Camera Face-Off: We Pit Smartphones From Xiaomi, Oppo, and Honor to Find a Winner
Chinese phones like the Xiaomi 14 Ultra, Oppo Find X7 Ultra, and Honor Magic 6 Pro are pushing cameras to new highs with large imaging sensors. Here’s what the results are like. ⌘ Read more

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linux 的 5 種 IO 模型
一、這裏 IO 是什麼  操作系統爲了保護自己,設計了用戶態、內核態兩個狀態。應用程序一般工作在用戶態,當調用一些底層操作的時候(比如 IO 操作),就需要切換到內核態纔可以進行服務器從網絡接收的大致流程如下: 1、數據通過計算機網絡來到了網卡2、把網卡的數據讀取到 socket 緩衝區3、把 socket 緩衝區讀取到用戶緩衝區,之後應用程序就可以使用核心就是兩次讀取操作,五大 IO 模型的 ⌘ Read more

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萬字長文:Go 語言流行 ORM 框架 GORM 使用詳解
GORM 是 Go 語言中最受歡迎的 ORM 庫之一,它提供了強大的功能和簡潔的 API,讓數據庫操作變得更加簡單和易維護。本文將詳細介紹 GORM 的常見用法,包括數據庫連接、模型定義、CRUD、事務管理等方面,幫助大家快速上手使用 GORM 進行 Web 後端開發。安裝通過如下命令安裝 GORM:$ go get -u你也許見過使用 go get -u github. ⌘ Read more

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負載均衡原理最全詳解 -萬字圖文總結-
大家好,我是 mikechen。負載均衡是大型架構的關鍵技術,也是大廠重點考察方向,下面我就全面來詳解負載均衡原理 @mikechen負載均衡負載均衡,全稱是 Load Balancing,很多時候我們簡稱 “LB”,它可以在多個服務器、或其他資源之間,分配工作負載。如下圖所示:通過增加服務器數量,比如:上圖的 tomcat-node1、tomcat-node2、tomcat-node3… 等 ⌘ Read more

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超炫酷, 不用學前端也能自己做網頁!這個 Python 庫,10 分鐘內復刻 GPT WEB 應用
今天,我要和大家分享如何將請求 GPT 的案例,快速 “復刻” 成 GPT 網頁版。這不僅簡單,而且對於我們這些後端開發者來說,簡直是福音!先睹爲快—-看看這個界面,是不是感覺很熟悉? 這就是我們今天要介紹的主角 - Streamlit,此篇文章我們僅僅從復刻一個聊天機器人的角度介紹,認識一下其強大之處。初識 Streamlit————Streamlit 是一個開源的 Pyt ⌘ Read more

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Nuitka,Python 打包神器!
pyinstaller 和 Nuitka 使用感受1.1 使用需求——–這次也是由於項目需要,要將 python 的代碼轉成 exe 的程序,在找了許久後,發現了 2 個都能對 python 項目打包的工具——pyintaller 和 nuitka。這 2 個工具同時都能滿足項目的需要:隱藏源碼。這裏的 pyinstaller 是通過設置 key 來對源碼進行加密的;而 nuitka 則 ⌘ Read more

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Vue 反編譯 dist 包到源碼
作者:wsqy最近由於公司老項目上的問題,由於項目很老,之前交接的源碼包中缺少了很大一部分模塊,但是現在線上的環境和 dist 包是正常運行的,領導希望能夠手動將這部分補全,由於前期項目的不規範,缺少接口文檔以及原型圖,因此無法知道到底該如何補全,因此,我想着能不能通過 dist 包去反編譯源碼包呢,經 ⌘ Read more

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Editor’s Note — SR Needs Some Help
Stephan A. Schwartz,  Editor  -  Schwartzreport

_Stephan: Readers –

I wasn’t going to run this request again, however, it was suggested very strongly to me that I run it one more day so I am. SR needs some help because it is getting quite expensive to produce SR and now the SR podcast, which so many of you asked me to do. So if you are able to help I would very much appreciate any support you could provide. I particularly thank those of you who make monthl … ⌘ Read more

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Inside Big Oil’s Business as Usual: Climate Failure and War Profits
STELLA LEVANTESI,  Staff Writer  -  truthdig

_Stephan: This report, and the factual data upon which it is based, is telling us that everything being done about climate change is not going to stop humanity from crossing the 2°F threshold into civilization-changing catastrophe. And why is that? Because the few hundred people who make the decisions about the carbon power industries care more abo … ⌘ Read more

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Rising Seas Will Disrupt Millions of US lives by 2050, Study Finds
Nina Lakhani,  Staff Writer  -  Mother Jones

Stephan: The evidence for climate change and sea rise is so irrefutable and the response to the damage it is going to do is so pathetically inadequate. Do you think this issue will even come up in this afternoon’s debate?


_Jim Comunale and Pam Mervos walk in Hollywood, F … ⌘ Read more

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Multivitamin myth: Study shows no benefit to long-term health, longevity
StudyFinds Staff,    -  StudyFinds

Stephan: If you take multivitamins with the intent it will help your health, you should read this.


Credit: Pixelbliss

Key Takeaways

  1. For generally healthy adults, taking a daily multivitamin doesn’t appear to help you live longer.
  2. The study found no benefit for … ⌘ Read more

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More Than 20,000 Children Are Missing in Gaza, New Report Finds
YASMEEN SERHAN,  Staff Writer  -  Time Magazine

_Stephan: Hamas exists because Israel was not wise enough to realize that a two-state solution would have allowed the Palestinians to create a functioning culture. I want to be clear that doesn’t excuse or justify what they have done. But fascist Netanyahu and his government are committing genocide, and as an American, I wouldn’t give them a single bull … ⌘ Read more

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Blancpain Fifty Fathoms Bathyscaphe Quantieme Complet Phase de Lune: price, specs, availability
Shunning Swatch Group’s existing solution for Omega and Rado, the patented Bathyscaphe Quantieme Complet Phase de Lune has an expertly engineered strap that is as tough as it is supple. ⌘ Read more

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系統設計:設計 URL 短鏈接工具
這是一個系統設計問題,要求從頭開始設計一個類似於 TinyURL 或 Bitly 的 URL 短鏈接工具。我們將涵蓋從設計需求、架構和組件設計到高性能擴展和安全最佳實踐的各個方面。定義範圍:功能性和非功能性需求首先,我們需要定義該系統的功能性和非功能性需求。我們有兩個功能性需求:給定一個長 URL 時,我們必須創建一個短 URL2. 給定一個短 URL 時,我們必須將用戶重定向到長 URL。該服務 ⌘ Read more

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大家好,我是小風哥,今天簡單聊聊內存分配。 我們申請一塊內存時計算機內部發生了什麼?看下這句代碼:這裏有兩部分,一個是 malloc,再一個是你寫的代碼。malloc 實際上屬於標準庫,標準庫裏有什麼呢?數學相關的函數,sin、cos、絕對值、數冪函數等;字符相關函數,判斷大小寫等;字符串操作函數、字符串拷貝、拼接比較等;當然還有內存管理函數,就是這裏提到的 malloc/free,當然還有很多 ⌘ Read more

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Rust 的併發模型 vs Go 的併發模型:Stackless 協程 vs Stackfull 協程
雖然 Rust 和 Go 都是從上一代編程語言的錯誤中吸取教訓的現代編程語言,但它們以完全不同的方式管理併發,這對性能和開發人員體驗有巨大的影響。但首先,我們爲什麼需要併發?今天,大多數程序與需要一定時間才能返回響應的資源進行交互:例如網絡或磁盤。如果我們在等待網絡響應的同時完全阻塞程序的執行,這將是對硬件的一種相當低效的使用!這就是爲什麼 Go 和 Rust 在等待 I/O(輸入 / 輸出) 時 ⌘ Read more

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NeoVim 打造成跟 Goland 一樣好用的 IDE
在軟件開發領域,集成開發環境(IDE)的選擇對程序員的效率和生產力起着舉足輕重的作用。對於尋求精簡而強大的編碼體驗的 Golang 開發者來說,配置 Neovim 是一個不錯的選擇。本文分享完整的 Golang NeoVim 的設置,幫助你將 NeoVim 打造成媲美 Goland 的開發環境。初始設置將以下內容添加到 .vimrc 或 init.vim 文件中。set expandtabset ⌘ Read more

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如何爲 Langchain Agent 添加記憶功能?
0 前言—-在開發複雜的 AI 應用時, 賦予 Agent 記憶能力是一個關鍵步驟。這不僅能提高 Agent 的性能, 還能使其在多輪對話中保持上下文連貫性。本文將詳細介紹如何在 Langchain 框架中爲 Agent 添加記憶功能, 並深入解析每個步驟的原理和最佳實踐。Agent 記憶功能的核心組件在 Langchain 中,構建具有記憶功能的 Agent 主要涉及三個核心組件:工具 (T ⌘ Read more

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DiosDelRayo starts rebranding MoneroSigner project to ‘XmrSigner’
DiosDelRayo1 has released MoneroSigner version 0.42, confirming that the project is currently in the process of rebranding to XmrSigner:

MoneroSigner is in the process of rebranding to be not confused to an abandoned project called MoneroSigner.

Changes overview

View Only Wallet QR, new logo for rebranding to: XmrSigner
updated version in src/xmrsigner/ to 0.4.0
refactoring and ... ⌘ [Read more](

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rottenwheel publishes ‘Revuo Monero’ Issue href=””>#200**
rottenwheel1 has published Issue #20023 of the weekly Revuo Monero audience-funded newsletter, which covers June 13-27 2024 news:

Celebrating Revuo’s issue 200 we’ve brought a brand-new image to the website, special thanks to VOSTOEMISIO and gnuteardrops. As well, we’ve created a new XMPP MUC4 and Matrix room5, come hang!

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Activists Disrupt Amazon Conference Over $1.2 Billion Contract With Israel
Members of the activist group No Tech for Apartheid interrupted a senior Amazon executive’s speech at a conference in Washington, DC, on Wednesday over the company’s Project Nimbus cloud contract. ⌘ Read more

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