US Record Labels Sue AI Music Generators Suno and Udio for Copyright Infringement
The Recording Industry Association of America and record labels allege that the leading AI music generators trained on their artists’ work without permission. ⌘ Read more

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萬字解析 mysql innodb 事務實現原理
0 前言近期在持續學習 mysql innodb 底層技術細節相關內容,繼上期鎖原理篇之後,本期我們以 innodb 中的事務實現原理作爲主題,展開交流探討.有關本篇內容的目錄大綱展示如下:| 章節 | 小節 | 備註 || — | — | — || 1 事務基本概念 | 1.1 原子性 Atomicity | 事務原子性的概念;innodb 如何保證原子性 || 1.2 一致性 Co ⌘ Read more

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Rust 如何避免 Box 常見的使用陷阱?
在系統編程的世界裏,有效和安全地管理內存是一個關鍵的挑戰。Rust 以其獨特的內存管理方法脫穎而出,提供了強大的工具來處理這種複雜性。其中一個工具是 BoxT 類型,它以一種與 Rust 的所有權和借用規則無縫集成的方式進行堆分配。本文將深入探討 BoxT 的工作原理、它的優點、在 Rust 編程中的用例以及常見的使用陷阱。理解 BoxTBoxT 類型是 Rust 的智能指針之一,它提供了一種在堆 ⌘ Read more

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Vue 單文件組件 SFC
Vue 單文件組件 (Single File Components, SFC) 是 Vue.js 提供的一種組件格式,允許開發者在一個文件中編寫組件的模板、腳本和樣式。SFC 通常以 .vue 文件爲擴展名。以下是 SFC 的工作原理和其各個部分的詳細解釋:SFC 文件結構一個典型的 Vue SFC 文件包含三個部分:模板 (template):定義組件的 HTML 結構。2. 腳本 (scrip ⌘ Read more

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Editor’s Note — SR Needs Some Help
Stephan A. Schwartz,  Editor  -  Schwartzreport

_Stephan: Readers –

SR needs some help. I have been doing this every day for 33 years without pay, and Beth Alexander, SR’s webmaster, does her part for a fraction of what she ought to be paid. I don’t permit advertising because I don’t have time to research whether an advertiser is a company that fosters wellbeing. So there is no income from that. But doing this is getting difficult. Every aspect of producti … ⌘ Read more

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The Secret IRS Files: Trove of Never-Before-Seen Records Reveal How the Wealthiest Avoid Income Tax
Jesse Eisinger, Jeff Ernsthausen and Paul Kiel,  Senior Editor | Senior Data Reporter | Business and Consumer Finance Reporter  -  ProPublica

_Stephan: If American voters are stupid enough to elect criminal Trump for President, which I hope does not happen, he has promised his uber-rich backers he will lower their taxes and … ⌘ Read more

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Gen Z putting homeownership dreams on hold
Sami Sparber,  Staff Writer  -  Axios

_Stephan: Because of the endless greed of American corporations, the Great Schism Trend, the lack of universal birthright single payer healthcare and the cost of every aspect of healthcare, as well as the grotesque wealth inequality, and what climate change is doing, the culture of the United States is radically changing, and not in a good way. Like many of my friends, I bought my first house in 1971 w … ⌘ Read more

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In the Year of Climate Finance, We Need to See Billions Flow Towards Transforming Our Food Systems
LAUREN BAKER, JANE MALAND CADY, and MICHAEL KWAME NKONU,  Senior Director of Programs at the Global Alliance for the Future of Food | Program Director, Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems, McKnight Foundation | Head of Portfolio - Agricultural Livelihoods at the IKEA Foundation.  -  Common Dreams

_Stephan: Finally, h … ⌘ Read more

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Linux 服務管理之 syste
簡介systemd 是一種用於 Linux 操作系統的初始化系統和服務管理器,由 Lennart Poettering 主導開發並在 LGPL 2.1 及其後續版本許可證下開源發佈。自 2010 年代中期以來,systemd 已經廣泛被多數主流 Linux 發行版採用,如 Ubuntu、Fedora、openSUSE、Debian 和 CentOS/RHEL 7 及以後版本,作爲默認的初始化系統取 ⌘ Read more

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How milk became the new culture war dividing America
Tony Diver,  Reporter  -  Yahoo News / The Telegraph (U.K.)

_Stephan: The willful ignorance, actually the stupidity, of anti-vaxxers anti-science mostly Republican MAGAts is amazing to me. The anti-vaxxers died by hundreds of thousands because they would not get vaccinated. Now they want to go back to drinking raw milk.  Milk has been pasteurized for over a hundred years since Louis Pasteur discovered pasteurization in … ⌘ Read more

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Rust 中 Future 的 liveness 問題
引言–Rust 的 futures 與大多數其他語言支持異步計算的方式不同; 除非你定期輪詢它們, 否則它們不能保證取得進展。具體來說, Future 有一個 poll 函數, 它接受一個 Waker, 當 future 可以取得進展時, 它會調用 Waker 的 wake 方法, 然後 “某些東西” 應該再次調用 poll。這主要由執行器 (如 tokio、 embassy 等) 處理, 執行 ⌘ Read more

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Red Tape Is Making Hospital Ransomware Attacks Worse
With cyberattacks increasingly targeting health care providers, an arduous bureaucratic process meant to address legal risk is keeping hospitals offline longer, potentially risking lives. ⌘ Read more

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Revolutionary Alzheimer’s Treatments Can’t Help Patients Who Go Undiagnosed
It’s a question of when, not if, highly effective treatments become available, says the CEO of Alzheimer’s Research UK. But that doesn’t solve the problem of one-third of dementia patients still going undiagnosed. ⌘ Read more

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So Belong (out retail mobile phone provider of choice), who are owned by Telstra want to increase the price of their plans by +40%.

Telstra, who own Belong, have had the following financial earnings over the past 4 years:

  • FY2021: NPAT (Net Profit After Tax): +3.4% $1.9B
  • FY2022: NPAT (Net Profit After Tax): -4.6% $1.8B
  • FY2023: NPAT (Net Profit After Tax): +13.1% $2.1B
  • FY2024: NPAT (Net Profit After Tax): +11.4% $1B

Not sure how this year’s results had a +11.4% increase, but only $1B in profits.

#Telstra #Belong #Australia #PriceHikes

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**So Belong (out retail mobile phone provider of choice), who are owned by Telstra want to increase the price of their plans by +40%.

Telstra, …**
So Belong ( out retail mobile phone provider of choice), who are owned by Telstra want to increase the price of their plans by +40%.

Telstra, who own Belong, have had the following financial earnings over the past 4 years:

  • FY2021: NPAT (Net Profit After Tax): +3.4% $1.9B

  • FY2022: NPAT (Net Profit After Tax): -4.6% $1.8B

  • FY2023: NP … ⌘ Read more

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Post-Pandemic Recovery Isn’t Guaranteed
The aftermath of a disaster like Covid can be divided into roughly three stages: the honeymoon, the slump, and the uptick. The aim is always to build back better—but in some cases that never happens. ⌘ Read more

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一文講清楚 localhost 和 127-0-0-1 的區別
在進行網絡和 Web 開發時,經常會用到 “localhost” 和 “” ,localhost 和 在大多數情況下可以互換使用,但它們在概念上是不同的:localhost 是本機域名。 是本機 IP 地址。 localhost 通過系統的 host 文件會自動解析到。localhost 和 127.0.0. ⌘ Read more

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go 語言調用 shell 命令有這麼兩種方式,都用過了?
阻塞方式 (需要執行結果) 主要用於執行shell命令,並且返回shell的標準輸出適用於執行普通非阻塞 shell 命令,且需要 shell 標準輸出的//阻塞式的執行外部shell命令的函數,等待執行完畢並返回標準輸出func execshell(s string) (string, error){    //函數返回一個Cmd,用於使用給出的參數執行name指定的程序    cmd := ⌘ Read more

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Rust 在數據工程領域中的應用
近年來,數據工程領域發生了重大變化。數據系統日益複雜,對實時處理的需求,以及對可靠性和性能的不斷需求,促使人們尋找更健壯的編程語言。這就是 Rust 的用武之地,Rust 的增長速度非常快:在這些競爭者中,Rust 在 2024 年作爲數據工程師的強大工具出現了,它承諾內存安全性、併發性和高效性。但是,究竟是什麼讓 Rust 成爲數據工程的合適選擇,以及如何在這個領域有效地利用它?Rust 在數據 ⌘ Read more

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10 個提高生產力的 Go 小技巧
最近 Phuong Le 大佬針對日常開發 Go 項目時,總結了一些好用的 Go 小技巧。看了後,感覺對於剛入門 Go 的同學有一定的學習價值。可以挑好的學。應用到自己項目裏。以下內容分享給大家。在開發 Go 生產項目時,我發現自己經常重複編寫代碼和使用某些技術,直到後來回顧自己的工作時才意識到這一點。下面是從總結經驗中挑選的一些有用的代碼片段,希望對大家有所幫助。計時技巧——-如果你對跟 ⌘ Read more

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EU Accuses Apple’s App Store Steering Rules of Violating DMA and Opens Investigation into Developer Fees
The European Commission has formally announced its preliminary view that Apple’s App Store policies are in breach of the Digital Markets Act (DMA), specifically in relation to anti-steering rules.


Under the DMA, developers distributing their apps via Apple’s ‌A … ⌘ Read more

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(#jhw5eoa) Oh I don’t think this is a bug! You’ve used a weird kind of -- that’s been turned into something I’ve forgotten the name of 🤦‍ …
Oh I don’t think this is a bug! You’ve used a weird kind of -- that’s been turned into something I’ve forgotten the name of 🤦‍♂️ a – Although I still consider this a bug with the Markdown library somewhat, I’ll file a bug report upstream. ⌘ Read more

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