@lyse@lyse.isobeef.org that’s the driveway ramp for the house next door. :-)
@bender@twtxt.net July, 2019
@bender@twtxt.net There’s a lot of unused space left on the house!
Hm, does your implementation works not with txt-only? I’m tried to write own but didnt test it: https://paste.ee/p/CopOR
@bender@twtxt.net Fareek that’s nice!!! 😱
@aelaraji@aelaraji.com Can you walk me through your testing process here and share example links etc? 🙏
@bender@twtxt.net I wonder where that dude who was hosting his twtxt feed in a google drive go? 😆 that was hilarious!!
@sorenpeter@darch.dk Noice!! just gave a try… and it’s looking way better! -not that the old format was bad, it’s just that this one is looking more readable-
@johan@johanbove.info and a running web server (or Gemini, Gopher, though those might not work for everyone).
I don’t think a domain name is needed, but a public IP address.
Someone in the neighbourhood is ready!
Did I write here already that the reason why I love Twtxt so much is that it works without having to compile, install anything extra. Just the bin applications that come with 95% of all operating systems and you’re good to read and participate, giving you have a domain name somewhere to host the twtxt.txt file.
@aelaraji@aelaraji.com https://github.com/sorenpeter/timeline/commit/555baefcd0e75e6a281472994e8eb7ae9b5d2a1c
First Advent of Code visualization this year:
It’s for day 8. Don’t look if you don’t want to get spoiled. If you don’t know the puzzle, you’ll hardly understand what this is doing – but it’s fancy and colorful and fun to look at, right? 😅
This is Java 1 (AWT) running on a Pentium 133 on OS/2 Warp 4.
@sorenpeter@darch.dk@darch.dk Nice! 👍
Wow, it seem my #Webmentions implementation works from Mastodon via brid.gy
@prologic@twtxt.net It’s always been crazy to watch, yeah. 😅 And kind of frustrating, actually. Without any kind of ranking, this whole thing would be much more relaxed. ✌️
@movq@www.uninformativ.de That’s really disappointing 😢 Even before so-called “AI” (Artificial Incompetence) became “more of a thing” I was always astounded at how quick some of the solutions were coming out! 🤣
So, AI cheaters have ruined the global Advent of Code leaderboard:
And they don’t even try to hide it anymore.
At this point, any kind of speed contest or ranking has become meaningless. Seeing this kind of behavior is sad and probably unavoidable, because there will always be a few who spoil things for everyone.
The only way going forward, I can think of, is to remove the global ranking and just have private leaderboards. Basically what these two people have said:
- https://old.reddit.com/r/adventofcode/comments/1h9cub8/discussion_on_llm_cheaters/m0zzfb1/
- https://old.reddit.com/r/adventofcode/comments/1h9cub8/discussion_on_llm_cheaters/m0zyswh/
Cheaters won’t get public attention anymore. AoC won’t be “officially” ruined by cheaters anymore. If you want to do a speed contest, you can still do that in private leaderboards.
(Honestly, I’d prefer it if AoC didn’t have any kind of ranking anyway. I’m not really fast enough to compete, but it’s always at the back of my head. And last year I made rank 116 once, so it’s not completely impossible. All this creates a lot of pressure that I have to fight and try to ignore. 🤣)
Over the holiday break I was looking at one of my old projects, µLinux. Turns out I did a fine job realy and have decided to revive the project 🥳 – Just getting the build/tests woring on my Mac Studio (Apple Silicon). Check it out! 👌
Was just catching up on all the LinkedIN garbage that is well umm garbage 🗑️ One was from a candidate I interviewed, so I had to reply to that 😅 – Anyway…. Saw this random post in my “notifications”:
How do land that job with a Unicorn
First off, you’ll have to define what da fuq a “Unicorn” is! 🤣 My understanding a Unicorn is a mythical creature with a horn on its head and wings 🪽 🤦♂️
@bender@twtxt.net Already planning on going back to the same place again next year 🤣
@prologic@twtxt.net “no show, however good, could conceivably be good for ever.” ☺️
No worries, holidays will be back again sooner than you think.
Poo holiday is over 😢
@movq@www.uninformativ.de Hahaha! I find it funny what brain autocorrects can come up with. :-)
“A minimalist social network powered by plain text files”
My brain keeps shortening this to “a socialist network …” and then jumps to “uhh, large parts of the US won’t like this” … 🤦🤪
@bender@twtxt.net I reviewed my solution and it’s pretty much spot on! 🤣 the order of magnitude performance is anywhere between 1-10ms
@prologic@twtxt.net I wouldn’t know! :-)
@bender@twtxt.net I currently use the mixstral and codeastral models. Both open source and run just fine on my personal machines.
@bender@twtxt.net are one of my assumptions off?
@sorenpeter@darch.dk@darch.dk It is actually allowed though 🤣
@johanbove@johanbove.info You are also welcome to use and/or borrow from twtxt2html 👌
Added TwtHash hashes to every message on my personal Twtxt HTML renderer. Code is not yet ready for prime-time. Need to work out some kinks still.
@discoverbsdthebsdcommunitylinklog@feeds.twtxt.net This is interesting. Not giving up on #FreeBSD #jails yet but definitely have to give this a try; and if my #podman workflow goes as smooth as it does on #Linux I might just end up installing FreeBSD on the #RaspberryPi too! 🥳
although the only #Go things I’m running in there are a WriteFreely blog and the Saltyd #SaltyIM broker … each running in separate #FreeBSD #jail, those are still running the 14.1-Release (at the moment) anyways.
Upgrading my FreeBSD box to 14.2-RELEASE … I may have read something about some-Go-thing breaking but 🤞
@eapl@eapl.mx if your point is to state that the extension is redundant, why “twt.txt”, and not “twtxt”?
files should be named tw.txt
yep, my point is that the txt part is redundant for twtxt
Also a .txt file could be in any format, for example those plans from John Carmak are stored now as .txt -> https://github.com/ESWAT/john-carmack-plan-archive/blob/master/by_day/johnc_plan_19960218.txt
Although being named .plan was expected for them to work, if I recall correctly -> http://www.catb.org/jargon/html/P/plan-file.html
files should be named tw.txt
good luck with the doughnut on a stick in a URL
files should be named tw.txt
You can call it whatever you want, that’s the beauty of it. There is no need to set a “standard” for this. To prove it, I will setup one feed, and name the file “sørenpeter.txt”. 🤭
files should be named tw.txt
or timeline.txt ;)
Less than 30 minutes for Path of Exile II, and the queue of players waiting for the servers to open the gates is now at 22,525. More than 1 million have purchased the early access to the game. It is going to be a rough ride!
[lang=en] Random idea: twtxt.txt
files should be named tw.txt
test post EDIT
@wbknl@twtxt.net “The shocking untold story of the elite secret society of hackers fighting to protect our freedom – “a hugely important piece of the puzzle for anyone who wants to understand the forces shaping the internet age.” – which edition?
@prologic@twtxt.net 6ms, so extremely slow! :-P
Reading “Cult of the Dead Cow”, by Joseph Menn
- Page size 1MB
- Median 50 pages per query
- 80% pages cached
- 200us SSD reads
- 100us Memory reads
- Query time:
- (50x0.80x100)+(50x0.20x200) = 6,000
- 6000us
- 6ms
- (50x0.80x100)+(50x0.20x200) = 6,000