Seraphis Wallet Workgroup meeting scheduled for 1 July 2024 1800 UTC
The next Seraphis Wallet Workgroup 1 meeting is scheduled to take place on Monday, July 1 2024 at 18:00 UTC, in the IRC/Libera #no-wallet-left-behind 2 channel and the bridged Matrix room3.

Consult the project’s wiki4 page to learn more about Seraphis, Jamtis, and wallet3.

Logs for the previous meeting are available on Monero Observer5.

_This is an ongoing story and the report … ⌘ Read more

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nahuhh releases ‘basicswap-bash’ v0.13.4
nahuhh (ofrnxmr)1 has released basicswap-bash 2 version 0.13.4-master3:

A suite of bash scripts to install and manage BasicSwapDEX on Windows(WSL)/Debian/Ubuntu/Arch/Fedora

Installation instructions are available on the Github release page3.

It is worth mentioning that ofrnxmr’s BasicSwapDex CCS proposal4 is still open and looking for feedback and support.

_Note: it is recommended to inspect the source code[5](# … ⌘ Read more

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jeffro256, rottenwheel CCS proposals ready for funding
Two CCS proposals have been moved to the funding stage and are now looking for community support:

  • jeffro256’s !4671: full-time development 2024Q3 2
  • rottenwheel’s !4663: Revuo Monero maintenance (2024 Q3) 4

To support the above proposals you can donate to the XMR addresses listed on the Funding Required 5 page.

  1. [ … ⌘ Read more

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Mozilla acquires ad analytics company, for some reason
One of my biggest concerns regarding the state of the web isn’t ads (easily blocked) or machine learning (the legal system isn’t going to be kind to that), but the possible demise of Firefox. I’ve long been worried that with the seemingly never-ending downward marketshare spiral Firefox is in – it’s at like 3% now on desktop, even less on mobile – Mozilla’s pretty much sole source of income will eventually pull the plug, le … ⌘ Read more

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In Windows 3.1 and Windows 95, what is a “grabber”?
Windows 3.0 Enhanced Mode introduced the ability to run MS-DOS programs in a virtual machine. This by itself was already quite an achievement, but it didn’t stop there. It also let you put the MS-DOS session in a window, and run it on the screen along with your other Windows programs. This was crazy. Here’s how it worked. ↫ Raymond Chen When Raymond Chen speaks, we all shut up, listen, and enjoy. ⌘ Read more

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Starliner Faces an Indefinite Wait in Space While NASA Investigates Its Faults
The space agency has pushed back the spacecraft’s return to an unspecified date in July, to give it more time to look into the problems that beset the vehicle on its journey into orbit. ⌘ Read more

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‘We’re failing right now’ in type 2 diabetes, FDA chief says
Elizabeth Cooney,   Cardiovascular Disease Reporter   -  Stat

Stephan: Here is a good news, bad news, report from FDA Commissioner Robert Califf. What also caught my attention is that Commissioner Califf’s testimony also illustrates how wealth and education inequality in the illness profit system contributes to the Great Schism Trend that is making us two different nations.

![](https://www.schwartzreport. … ⌘ Read more

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Trump-aligned nonprofit pays $100k in legal fees for Nevada ‘fake electors’
ELLA LEE ,  Staff Writer  -  The Hill

_Stephan: This story, one of many similar reports, makes it clear there is a nationwide network of MAGAt christofascists who are organized and working together to end American democracy. I hope that all of you who read SR are clear about this. It is the reason that every voter should forget about partisanship and Biden’s age, and vote Democ … ⌘ Read more

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Aquatic Farming Surpasses Fishing for First Time: UN Report
Paige Bennett,  Contributing Writer  -  EcoWatch

Stephan: Here is some semi-good news about Aquatic Farming. Good news because it has helped reduce overfishing which causes the breakdown the oceanic ecosystem. Bad news because how the system works has not been refined to a point where the waste does not cause damage. But, at least, it is moving in the right direction.

![]( … ⌘ Read more

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Wyden wants more Medicaid funding to keep obstetric units open
Jessie Hellmann,  Staff Writer  -  Roll Call

_Stephan: This is how bad the American illness profit system has become. If you live in a rural area, particularly in a state where voters have put Republicans in control, and you are a pregnant woman, even if you want desperately to have a child you may have nowhere close to you to go for OB/GYN care. Why? Because nearly 25 percent of rural hospitals stop … ⌘ Read more

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I recently learned that our Australian Liberal National Party, spent 10’s of thousands of dollars on a campaign involving flyers posted around the suburbs (localities) of our local Greens federal member, Elizabeth Watson Brown. Not only was the material produced by the LNP party, distributed and paid for by the LNP party, full of lies, but they had the audacity to make the “flyers” appear as though they were from the Greens themselves! 🤦‍♂️ wtf?! #Politics #Sucks

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I recently learned that our Australian Liberal National Party, spent 10’s of thousands of dollars on a campaign involving flyers posted around t …
I recently learned that our Australian Liberal National Party, spent 10’s of thousands of dollars on a campaign involving flyers posted around the suburbs ( localities) of our local Greens federal member, Elizabeth Watson Brown. Not only was the material produced by the LNP party, distributed and paid for by the LNP party, full of lies, but they had the audacity to make the “flyers” _appea … ⌘ Read more

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Andrew S. Tanenbaum receives ACM Software System Award
Andrew S. Tanenbaum, professor emeritus of Computer Science at VU Amsterdam, receives the ACM Software System Award for MINIX, which influenced the teaching of Operating Systems principles to multiple generations of students and contributed to the design of widely used operating systems, including Linux. Tanenbaum created MINIX 1.0 in 1987 to accompany his textbook, Operating Systems: Design and Implementation. MINIX was a … ⌘ Read more

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