think about it and I’d like to do something about that. The Yuzu and Citra emulators were taken down recently and I have a ~3 day old backup of Yuzu’s repository but nothing for Citra.

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In-reply-to » yarn should define its own federation protocol that extends the basic twtxt in ways that twtxt doesn't allow. it's time. and i've got ideas!

@prologic@twtxt.net Cool! Now what might be useful is to take all the cool things Yarn does and spec them out into a full protocol. This is also where we might get into extending beyond what Twtxt can offer and into a yarn-specific spec.

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In-reply-to » Yesterday we made a decision to ban and block Youtube at the network level. Why? Because it's become too addictive and threatening th mental well being of the family.

@prologic@twtxt.net So, you’re automatically downloading videos by a select few YouTube channels and putting them into Plex? Interesting. When do you think your kids will figure out how to get around your block? :)

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In-reply-to » yarn should define its own federation protocol that extends the basic twtxt in ways that twtxt doesn't allow. it's time. and i've got ideas!

@prologic@twtxt.net I know yarn is culturally a slower place than most mainstream social, but I would like to enable servers to somewhat “broadcast” new events on some subscribable endpoint. Since much of the network relies on indexers, this would help the indexers get new posts more immediately, rather than having to schedule their crawls. That’s just one idea to start with

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In-reply-to » yarnd does not do auto discovery via webfinger though.. i cant put @username and have it fetch the feed url from webfinger. to fully make feeds portable. would also need to be able to use that for hashing.

well @username@username rather

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In-reply-to » yarn should define its own federation protocol that extends the basic twtxt in ways that twtxt doesn't allow. it's time. and i've got ideas!

yarnd does not do auto discovery via webfinger though.. i cant put @username and have it fetch the feed url from webfinger. to fully make feeds portable. would also need to be able to use that for hashing.

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In-reply-to » Oh, btw, previous guys I worked with never heard of Go!

@prologic@we.loveprivacy.club They were doing embedded development just like you would JavaScript development, using only “the framework”, as I said: https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf, compile times were super long (20s), the boss asked “How many times do I compile per day?” I said: “constantly
.”. Just couldn’t work with the framework, was super slow. Had to develop the driver bare metal and after that integrate it!

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In-reply-to » yarn should define its own federation protocol that extends the basic twtxt in ways that twtxt doesn't allow. it's time. and i've got ideas!

I agree with @sorenpeter@darch.dk. WebFinger and WebMentions are very much in the spirit of Twtxt and both of them are already in use. If we’re going to do much more than that, we should probably just use Nostr instead.

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In-reply-to » yarn should define its own federation protocol that extends the basic twtxt in ways that twtxt doesn't allow. it's time. and i've got ideas!

@shreyan@twtxt.net What do you mean when you say federation protocol?

I’m not sure we need much else. I would not even bother with encryption since other platforms does that better, and for me twtxt/yarn/timeline is for making things public

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In-reply-to » @lyse This is what I was using cu for https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf?tab=readme-ov-file#viewing-serial-output

@lyse@lyse.isobeef.org That was for an energy metering driver I made (EV charging stations).

I’m currently working on a VCS for small projects. Single file, plain text repository made entirely of just patches. I’m currently porting to 9Front and all I have is to do add suport for 3 way merging (I think I’ll just use diff3 on Linux and merge3 on OpenBSD for that. Currently it only supports plain text and no binaries.

This an example repo for my dotfiles https://0x0.st/HRnc.diff, view log implementation in awk: https://0x0.st/HRnT.sh

If interested, some đŸ’” would be great as I’ve been out of job for a few months now and they payed like shit when I was working with them.


You could clone that repo with only:

curl https://0x0.st/HRnc.diff | tee v | patch -p0 

However, patch would leave some extra files in the directory.

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In-reply-to » @lyse gron does something very similar with JSON. I used to use it more, but these days I just reach for jq instead.

@lyse@lyse.isobeef.org The thing that really unlocked jq for me was learning how to get a TSV output. That was a complete game changer, because it meant I could easily use it in a shell pipeline. I found it to be better than gron for that purpose. Just make an array for each item containing all the values you need and pipe it to the filter @tsv.

$ # Search YouTube using the Invidious API for "never gonna give you up" and write the results to out.json
$ curl -sGL -A 'Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; x86_64) Ladybird/1.0' -o out.json --data-urlencode 'q=never gonna give you up' 'https://farside.link/invidious/api/v1/search' 
$ jq -r '.[] | select(.type == "video") | [ .title, .author, .authorVerified, .videoId ] | @tsv' out.json
Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up (Official Music Video)	Rick Astley	true	dQw4w9WgXcQ
Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up [Lyrics]	GlyphoricVibes	true	QdezFxHfatw
InsurAAAnce & Rick Astley Never Gonna Give You Up	CSAA Insurance Group, a AAA Insurer	true	GtL1huin9EE

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In-reply-to » @lyse Regarding YAML's readability, I miss the - for list items constantly when reading YAML files. I'll get confused because I think I'm not in a list or I'm in the previous list item, then I have to go back. List items are all on the same indentation column and one tiny character is the only thing defining a new one. I don't know if others have this problem.

@lyse@lyse.isobeef.org Blank lines help a lot.

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In-reply-to » Not making THREADING the default view of e-mail clients and thus teaching users that e-mail is “chaotic” (if you get a lot of mail, it becomes unusable without threading) and “needs” full quoting all the time was one of the worst mistakes ever.

@movq@www.uninformativ.de completely agree. Also, love the ability Thunderbird used to have (don’t know if still does, don’t use it) to allow searching for message-id, which we could use to edit emails to fix threats. I used to do it in Mutt too.

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In-reply-to » Yeah, the lack of comments makes regular JSON not a good configuration format in my view. Also, putting all keys in quotes and the use of commas is annoying. The big upside is that's in lots of standard libraries.

and then i have a compact version that makes things more grep’able in scripts.

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In-reply-to » Yeah, the lack of comments makes regular JSON not a good configuration format in my view. Also, putting all keys in quotes and the use of commas is annoying. The big upside is that's in lots of standard libraries.

I can query the configurations a few different ways. i can request the specific name foo.bar or a glob like foo.* or trace the hierarchy trace:some.deep.name.space which will give me the namespaces some, some.deep, some.deep.name, and some.deep.name.space. These can be combined.

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In-reply-to » Yeah, the lack of comments makes regular JSON not a good configuration format in my view. Also, putting all keys in quotes and the use of commas is annoying. The big upside is that's in lots of standard libraries.

@lyse@lyse.isobeef.org its a hierarchy key value format. I designed it for the network peering tools i use.. I can grant access to different parts of the tree to other users.. kinda like directory permissions. a basic example of the format is:

# multi
# line
# comment
root :value

# example space comment
@namespace.name space-tag 

# attribute comments
attribute attr-tag  :value for attribute

# attribute with multiple 
# lines of values
foo :bar

repeated :value1
repeated :value2

each @ starts the definition of a namespace kinda like [name] in ini format. It can have comments that show up before. then each attribute is key :value and can have their own # comment lines.
Values can be multi line.. and also repeated..

the namespaces and values can also have little meta data tags added to them.

the service can define webhooks/mqtt topics to be notified when the configs are updated. That way it can deploy the changes out when they are updated.

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In-reply-to » @lyse Lack of comments are definitely a shortcoming of JSON. I don't like TOML because it lets you have nested categories ([foo] [foo.bar] [foo.baz]) and it just feels confusing to me, even with indentation. Simple INI files are okay.

@mckinley@twtxt.net Don’t forget the syntax for arrays of sets [[foo.bars]] [[foo.bars]] [[foo.bars]]

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In-reply-to » Question of the day: What configuration file formats do you all like and use?

@lyse@lyse.isobeef.org Regarding YAML’s readability, I miss the - for list items constantly when reading YAML files. I’ll get confused because I think I’m not in a list or I’m in the previous list item, then I have to go back. List items are all on the same indentation column and one tiny character is the only thing defining a new one. I don’t know if others have this problem.

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In-reply-to » @lyse Lack of comments are definitely a shortcoming of JSON. I don't like TOML because it lets you have nested categories ([foo] [foo.bar] [foo.baz]) and it just feels confusing to me, even with indentation. Simple INI files are okay.

I spent hours creating a perfect Prosody config for my most recent XMPP server attempt (about 2-3 years ago now) and I lost that file because I deleted the VPS. That was the only important file on there and I just didn’t think of it when I deleted it. I didn’t have a single backup, not even an old copy I scped back to my PC for editing.

I hope I won’t make that mistake again but I wouldn’t be surprised if I did.

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In-reply-to » Question of the day: What configuration file formats do you all like and use?

@lyse@lyse.isobeef.org Lack of comments are definitely a shortcoming of JSON. I don’t like TOML because it lets you have nested categories ([foo] [foo.bar] [foo.baz]) and it just feels confusing to me, even with indentation. Simple INI files are okay.

The Prosody XMPP server’s configuration file is just a Lua script because Prosody is written in Lua, and that’s excellent.

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Asked an “AI Assistant” (Perplexity) to summarize my introduction of my homepage and then I asked it to give me some book recommendations I might like, and the thing actually nailed it.

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In-reply-to » @prologic High five, I’m “generation Java” as well! 😂 There were some leftovers of C++, we used that in the computer graphics courses in Uni a lot. But pretty much anything else that involved programming was Java.

@movq@www.uninformativ.de Haha! yeah sounds about like my HS CS program. A math teacher taught visual basic and pascal. and over on the other end of the school we had “electronics” which was a room next to the auto body class where they had a bunch of random computer parts scavenged from the district decommissioned surplus storage.

The advanced class would piece together training kits for the basic class to put together.

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Today in NW Minnesota, its 52 degrees. In February. We are on track for the warmest winter on record. Its been disappointing not to be able to avail ourselves of all the winter activities and outdoor sports we typically enjoy. Instead, I am worrying about deer ticks in February. Wtf.
Next week with temps that could reach the 60s, I will probably get a jump on spring cleanup (which usually happens here in May), with the lawn tractor.

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In-reply-to » It would be nice to be able to mute/block entire domains, at the user level. Say, I don't want to see any "cyberlandia.pt" related twtxts while peeking at "Discover" or anywhere else, then I simply add that domain to my "Block list".

While talking about features, I am sure “Search” remains an unused feature mostly because of its lacklustre.

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In-reply-to » I keep muting accounts here (twtxt.net), and they keep popping back on after some time. It is nuts. :-(

It would be nice to be able to mute/block entire domains, at the user level. Say, I don’t want to see any “cyberlandia.pt” related twtxts while peeking at “Discover” or anywhere else, then I simply add that domain to my “Block list”.

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In-reply-to » I finally found the NASM assembler.

I finished my data structures classes with C++ and the next year they changed it out with Java. When i transferred up after my assoc degree it was C++ using the counter-strike source game engine.

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Descobri uma data de erros passados nos logs do @PureDeNoticias e ao tratar deles, lembrei-me de juntar as minhas manchetes preferidas sobre os Bombeiros de Valença

Por alguma razão hå feeds que não atualizam regularmente e por isso começam a aparecer memes espontùneos à volta do mesmo tema, daí que não hå grande pressa em tentar rectificar o que quer que seja


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In-reply-to » Go 1.22.0 introduces a new experiment for range functions. Have you tried them out? What do you think it can make easier to accomplish?

Things can get very interesting when we add the iter.Pull function in the mix. It works like pythons yield from.

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In-reply-to » @mckinley absolute rubbish.

  • (3) Does Nostr require clients to download much more data than, say, Twitter? I can see it being a little more because of signatures, etc. However, text compresses well and clients should cache previous posts, anyway.

  • (4) NIP-96 does HTTP file upload, XMPP style. There are some other advanced features like tipping on posts, custom emojis, and at least three conventions for selling goods and services.

Of course, not everything is available with every client and some of the specs are still being worked out. It looks promising to me, though. I like its distributed model with dumb servers and smart clients. The software will get better over time.

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In-reply-to » @mckinley absolute rubbish.

All three of your points on usability are definitely true, especially #3. I haven’t been able to find a good TUI client.

Regarding the technical points, it seems like there are mechanisms to address each of them. Please tell me if I’m wrong on any one of these. I have only been learning about Nostr for a short time.

  1. Relays aren’t a single point of failure because a user can (and should) post to many of them. The attacker in a censorship or sabotage scenario would have to take down every one of your relays at once. If they were taken down gradually, you could replace the bad relay with a new one and advertise that one on all the other relays your followers already use. It’s much more resilient compared to twtxt.

  2. Every event contains a signature from your private key, so it’s hard to spoof. NIP-10 provides a method for marking a note as a reply to another note.

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In-reply-to » Go 1.22.0 introduces a new experiment for range functions. Have you tried them out? What do you think it can make easier to accomplish?

The range function can signal when to stop running by returning false from the yield function.

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In-reply-to » @mckinley absolute rubbish.

@mckinley@twtxt.net a few points:


  1. Single point of failure: Relays, though decentralised, could be targeted for censorship or sabotage.
  2. Message integrity: Messages are not inherently linked, raising concerns about spoofing and manipulation.
  3. Data storage: Clients may need to download large amounts of data, especially historical messages, impacting performance.
  4. Limited functionality: Currently focuses on text-based communication, lacking media sharing or advanced features.


  1. Steep learning curve: It is still young and requires technical knowledge for setup and use.
  2. Limited user base: Finding an active community and familiar faces can be challenging.
  3. Unintuitive interfaces: Client applications may not be as user-friendly as established platforms.

Also, full of crypto bros, crypto bros wanna be, and, well, worthless crypto (mixed with some porn, nazi crap, etc.). But go ahead, go through the same phases I went (I even ran my own relay), and see it for yourself. :-)

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In-reply-to » QOTD: What are your thoughts on nostr?

Something I’ve noticed about the Nostr people is that they aren’t the same as the software minimalism people. It seems like it’s all JavaScript, Go, and Rust with dependency counts in the hundreds.

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In-reply-to » QOTD: What are your thoughts on nostr?


I fear it’s a rather complicated protocol.

The core protocol looks very simple but I’m sure you can get in the weeds with extensions.

you can’t really change your keys without losing your identity

I think you’re right but that seems reasonable to me. Your public key is your identity, similar to certain cryptocurrencies or Tor hidden services. Why would you want to change your key without changing your identity?

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