
The potato shed is fully insect proof and the tender leaves are untouched and uneaten by beetles.
Great idea, will we get potatoes and can I grow them all year roundā€¦ Have to wait and seeā€¦. More larger shade houses to build to keep the beetles out.

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In-reply-to » 35Ā°C and rising ā€¦ can haz winter? Haha, great! :-)

Just returned from an evening walk. We met a young slow worm, a bunch of small frogs, about the width of a pointing finger and a bucket load of sweat. Itā€™s bloody hot and humid. Also, heaps of ripped trash bags in the forest and lake. :-( No photos, it was too exhausting to even carry my pocket camera.

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In-reply-to » This tool, using age is pretty neat: So simple, yet seemingly powerful! agevault uses age, allegedly very secure (aiming to replace pgp/gpg). Comparing it with gocryptfs, from the user perspective, agevault seems simpler, though CLI exclusive. As the repository states, ā€œLike age, it features no config options, allowing for a straightforward secure flowā€. It would also run in all major OS platforms out of the box.

But agevault is also very new. Though age has been around for a while now, I donā€™t see an ā€œauditedā€ link (neither on agevault, nor age).

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In-reply-to » I'm SO enjoying the new jenny --fetch-context šŸ˜ Yep, I like it as well. šŸ˜…

Thereā€™s another situation that Iā€™m not quite happy with.

Suppose thereā€™s a twt like this:

2024-08-28T19:57:58Z    <a href="">@person_a<em></em></a> <a href="">@person_b<em>@a.b.c</em></a> Hey! šŸ‘‹

Thereā€™s no hash, so --fetch-context wonā€™t do anything at the moment.

Option A: jenny asks interactively to fetch those feeds once.

No thread hash found
Do you want to fetch the entire feed [Y/n] y
Do you want to fetch the entire feed gemini://a.b.c/tw.txt? [Y/n] n

(Bonus points for skipping feeds that you already follow.)

Option B: There could be an external/third-party tool that scans a twt for all mentions and asks the user if they want to follow them (permanently). Why an external tool? The thing is, the follow file has been completely user-managed so far and I kind of want to keep it that way. And if this is an external tool, then users can do all kinds of fancy stuff, like using fzf or whatever. Or it could allow the user to preview the feed before following it. I donā€™t want to have stuff like that in the core program, it depends too much on usersā€™ preferences.

To ā€œimplementā€ option B, Iā€™d only add some hints to the docs, maybe an example.

I think Iā€™m leaning towards option B at the moment. šŸ¤”

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In-reply-to » Falling satellite will give clues to how objects burn up on re-entry A chance to observe the high-speed re-entry of a falling satellite will give researchers important insights on how debris burns up in our atmosphere āŒ˜ Read more their main question is worrisome:

ā€œThe main question is, does it disappear during this re-entry?ā€ says Lƶhle. ā€œIs everything evaporating, or are there pieces that eventually impact on the ground?ā€

He expects some parts, such as the satelliteā€™s fuel tanks, to survive. ā€œYou could learn from the re-entry that if you build a fuel tank differently, it can break up,ā€ he says.

Archived article at:

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In-reply-to » Uggh it's 33C right now and 60% humidity šŸ„µ The equator is your enemy. Stay away from it, as far as you can! šŸ˜±

(I just looked it up, your ā€œwinterā€ is barely cooler than our ā€œsummerā€, according to those fancy climate diagrams and my rough understanding of them. šŸ˜…)

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Vu le Comte de Monte Cristo hier soir, avec le brillant Pierre Ninet. Je nā€™ai pas vu les 3h passer, ce film est une oeuvre dā€™art. Il y a un peu de tous les genres, les acteurs sont excellents et je parie que certains jeunes seront revus bientĆ“t. Bravo! Nā€™hĆ©sitez pas Ć  aller le voir si ce nā€™est pas dĆ©jĆ  fait

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In-reply-to » 35Ā°C and rising ā€¦ can haz winter? wow! We are ā€œluckyā€ today, only 27Ā°C here, 87% humidity, overcast, and raining sporadically. Thanks to the rain our temperatures arenā€™t high, but muggy nevertheless. I am ready for our winter too, you know, that whole week. LOL.

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