In-reply-to » @prologic @movq my setup is pretty old-school tw.txt hosting-wise. just a text file and a very simple static bridge for pikkulog-style subscribers on gemini. i do try to keep up on the twtxt format spec so i'm publishing a modern and well-formed feed. my dual-hosted website/gemcapsule is meant to eventually be entirely bespoke (my friend wrote the gemini server i'm using, so that counts enough for now) and i'd like to eventually support some of the server extensions that yarn has piloted. follow-wise, rn i kinda just manually try to pick up on who is following me by browsing random feeds. my custom clients usually do a FoaF crawl, but i don't have anything that really works running rn. Ah, thanks for reporting back! Okay, so you’re basically manually “crawling” feeds right now. 🤔 What do you think about the idea of adding something like # follow_notify = gemini://foo/bar to your feed’s metadata, so that clients who follow you can ping that URL every now and then? How would you even notice that, do you regularly read your gemini logs? 🤔

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In-reply-to » Interesting read about the Windows 95 bluescreen by Raymond Chen:

And the bonus read is also interesting:

Confession: I completely forgot that Alt+Tab existed in text mode. 🤦 It’s not even a hidden feature, it’s advertised right when you start a fullscreen dos box. Well, Alt+Tab wasn’t a thing I did regularly anyway – it was usually Ctrl+Esc to open the window list (which also worked in OS/2). 🤔 I think I only started using Alt+Tab when Windows 95 removed Ctrl+Esc (because it had no use anymore, it essentially got replaced by the tasklist).

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Introduction to JuiceFS | JuiceFS Document Center – Thinking about using JuiceFS to solve a long-running problem I’ve always had.

  • Be able to run services on any node in my cluster and let Docker Swarm pick whatever node it likes (instead of now where I have to pin some workloads to specific nodes, as that’s where their local storage volume is)
  • Manage the scalability of data and growth over time instead of what I do now which is to extend EXT4 filesystems on my Docker Swarm nodes every few years.

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In-reply-to » I figure most of you might have seeing this, but nevertheless: is awesome!

I understand now. I figured it would be something like this, because zooming in on pixelated fonts makes them “blocky”, and overall unreadable.

We sure have come a long way to make things better for people with far from perfect vision. It also makes me appreciate the vision I have.

Which font do you use at the Terminal?

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In-reply-to » I figure most of you might have seeing this, but nevertheless: is awesome!

Fonts for me have to be crisp, sharp, without any crooked edges or boxed shapes. It has to be crisp and sharp at all zoom levels!

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In-reply-to » I figure most of you might have seeing this, but nevertheless: is awesome! That’s just it, “pixelated” fonts are rubbish! 🤣 Imagine being blind for a moment, how well do you think you could read any of the text? 😅 I can’t even read it zoomed in! LOL 😝

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In-reply-to » Google's James Manyika: 'The Productivity Gains From AI Are Not Guaranteed' Google executive James Manyika has warned that AI's impact on productivity is not guaranteed [Editor's note: the link may be paywalled], despite predictions of trillion-dollar economic potential. From the report: "Right now, everyone from my old colleagues at McKinsey Global Institute to Goldman Sachs are putting out these extra ... ⌘ Read more

anything with McKinsey on it just means finding reasons to fire staff.

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In-reply-to » Google's James Manyika: 'The Productivity Gains From AI Are Not Guaranteed' Google executive James Manyika has warned that AI's impact on productivity is not guaranteed [Editor's note: the link may be paywalled], despite predictions of trillion-dollar economic potential. From the report: "Right now, everyone from my old colleagues at McKinsey Global Institute to Goldman Sachs are putting out these extra ... ⌘ Read more AI not living up to its hype?! Shock! Horror! 😱🤣 #AI

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In-reply-to » Anyone had any intereractions with @cuaxolotl yet? Or are they using a client that doesn't know how to detect clients following them properly? Hmmm 🧐 my setup is pretty old-school tw.txt hosting-wise. just a text file and a very simple static bridge for pikkulog-style subscribers on gemini. i do try to keep up on the twtxt format spec so i’m publishing a modern and well-formed feed. my dual-hosted website/gemcapsule is meant to eventually be entirely bespoke (my friend wrote the gemini server i’m using, so that counts enough for now) and i’d like to eventually support some of the server extensions that yarn has piloted. follow-wise, rn i kinda just manually try to pick up on who is following me by browsing random feeds. my custom clients usually do a FoaF crawl, but i don’t have anything that really works running rn.

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Google’s James Manyika: ‘The Productivity Gains From AI Are Not Guaranteed’
Google executive James Manyika has warned that AI’s impact on productivity is not guaranteed [Editor’s note: the link may be paywalled], despite predictions of trillion-dollar economic potential. From the report: “Right now, everyone from my old colleagues at McKinsey Global Institute to Goldman Sachs are putting out these extra … ⌘ Read more

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In-reply-to » I'm out of shape. I decided to walk up the local mountain to watch the sunset, but I arrived five minutes late, even though I sped up at the end. Should have started my journey ten or fifteen minutes earlier. I saw the setting sun at foot, but the photos were total disasters. Right, not looking forward to disease-spreading mozzies and critters like that. We must become’s neighbors. :-)

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In-reply-to » I'm out of shape. I decided to walk up the local mountain to watch the sunset, but I arrived five minutes late, even though I sped up at the end. Should have started my journey ten or fifteen minutes earlier. I saw the setting sun at foot, but the photos were total disasters.

But maybe with the climate getting hotter and hotter, they migrate north to me, too.

And a lot of other nasty stuff with it, bugs, spiders, you name it. Didn’t we migrate all this way up north to be free from such Ungeziefer? 😅

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There was a time when WebKit (I think it was WebKit) stored metadata of downloads in extended attributes. Like the URL you were downloading it from.

This was really useful. 🤔 Chromium also did it for a while and then they removed it due to privacy concerns. Now none of the popular browsers do it anymore. 🫤

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In-reply-to » @prologic There’s another thing to consider: I have a feeling that (some/most/many?) Gopher/Gemini users wouldn’t even want that. I’ve heard them say a couple of times: “If you follow me, just drop me an e-mail.” 🤔 I don’t know if this is a widespread opinion or not, but I do feel the need to first gather some feedback from them, before we start drafting a spec. 😅

Good points 🙇‍♂️

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In-reply-to » I'm out of shape. I decided to walk up the local mountain to watch the sunset, but I arrived five minutes late, even though I sped up at the end. Should have started my journey ten or fifteen minutes earlier. I saw the setting sun at foot, but the photos were total disasters.

Turns out, there are seven species in Germany (two of them being venomous), but in my wider area there seem to be just the two: Probably just even one, the common European adder is more to the south, just like I thought. But maybe with the climate getting hotter and hotter, they migrate north to me, too.

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In-reply-to » @prologic There’s another thing to consider: I have a feeling that (some/most/many?) Gopher/Gemini users wouldn’t even want that. I’ve heard them say a couple of times: “If you follow me, just drop me an e-mail.” 🤔 I don’t know if this is a widespread opinion or not, but I do feel the need to first gather some feedback from them, before we start drafting a spec. 😅 That’s a very good approach. I have the feeling that requirements engineering seems to be getting more and more a forgotten art these days.

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In-reply-to » Anyone had any intereractions with @cuaxolotl yet? Or are they using a client that doesn't know how to detect clients following them properly? Hmmm 🧐 There’s another thing to consider: I have a feeling that (some/most/many?) Gopher/Gemini users wouldn’t even want that. I’ve heard them say a couple of times: “If you follow me, just drop me an e-mail.” 🤔 I don’t know if this is a widespread opinion or not, but I do feel the need to first gather some feedback from them, before we start drafting a spec. 😅

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In-reply-to » Anyone had any intereractions with @cuaxolotl yet? Or are they using a client that doesn't know how to detect clients following them properly? Hmmm 🧐 Yeah your original idea of precent encoding some information about the new follower is probably what we need to think about more. I think it’ll also work for Gopher/Gemini folk too right? So essentially new metadata key (optional) with some spec for encoding information about the new follower if either a) You don’t implement the User-Agent part of the spec or extensions or b)You use a protocol that makes this impossible.

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