zig-rust - 新物種的對比
Zig 和 Rust 都是現代編程語言,它們都因注重安全性和性能而備受關注,但它們有着不同的理念和設計目標。很多開發者都對二者有濃厚的興趣,我們來了解下 Zig 和 Rust 這兩個新物種之間的差別。語言理念和目標Rust 的設計目標是在不犧牲性能的前提下提供內存安全性。Rust 的目標是成爲編寫大型系統和應用程序的實用語言,重點關注零成本抽象、安全性和併發性。 Zig 的設計則簡單明瞭。Z ⌘ Read more

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Nginx 反向代理最全詳解 -圖文全面總結-
大家好,我是 mikechen。Nginx 反向代理大型網站必備的,也是大廠經常考察的,下面我就全面來詳解 Nginx 反向代理 @mikechen正向代理正向代理最大的特點是:客戶端非常明確要訪問的服務器地址,服務器只清楚請求來自哪個代理服務器,而不清楚來自哪個具體的客戶端,正向代理模式屏蔽或者隱藏了真實客戶端信息。例如:在大陸訪問 www.google.com,我們需要一個代理服務器,我們通過 ⌘ Read more

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10 萬行數據耗時 500 毫秒,使用 rust 的 nom 框架實現時序數據庫協議解析 -下-
table data-sort=“sortDisabled” width=“578”tbodytrtd valign=“top” align=“center” width=“577” class=““strongnom 解析時序數據庫協議/strong/td/tr/tbody/table上回我們瞭解了 nom 框架的原理及核心的解析器,這一回我們使用 nom 解析時序數據庫協議,鞏固和提升對 no ⌘ Read more

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新手挑戰一小時學一種 Rust 框架之解析框架 nom —— 實現時序數據庫協議解析(上)
table data-sort=“sortDisabled” width=“578”tbodytrtd valign=“top” align=“center” width=“577”sectionstrongnom 簡介/strong/section/td/tr/tbody/tablenom 是一個通用的協議解析框架,提供了通用的解析算子和組合器,聚焦於安全的、零拷貝的、面向流模式的強大解析功能。 ⌘ Read more

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異步消息隊列:用於在服務之間傳遞事務信息和狀態,確保各服務可以異步地處理事務操作。 事務協調器:負責協調和管理全局事務的狀態,包括提交和回滾操作。 補償機制:在事務失敗時,通過補償操作來回滾或修復之前的操作,以保證數據的一致性。 設計步驟1. 事務初始化事務發起者:事務開始時,由事務發起者(例如用戶請求服務)向事務協調器發起一個全局事務。 事務 ID:事務協調器生成一個全局 ⌘ Read more

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1 號店的抽獎系統架構實踐(限流削峯到性能優化)
你好,我是悟空。————抽獎是一個典型的高併發場景應用,平時流量不多,但遇到大促活動,流量就會暴增,今年的週年慶期間的日均 UV 就超過百萬。在過去的一年裏,負責過這個項目的多次重構工作,期間各種踩坑無數,就以此文當做總結,來聊聊我們是如何架構這個高併發系統吧。————————————————————- ⌘ Read more

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Go 設計模式:責任鏈和函數選項,讓你的代碼更優雅!
最近接觸到越來越多有歷史 “沉澱” 的 Go 項目,深感設計模式和及時干預的重要性。近期會分享一些設計模式,一起學習代碼設計!今天的分享的設計模式是:責任鏈和函數選項模式。在日常程序裏是比較常用的。很多開源庫中也有使用。責任鏈模式—–責任鏈模式(Chain of Responsibility Pattern)是一種行爲設計模式,它允許對象將請求沿處理程序鏈進行傳遞。程序鏈既可以處理請求,也可 ⌘ Read more

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系統設計:設計類似 WhatsApp 的應用
在這個系統設計場景中,我們被要求設計一個類似 WhatsApp 的消息應用程序。雖然在實際的討論中可能會重點討論該應用程序的一個或多個功能,但在本文中,我們將對系統的架構進行一個高層次的概述,然後可以根據需要深入探討具體的領域。明確功能需求通過向業務方提問來縮小範圍,因爲在一個小時內設計整個 WhatsApp 平臺是不現實的:• 主要用例: 該應用的主要目的是發送、檢查和接收消息,以及閱讀和標記消 ⌘ Read more

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Htmx 2-0 發佈:用易懂的 HTML 屬性取代複雜 JavaScript 框架
作者 | Tim Anderson譯者 | 王強策劃 | Tina用於擴展 HTML 規範的 Htmx 項目發佈了 2.0 版,這是該項目自 2020 年 11 月 發佈 1.0 版以來的第一個主要版本。Htmx 2.0 取消了對 Internet Explorer 的支持,並將擴展項移出了核心存儲庫,這樣每個擴展都可以按照自己的節奏發佈更新了。新版本還刪除了一些已棄用的屬性,並將 HTTP DE ⌘ Read more

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Cuprate Meeting scheduled for 2 July 2024 1800 UTC
The next Cuprate Meeting is scheduled1 take place on Tuesday, July 2 2024 at 18:00 UTC on IRC-Libera/Matrix2 in the #cuprate channels.

Cuprate is an effort to create an alternative Monero node implementation.

Agenda overview
Updates: What is everyone working on?
Project: What is next for Cuprate?
Any other business

The meeting’s moderator should be boog9003. Consult the Cuprate code repository[4](# … ⌘ Read more

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Monero Research Lab meeting scheduled for 3 July 2024 1700 UTC
The next Monero Research Lab1 meeting is scheduled to take place on Wednesday, July 3rd 2024 at 17:00 UTC on IRC-Libera/Matrix2 in the #monero-research-lab channels.

Agenda overview (unconfirmed)
  • Updates. What is everyone working on?
  • Potential measures against a black marble attack3
  • Research Pre-Seraphis Full-Chain Membership Proofs4
  • Stress testing monerod5

This meeting’s chairperso … ⌘ Read more

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umbrelOS adds Monero support: ‘Welcome to the official app store’
Home cloud operating system umbrelOS 1 has added support for running a full Monero node2 by merging deverickapollo3’s app store submission (PR #6904):

Well done @deverickapollo! This is good to go from a packaging perspective. Welcome to the official app store 🎉

The Monero Node application can be found in the official App Store5 and is compatible with umbrelOS 0.5+.

_This is an ongoing story and … ⌘ Read more

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spackle-xmr publishes first progress report for Monero ‘Stressnet’ project
spackle-xmr1 has published the first progress report2 for the Monero Stressnet 3 project one week after stress testing began (June 19th @ 15:00 UTC):

The first week has been a wild ride, and there is a lot to share.

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Of Psion and Symbian
As cool as the organizer was, it was extremely limited in pretty much every way. Psion had got many things right in the first go, as reviewers were quick to admit, and that made iterating on the design somewhat easy. The Organiser II CM released in 1986 was built on the Hitachi HD6303X (Motorola 6803) clocked at 920kHz with 8K RAM and 32K ROM. The screen was a much improved dot matrix LCD with two lines of sixteen characters. This version also shipped with a little piezo beeper built in, a … ⌘ Read more

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Looking ahead to 30 years of FreeDOS
In a few days, 29 June, FreeDOS will turn 30. This happens to make it one of the oldest, continuously active open source projects in the world, originally created because Jim Hall had heard Microsoft was going to kill DOS when the upcoming Windows 95 was going to be released. After seeing the excitement around Linux, he decided it an open source DOS would be a valuable time investment. I still used DOS, and I didn’t want to stop using DOS. And I looked at wh … ⌘ Read more

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Microsoft charged with EU antitrust violations for bundling Teams
The European Commission has informed Microsoft of its preliminary view that Microsoft has breached EU antitrust rules by tying its communication and collaboration product Teams to its popular productivity applications included in its suites for businesses Office 365 and Microsoft 365. ↫ European Commission press release Chalk this one up in the unsurprising column, too. Teams has infested Office, and … ⌘ Read more

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(#amokjeq) This was built over a day or so as a tool so i didn’t have to keep helping my neighbor with fixing a Bash script I wrote 🤣 It was …
This was built over a day or so as a tool so i didn’t have to keep helping my neighbor with fixing a Bash script I wrote 🤣 It was also an excuse to try Beer CSS and htmx for real in anger on a fresh new project 👌 The result has turned out quite nicely! 😍 ⌘ Read more

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