The Problem the US TikTok Crackdown and Kaspersky Ban Have in Common
While Kaspersky and TikTok make very different kinds of software, the US has targeted both over national security concerns. But the looming bans have larger implications for internet freedom. ⌘ Read more

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The Looming Threat of Christian Nationalism
,    -  Americans United for Separation of Church and State / Mother Jones

_Stephan: I am seeing more and more explicit calls to make and enforce Christianity as the national religion of the state, and to breach the firewall separating church and state. That firewall was one of the things the Founders felt most strongly about. At the time of the Revolution (and today for that matter) Great Britain was a nation that since King Henry  VII … ⌘ Read more

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What to Do if You Can’t Afford Your Medications
DIANE HARRIS,  Staff Writer  -  Time Magazine

_Stephan: One of the major issues with the United States’ awful illness profit system, instead of universal birthright healthcare, is the obscene greed of the pharmaceutical industry. For many Americans, the cost of the drugs they need to stay healthy or even alive is a daily crisis. I hope this article will help any of you who are caught up in this disgusting system to find a solution … ⌘ Read more

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Renewable Energy 44.7% of EU Electricity Production in 2023 — Now #1!
Zachary Shahan,  Staff Writer  -  Clean Technica

Stephan: The EU nations are really trying to get out of the carbon power era. This also makes a difference, or should, to Americans, because the Earth’s matrix of life is is an interconnected interdependent system, and the success of the EU countries helps the Earth and all the countries on it.

![]( … ⌘ Read more

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Israel Opposes Rebuilding Gaza’s Internet Access Because Terrorists Could Go Online
Sam Biddle,  Staff Writer  -  The Intercept

_Stephan: I confess I do not understand Israel. How can a religious nation of Jews who themselves for hundreds of years were persecuted, ghettoized, and killed by the millions, become a nation carrying out a genocide, and carrying out policies that replicate what was once done to them? To be candid I just can’t get p … ⌘ Read more

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【Rust 小技巧】 指定 target 輸出目錄
在 Rust 編程語言中,target 目錄是由 Cargo(Rust 的包管理和構建工具)自動生成的。它主要用於存放構建輸出的產物文件和相關的編譯期產生的中間文件等。但是 target 目錄往往會非常大,即使一個簡單的 hello world 程序,就已經達到 9 MB 了。可能一個比較簡單的項目,會達到 1 GB 多。甚至有些網友調侃——如果電腦硬盤太小,可能學不了 Rust。0x01 指定 ⌘ Read more

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說下 10 個高級的 SQL 查詢技巧
隨着數據量持續增長,對合格數據專業人員的需求也會增長。具體而言,對 SQL 流利的專業人士的需求日益增長,而不僅僅是在初級層面。因此,Stratascratch 的創始人 Nathan Rosidi 以及我覺得我認爲 10 個最重要和相關的中級到高級 SQL 概念。那個說,我們走了!1. 常見表表達式(CTEs)——————-如果您想要查詢子查詢,那就是 CTEs 施展身 ⌘ Read more

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解碼分佈式系統:深入探討 CAP 定理和 ACID 特性
介紹在分佈式系統的世界中航行需要處理多個複雜的概念和原則。兩個經常提到的基本原則是 CAP 定理和 ACID 特性。這些原則在塑造分佈式系統的設計和行爲中起着關鍵作用。本文旨在解構這些概念並深入探討它們的影響。瞭解 CAP 定理CAP 定理由計算機科學家 Eric Brewer 提出,是適用於分佈式系統的一個原則。它指出分佈式數據存儲不可能同時提供以下三個保證中的超過兩個:1. 一致性(Consi ⌘ Read more

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如何動態匹配 tokio 派生線程?
當我們在使用 tokio 和 MPSC(多生產者單消費者) 通道時,通常以某種固定的方式連接派生線程。然而,在最近項目中,必須在各種配置中動態匹配異步生產者和消費者。在這篇文章中,讓我們來看看如何實現這種非常有用的動態匹配模式。 首先,我們創建一個關於餐廳的 Rust 項目:cargo init restaurant在 Cargo.toml 文件中加入依賴項:

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iPhone 16 Pro Models to Adopt ‘M14’ Advanced Samsung OLED Panels for Improved Brightness and Lifespan
The upcoming iPhone 16 Pro and iPhone 16 Pro Max will be the first Apple smartphones to adopt Samsung’s high performance “M14” OLED display panel, claims a new report coming out of South Korea.


According to ETNews, Samsung’s “M” series of OLED panels are mad … ⌘ Read more

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Monero Observer Blitz #31 - June 2024
Here’s a recap of what happened this June in the Monero community:

  • P2Pool hardfork was scheduled for October 12th 2024 at 20:00 UTC ( 1)
  • Trocador was struggling to contain ‘non-stop DDoS attacks’ ( 2)
  • spackle-xmr published the first progress report for the Monero ‘Stressnet’ project ( [3](/spackle-xmr-publishes-first-progress-report-mo … ⌘ Read more

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Seraphis Wallet Workgroup meeting scheduled for 8 July 2024 1800 UTC
The next Seraphis Wallet Workgroup 1 meeting is scheduled to take place on Monday, July 8 2024 at 18:00 UTC, in the IRC/Libera #no-wallet-left-behind 2 channel and the bridged Matrix room3.

Consult the project’s wiki4 page to learn more about Seraphis, Jamtis, and wallet3.

Logs for the previous meeting are available on Monero Observer5.

_This is an ongoing story and the report … ⌘ Read more

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Vivaldi takes firm stance against AI, will not include it in its browser
The web browser Vivaldi is taking a firm stance against including machine learning tools to its browser. So, as we have seen, LLMs are essentially confident-sounding lying machines with a penchant to occasionally disclose private data or plagiarise existing work. While they do this, they also use vast amounts of energy and are happy using all the GPUs you can throw at them which is a prob … ⌘ Read more

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Neo Geo architecture: a practical analysis
Straight from the arcade world, the Neo Geo was, without a doubt, the most expensive hardware of the 4th generation. This begs the question: how capable was it and how did it compare with the rest? In this entry, we’ll take a look at the result of one company (SNK) setting budget restrictions aside and shipping a product meant to please both arcade owners and rich households. ↫ Rodrigo Copetti Rich households, indeed. Back in the ’90s, when Ninten … ⌘ Read more

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