In-reply-to » @prologic Yep, broken hashes. I just fixed them after refollowing on the new URL (my client doesn't know metadata fields).

But I forgot to update the mentions. Oh well. I donā€™t bother breaking hashes once more, so I just leave it at that. :-)

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In-reply-to » @lyse @prologic Sorry, I have hardly slept last night. šŸ˜… I probably didnā€™t chose the best words to describe this. šŸ„“

(Letā€™s not rush things, obviously. Such a change would have to be well thought through and actually be worth it. Itā€™s not like the current state of Yarn/twtxt is completely unusable.)

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In-reply-to » @movq It sounds complicated. After reading it only twice, I haven't gotten it. :-D Sorry, I have hardly slept last night. šŸ˜… I probably didnā€™t chose the best words to describe this. šŸ„“

Yes, Iā€™m all for dedicated message IDs. That would be a whole new format then. But I would be fine with it.

Honestly, me too. When Yarn originally showed up, I was concerned that it would extend twtxt in dramatically incompatible ways or, worse, change it in a way so that you needed server software. šŸ˜… The latter would have ruined it for me. A major reason why I still use twtxt/Yarn is that itā€™s still just a file you put somewhere. If there was the need to run a daemon, Iā€™d give up and just use some ActivityPub thingy instead.

What I did not expect, however, was that the original twtxt itself would just ā€¦ die. There has been no development in the original software anymore and virtually all the original feeds are dead. Some feeds are left, but theyā€™re just used as an alternative to Atom/RSS for some blogs. I donā€™t know what happened behind the scenes that killed off twtxt (I have a few guesses, though), but the sad truth is that itā€™s gone.

So, yeah, maybe this gives us the freedom now to break with the original twtxt spec (if needed) and come up with a format that fixes the issues weā€™re seeing.

(Oh god. Are we re-inventing Usenet then? Again? šŸ˜‚)

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In-reply-to » All this hash breakage made me wonder if we should try to introduce ā€œmessage IDsā€ after all. šŸ˜…

After unfollowing and refollowing on the new feed URL, Iā€™m now 100% certain this is what happened for šŸ¤£ The real problem is really this:

How do we identify a feed?

It cannot be the URL, because the author could change where they serve it from. This was as ā€œgoodā€ as we could get it, but time and time again this has proven to be problematic for, well, a few folks that change their mind, which frankly should be allowed šŸ˜…

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In-reply-to » All this hash breakage made me wonder if we should try to introduce ā€œmessage IDsā€ after all. šŸ˜…

For supporting edits, I was thinking more along the lines of: If a client edits a Twt already published, it should put the hash of the previous Twt. Something like:

2024-09-05T13:37:40+00:00   (edit:mp6ox4a) Hello world!

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In-reply-to » All this hash breakage made me wonder if we should try to introduce ā€œmessage IDsā€ after all. šŸ˜…

To be honest, I donā€™t really see ā€œeditingā€ as a problem. I see that as a natural behavior of ā€œforkingā€ in the first place, that just forms a. new sub-tree. Whatā€™s really problematic here is when a feed author changes the ā€œidentityā€ of their feed and changes the # url = metadata field, which is what I believe has just done, though Iā€™m not 100% certain, Iā€™m like 98% sure haha šŸ˜

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In-reply-to » All this hash breakage made me wonder if we should try to introduce ā€œmessage IDsā€ after all. šŸ˜… It sounds complicated. After reading it only twice, I havenā€™t gotten it. :-D

Yes, Iā€™m all for dedicated message IDs. That would be a whole new format then. But I would be fine with it. The only thing is that all our clients have to be touched. At the moment, I do not worry about spoofing (however, I definitely should).

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All this hash breakage made me wonder if we should try to introduce ā€œmessage IDsā€ after all. šŸ˜…

But the great thing about the current system is that nobody can spoof message IDs. šŸ¤” When you think about it, message IDs in e-mails only work because (almost) everybody plays fair. Nothing stops me from using the same Message-ID header in each and every mail, that would break e-mail threading all the time.

In Yarn, twt hashes are derived from twt content and feed metadata. That is pretty elegant and Iā€™d hate see us lose that property.

If we wanted to allow editing twts, we could do something like this:

2024-09-05T13:37:40+00:00   (~mp6ox4a) Hello world!

Here, mp6ox4a would be a ā€œpartial hashā€: To get the actual hash of this twt, youā€™d concatenate the feedā€™s URL and mp6ox4a and get, say, hlnw5ha. (Pretty similar to the current system.) When people reply to this twt, they would have to do this:

2024-09-05T14:57:14+00:00	(~bpt74ka) (<a href="">#hlnw5ha</a>) Yes, hello!

That second twt has a partial hash of bpt74ka and is a reply to the full hash hlnw5ha. The author of the ā€œHello world!ā€ twt could then edit their twt and change it to 2024-09-05T13:37:40+00:00 (~mp6ox4a) Hello friends! or whatever. Threading wouldnā€™t break.

Would this be worth it? Itā€™s certainly not backwards-compatible. šŸ˜‚

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In-reply-to » Spent the day performing backups (hadn't done it in a while šŸ˜±) and wrote a full backup definition internal document that defines my backup process, scope, security, frequency, backup locations, capacity and backup and restoration procedures. Very happy with the doc and the updated (now fully documented) plan and scheduled backup frequency (once per month, which I'll put into my calendar as it's done by hand for now, with tools). So far backing up ~410GB out of a possible ~12.8TB worth of data in two locations -- I deliberately don't backup everything as much of the data can be re-created (music, videos, tv shows, etc). #Backups #Data

Offline backups currently cost me around ~$2.00 AUD per month.

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Spent the day performing backups (hadnā€™t done it in a while šŸ˜±) and wrote a full backup definition internal document that defines my backup process, scope, security, frequency, backup locations, capacity and backup and restoration procedures. Very happy with the doc and the updated (now fully documented) plan and scheduled backup frequency (once per month, which Iā€™ll put into my calendar as itā€™s done by hand for now, with tools). So far backing up ~410GB out of a possible ~12.8TB worth of data in two locations ā€“ I deliberately donā€™t backup everything as much of the data can be re-created (music, videos, tv shows, etc). #Backups #Data

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Swa this pop up in my Github news feed today šŸ¤”


Which links to

A Go (golang) library for interacting with the API.

So I got curious and had a peek šŸ‘€

Letā€™s fund the Fediverse

Posting or hosting on the open social networks no longer means you have to do it for free. Developer Preview now available.

And further down:

Monetize your feeds

If you post quality content and youā€™ve developed a loyal audience, you should be able to ask your most passionate followers to support you with a premium subscription.

Thatā€™s a promise not available on the Fediverse ā€¦until now.

Hmmm šŸ¤”

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In-reply-to » Telegram Disables 'Misused' Features As CEO Faces Criminal Charges Following the arrest of its CEO Pavel Durov last month, the encrypted messaging service said it has disabled some "outdated" and "misused" features used by anonymous users. The Verge reports: The first changes to the app following his arrest in France last month affect its built-in blog posts and a "People Nearby" location-based feature. [...] ... āŒ˜ Read more I can only see a mass exodus of uses fleeing telegram as the service becomes less secure or less privacy focused and basically more shit.

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In-reply-to » PwC 'Tipping the Balance' of Hybrid Working and Will Start Tracking Its Workers' Locations PwC has demanded staff spend less time working from home -- and it's going to start tracking their location to ensure they comply. From a report: The accountancy firm informed its 26,000 U.K. employees in a memo that from January they'll be expected to be at their desks -- or with clients -- at leas ... āŒ˜ Read more

it might have made sense in the days of hose and buggy and smoke signals to centralise everything, but these days we have a globalized interconnected society with fast transport and communications. There is no reason for this model anymore šŸ¤£

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In-reply-to » PwC 'Tipping the Balance' of Hybrid Working and Will Start Tracking Its Workers' Locations PwC has demanded staff spend less time working from home -- and it's going to start tracking their location to ensure they comply. From a report: The accountancy firm informed its 26,000 U.K. employees in a memo that from January they'll be expected to be at their desks -- or with clients -- at leas ... āŒ˜ Read more Can we please stop this whole ā€œBack to the Officeā€ garbage nonsense?! šŸ˜± If a job does not require the physical presence of a person(s) to perform their role, or they are not ā€œcustomer facingā€ or in a job thatā€™s required to ā€œserve the publicā€, letā€™s just stop this utter nonsense. As much as I want my shares in Cromwell to go up, I really donā€™t care. Let the corporate office buildings burn to the ground for all I care, turn them into cheap housing estates or apartments. Why we ever thought centralizing in once place to live and work is beyond me šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø

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In-reply-to » maybe i'm overly restrained when it comes to making changes in a codebase, but i do a lot of the work in my head before committing to code. No youā€™re not the only one. I do this too, I often think about a problem in my head, even imagine the code, sometimes for weeks, hell even months, before I even write a line of code šŸ§‘ā€šŸ’»

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Telegram Disables ā€˜Misusedā€™ Features As CEO Faces Criminal Charges
Following the arrest of its CEO Pavel Durov last month, the encrypted messaging service said it has disabled some ā€œoutdatedā€ and ā€œmisusedā€ features used by anonymous users. The Verge reports: The first changes to the app following his arrest in France last month affect its built-in blog posts and a ā€œPeople Nearbyā€ location-based feature. [ā€¦] ā€¦ āŒ˜ Read more

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Je cherche un espace oĆ¹ publier une sorte de blog. Juste du texte. Un truc comme faisait ou, mais qui accepte les nouvelles inscriptions. Vous auriez des suggestions? #smolweb

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PwC ā€˜Tipping the Balanceā€™ of Hybrid Working and Will Start Tracking Its Workersā€™ Locations
PwC has demanded staff spend less time working from home ā€“ and itā€™s going to start tracking their location to ensure they comply. From a report: The accountancy firm informed its 26,000 U.K. employees in a memo that from January theyā€™ll be expected to be at their desks ā€“ or with clients ā€“ at leas ā€¦ āŒ˜ Read more

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In-reply-to » It would be even funnier if @bender didn't have a Sendgrid account in the first place. Good catch! funny that you mention it. Sendgrid, for better or worse, cancels your account after X amount of inactivity. It does it in such way you canā€™t reopen it, you must create a new one. So, I logged in on the account, but really couldnā€™t do anything. Such predicament would have awaited for the would be phishers as well. So, you see, they were pre-destined to failure without even knowing it. LOL.

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In-reply-to » When we passed a few horses in the forest, there was really strong soup odor in the air. It didn't smell like horse at all, but soup. Maybe they've been soup horses, chickens were out of stock. Tomorrow is getting hot again and then we might be lucky in that the summer is over.

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This happened yesterday:

Screenshot of an email, allegedly from Sendgrid

Screenshot of an email, allegedly from Sendgrid

The first give away is the sender, Not Sengrid. Now, check the URL on the link provided to check the account activity:

I was curious, so I follow it on my dedicated VM for these kind of things. It took me to a page looking exactly like a Sendgrid login, with a URL. Upon entering, as username, and yourfathersmellsofelderberries as password, it sent me to

It was well done. This morning the same link renders a blank page with a ā€œNot foundā€ link that takes you to a 404. Hmmā€¦

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