The Genius Behind @OKWildlifeDept’s Most Viral Tweets Is Signing Off
Sarah Southerland used the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation’s social media feeds to warn you about mountain lions and Halloween candy, leaving behind one of the internet’s great legacies. ⌘ Read more

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Sotomayor’s dissent: A president should not be a ‘king above the law’
LINDSAY WHITEHURST,  Reporter  -  Associated Press

_Stephan: The christofasscist cabal that controls the laws of the United States, have made the President a kind of king. The Founders would be appalled; this is exactly what they did not want. I think it should also be noted that Associate Justices Alito and Thomas, were they ethical men, which they are not, would and should have recused th … ⌘ Read more

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Justice Jackson Warns New Ruling Could ‘Devastate’ Federal Regulators
Brett Wilkins,  Staff Writer  -  Common Dreams

_Stephan: We are no longer a genuine democracy and the minority of Justices on the Supreme Court realize this. Read this dissent on the Corner Post regulatory decision and you can see that Jackson, Sonia Sotomayor, and Elena Kagan all recognize that the federal regulatory agencies are being castrated so that corporate and uber-rich interests … ⌘ Read more

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‘Sophomoric and foolish’: Harvard Law professor rips into Chief Justice’s immunity logic
Sarah K. Burris,  Senior Editor  -  Raw Story

_Stephan: I think Harvard Professor Laurence Tribe has the correct view of the immunity decision the Supreme Court just issued. The court as I said in my earlier comment, by decision after decision is turning the United States into Hungary. I am not even sure we should be called a democracy anymore. We have … ⌘ Read more

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elasticSearch 是什麼?工作原理是怎麼樣的?
現在有三段文本,id 分別是 0、1、2,你需要快速找到哪段文本里含有關鍵詞 “xiaobai”.I like xiaobai        (點贊)I follow xiaobai      (關注)I forward the video   (轉發)我們很容易想到,可以依次遍歷這三段文本,匹配文本內是否含有 “xiaobai”,最終將符合條件的文本 ID 輸出。 在數據量小的時候,問題不大, ⌘ Read more

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Apple Boosts A18 Chip Orders in Anticipation of High iPhone 16 Demand
Apple is said to have upped its order of next-generation chips from TSMC to between 90 million and 100 million units, following heightened demand expectations for its iPhone 16 series.


Last year’s initial chip order volume for the iPhone 15 series launch is believed to have been in the region of 80-90 million units, suggesting Ap … ⌘ Read more

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精!萬字 18 圖詳解 OSPF 路由協議
圖片上帝視角 OSPF 出現背景圖片 如上圖就是一張簡單的 OSPF 協議網絡,那麼爲什麼會出現 OSPF 協議呢?開放式最短路徑優先 OSPF(Open Shortest Path First)協議是 IETF 定義的一種基於鏈路狀態的內部網關路由協議。爲什麼會出現 OSPF?: 因爲 RIP 是一種基於距離矢量算法的路由協議,存在着收斂慢; 易產生路由環路; 可擴展性差,最大隻 ⌘ Read more

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WebSocket 協議 - 源碼分析
本文是 WebSocket 系列文章的第 3 篇,從源碼角度理解 WebSocket 是如何實現的。分析的是 gorilla websocket,即 WebSocket 協議 - 實戰中服務端使用的 WebSocket 庫。 Gorilla WebSocket 是一個由 Go 語言實現的,經過很好測試並且廣泛使用的 WebSocket 庫,它提供了簡單易用、功能強大的 API 接口。目前在 gi ⌘ Read more

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binarybaron releases UnstoppableSwap GUI v0.6.2
binarybaron1 has released unstoppableswap-gui 2 version 0.6.23 with various updates and improvements:

Changes overview

Add Button to open data directory to RpcControlBox in file explorer
Display individual update release files as clickable links [..]
Convert debug switch into an icon button on swap dialog
Enable user to submit feedback while swap is running
Update electron to 26.2.1
Update swap-cli to 0.13.2
S ... ⌘ [Read more](

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Cuprate Meeting scheduled for 9 July 2024 1800 UTC
The next Cuprate Meeting is scheduled1 take place on Tuesday, July 9 2024 at 18:00 UTC on IRC-Libera/Matrix2 in the #cuprate channels.

Cuprate is an effort to create an alternative Monero node implementation.

Agenda overview
Updates: What is everyone working on?
Project: What is next for Cuprate?
Any other business

The meeting’s moderator should be boog9003. Consult the Cuprate code repository[4](# … ⌘ Read more

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VostoEmisio submits CCS proposals to create FCMPs and Monero animated videos
VostoEmisio1 has submitted two new CCS proposals2 looking to create an animated video explaining Full-Chain Membership Proofs 3 and remake the outdated What is Monero? 4 introductory video:

We’re excited to announce our next project: a video explainer about FCMP (Full-Chain Membership Proofs).

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geonic submits CCS proposal nominating monerobull for leadership post in Monero Community and Website Workgroups
geonic1 has submitted a CCS proposal2 endorsing monerobull for the #monero-site 3 maintainer role and a leadership position in the #monero-community 4 workgroup:

I’m opening this CCS on behalf of monerobull (without asking him edit: he has since agreed to do the job if picked) because he has stated t … ⌘ Read more

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Ladybird browser goes serious: GitHub billionaire co-founder now involved
Well, it seems we’ve got a better understanding now of why Andreas Kling decided to leave the SerenityOS project to focus entirely on Ladybird, the web browser that grew out of his hobby operating system. They’ve got some big plans for where to take Ladybird, and I’m saying “they” because it’s being backed by a big name. They’ve set up a fancy new website for the project, which makes it … ⌘ Read more

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Below MI – IBM i for hackers
In this writeup we provide a summary of technical information crucial to evaulate the exploitability and impact of memory safety problems in IBM i programs. As administrators and developers of IBM i aren’t supposed to work “below MI level” this kind of information is not officially documented by the vendor. The information presented here is thus based on already published reverse engineering results, and our own findings uncovered using IBM’s System Sertice Tools (SST) and th … ⌘ Read more

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Booting Linux off of Google Drive
On the brink of insanity, my tattered mind unable to comprehend the twisted interplay of millennia of arcane programmer-time and the ragged screech of madness, I reached into the Mass and steeled myself to the ground lest I be pulled in, and found my magnum opus. Booting Linux off of a Google Drive root. ↫ Ersei That’s not… You shouldn’t… Why would… ⌘ Read more

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