Apple M5 Chip’s Dual-Use Design Will Power Future Macs and AI Servers
Apple will reportedly use a more advanced SoIC packaging technology for its M5 chips, as part of a two-pronged strategy to meet its growing need for silicon that can power consumer Macs and enhance the performance of its data centers and future AI tools that rely on the cloud.


Developed by TSMC and unveiled in 2018, SoIC … ⌘ Read more

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Cookie 機制完全解析
cookie 的背景———- HTTP 協議是無狀態的 一個用戶第二次請求和一個新用戶第一次請求 服務端是識別不出來的,cookie 是爲了讓服務端記住客戶端而被設計的。cookie 是一種存儲方式————–Cookie 是存儲在用戶 web 瀏覽器中的小塊數據一般不超過 4k,它一般用於存儲用戶身份信息。 Cookie 是由服務端設置在瀏覽器上的 Cookie ⌘ Read more

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**(#borzxxq) @bender@bender No but reading a bit of that post:

Because dynamic behavior is added to the page using normal HTML tags with cus …**
@bender No but reading a bit of that post:

Because dynamic behavior is added to the page using normal HTML tags with custom attributes, it is difficult to provide additional security against cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks.

Is complete bullshit. It’s like one line of code (if you can call HTML “code”) ⌘ Read more

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woodser releases monero-ts v0.9.9
woodser1 has just released monero-ts 2 library version 0.9.93 with various fixes, updates and improvements:

Changes overview

fix failed to parse url in nextjs by @0-don #205
fix documentation for wallet rpc getBalances() #177
add 'web-worker' to nodejs externals
add default rpc error message when missing
keep best connection if not enough data
TaskLooper does not target fixed period by default
move documentation section above using in yo ... ⌘ [Read more](

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Boog900’s ‘Cuprate’ CCS proposal ready for funding
Boog9001’s CCS proposal2 to continue working full time on Cuprate 3 development for 3 more months is ready for funding:

Funding needed: 215 XMR

To support this proposal, you can donate any XMR amount to the address listed on its Gitlab Funding Required 4 page.

To learn more about the project, consult the previous Monero Observer report5.

  1. [↩](#fnref:1)

… ⌘ Read more

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ki9 submits CCS proposal to develop Monero payment gateway ‘Pago’
Keith Irwin (ki91) has submitted a CCS proposal2 to develop Pago 3, a lightweight and easy-to-deploy Monero payment gateway that can be embedded into any website:

pago (Esperanto for “payment”) will be a monero payment platform with flexible html/css/js frontends. Pago will be lightweight and use few external dependencies.

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Redox secures more funding deals, gives UI small makeover, and more
Another month, another report from the Redox team. The Rust-based operating system saw another active month, including getting a whole bunch of new funding deals for specific features, such as adding UNIX-style signals to Redox, as well as the further development of Termion, a Redox project that is “a pure Rust, bindless library for low-level handling, manipulating and reading information about term … ⌘ Read more

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How dot matrix printers created text
The impact printer was a mainstay of the early desktop computing era. Also called “dot matrix printers,” these printers could print low-resolution yet very readable text on a page, and do so quickly and at a low price point. But these printers are a relic of the past; in 2024, you might find them printing invoices or shipping labels, although more frequently these use cases have been replaced by other types of printers such as thermal printers and laser prin … ⌘ Read more

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An unexpected journey into Microsoft Defender’s signature world
Microsoft Defender is the endpoint security solution preinstalled on every Windows machine since Windows 7. It’s a fairly complex piece of software, addressing both EDR and EPP use cases. As such, Microsoft markets two different products. Microsoft Defender for Endpoint is a cloud based endpoint security solution that combines sensor capabilities with the advantages of a cloud processing. Microsoft Defende … ⌘ Read more

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UK’s Labour Is Winning the Meme War, but Young Voters Think It’s All Incredibly Embarrassing
“Although conversation provoking, it reads as infantilizing,” says one young voter about the meme campaigns waged by the Labour and Conservative parties in the UK. “They’re trivializing a very serious event.” ⌘ Read more

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How to Get a Real ID License Before the Deadline
A new type of driver’s license will be required to board flights in the United States next year. Here’s how to update your license to the new Real ID standard before it’s too late. ⌘ Read more

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Inside a16z’s Boot Camp for Crypto Startups
Andreessen Horowitz is betting the house on crypto. (Yes, really.) This spring, the VC firm schooled a new batch of founders that it hopes can prove the technology is good for more than scams and speculation. ⌘ Read more

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徹底理解字符串匹配 KMP 算法
大家好,我是小風哥,今天簡單聊聊字符串匹配 kmp 算法。字符串匹配是計算機科學中非常基礎的操作,給定兩個字符串 a 和 b,我們需要判斷字符串 a 是否包含字符串 b。像你我這樣的普通程序員能想到的最簡單方法是這樣的,用字符串 b 不斷去匹配每個主串中的子串。 假設給定這樣兩個字符串:首先從主串的第一個位置和子串的第一個位置去匹配,我們發現 A 和 B 不相同:因此主串指針後移一位,子串重新從 ⌘ Read more

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特效炸裂:Vue3+TypeScript 實現王者榮耀圖鑑,已開源!!!
主要技術棧—–Vue3.4 Typescript Vite4 Pinia Vue-Router Less 主要插件—-Axios 網絡請求庫 mitt 事件總線 dayjs 時間處理工具 vue-i18n 國際化 lodash 實用工具庫 js-base64 Base64 加密解密工具 localforage Ind ⌘ Read more

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ARP 工作層次和原理解析
概述-- ARP(Address Resolution Protocol,地址解析協議)是用來將 IP 地址解析爲 MAC 地址的協議。主機 (客戶端) 和三層網絡設備 (例如路由器,三層交換機) 上會維護一張 ARP 表,用於存儲 IP 地址和 MAC 地址的映射關係,每一個表項表示一個 IP 地址到 MAC 地址的轉換關係。工作層次第一種看法ARP 屬於二層協議,工作在數據鏈路層,因爲 AR ⌘ Read more

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爲什麼冪等性是關鍵?在現代分佈式系統中,可用性是關鍵因素,這意味着你需要構建重試機制和處理失敗及恢復的方法。這也意味着你可能會在系統中重複處理相同的操作,但如果你的應用程序不瞭解這一點,並將其視爲一個全新的請求,它將產生不可預期的結果。如果是處理支付或管理電子商務訂單的應用程序,這會導致巨大的財務損失和不可挽回的損害。 那麼,我們該怎麼做才能保證多次執行操作的結果與僅執行一次的結果相同呢? 讓 ⌘ Read more

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ARM32 位系統的內存佈局圖—————32 位操作系統的內存佈局很經典,很多書籍都是以 32 位系統爲例子去講解的。32 位的系統可訪問的地址空間爲 4GB,用戶空間爲 1GB ~ 3GB,內核空間爲 3GB ~ 4GB。爲什麼要劃分爲用戶空間和內核空間呢?一般處理器會把運行模式分爲好幾個,比如 x86 分爲 rang0 ~ rang3 級別。ARMv7 架構中,又分爲好幾個 ⌘ Read more

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Go 語言的 CI-CD 實踐
CI/CD 是現代軟件開發流程中的關鍵實踐,它代表着持續集成(Continuous Integration)和持續部署(Continuous Deployment)或持續交付(Continuous Delivery)的組合。這些實踐旨在幫助軟件開發團隊更快、更頻繁地交付高質量的軟件產品。持續集成(CI): 持續集成是一種軟件開發實踐,開發團隊成員經常將他們的代碼變更集成到共享的代碼倉庫中。這通常每 ⌘ Read more

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aconfig:Go 語言中簡潔高效的配置加載庫
在軟件開發過程中,合理處理配置項對於確保代碼的靈活性和可維護性至關重要。對於 Go 語言開發者們來說,aconfig庫提供了一個簡潔明瞭的解決方案來加載配置。本文將深入探討aconfig庫的特性和使用方法,向您展示如何高效地在 Go 項目中使用這個強大的配置加載工具。aconfig 的理念與特點————–aconfig是由開源社區提供的一個配置加載庫,它的設計理念基於實現配置加載 ⌘ Read more

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使用 Go 提供的 Cookie 庫簡化 Cookie 操作
在 Web 開發中,Cookie 是一種非常常見的數據存儲形式。它可以幫助我們在客戶端和服務器之間保存一些狀態,如用戶的登錄狀態、偏好設置等。在 Go 語言中,操作 Cookie 有很多種方式,今天我們重點介紹一個名爲 cookie 的庫——這是一個可以使用結構體操作 Cookie 的庫。文章將詳細介紹 cookie 庫的使用方法、實際場景中的應用以及提供豐富的示例代碼。希望通過這篇文章,你能夠更 ⌘ Read more

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沒有思考過 Embedding,不足以談 AI
在當今的人工智能(AI)領域,Embedding 是一個不可或缺的概念。如果你沒有深入理解過 Embedding,那麼就無法真正掌握 AI 的精髓。接下來,我們將深入探討 Embedding 的基本概念。Embedding 的基本概念 1.1 什麼是 Embedding Embedding 是一種將高維數據映射到低維空間的技術。簡單來說,它就是把複雜的、難以處理的數據轉換成便於計算的形式。 ⌘ Read more

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God Save Us From This Dishonorable Court
Ruth Marcus,  Columnist  -  Reader Supported News / The Washington Post

_Stephan: The Federalist Society, Leonard Leo, criminal Trump, and the christofascist Republicans in the Senate, after years of effort, have achieved what they have wanted: a Supreme Court that is not a court based on justice and laws, but a court dominated by a corrupt political cabal. In one decision that cabal has transformed the United States from a democracy into a qu … ⌘ Read more

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Trump Amplifies Calls to Jail Top Elected Officials, Invokes Military Tribunals
,    -  DNYUZ

_Stephan: Since we are now reduced to being a semi-kingdom, potentially ruled by a rapist and crook, if Americans elect Trump as king I think this is what we should prepare ourselves for: Military tribunals, and the persecution of anyone who has offended the monarch. Look at what has happened to people like Stormy Daniels who behaved as citizens should, … ⌘ Read more

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