The World’s Most Popular 3D-Printed Gun Was Designed by an Aspiring Terrorist
Growing numbers of insurgents and extremists use the FGC-9. Forensic analysis of online platforms reveals the dark world of the man who created it—a self-described incel who supported the German far right. ⌘ Read more

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深入解析 gRPC 的重連機制
gRPC 的重連機制是確保客戶端在連接斷開後能夠自動重新連接到服務器的一種機制,對於分佈式系統和微服務架構中的高可用性和容錯性至關重要。什麼是 gRPC 重連機制————-gRPC 重連機制是指在客戶端與服務器之間的連接斷開後,客戶端自動嘗試重新建立連接的過程。gRPC 的重連機制依賴於底層的傳輸層實現(如 HTTP/2)和客戶端庫的配置。gRPC 重連策略———gRP ⌘ Read more

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一文讀懂 QUIC 協議:更快、更穩、更高效的網絡通信
你是否也有這樣的困擾:打開 APP 巨耗時、刷劇一直在緩衝、追熱搜打不開頁面、信號稍微差點就直接加載失敗……如果有一個協議能讓你的上網速度,在不需要任何修改的情況下就能提升 20%,特別是網絡差的環境下能夠提升 30% 以上;如果有一個協議可以讓你在 WiFi 和蜂窩數據切換時,網絡完全不斷開、直播不卡頓、視頻不緩衝;你願意去了解一下它嗎?它就是 QUIC 協議。本文將從 QUIC 的背景、原理、 ⌘ Read more

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PolarisMesh 源碼系列 –Polaris-Go 註冊發現流程
導語北極星是騰訊開源的一款服務治理平臺,用來解決分佈式和微服務架構中的服務管理、流量管理、配置管理、故障容錯和可觀測性問題。在分佈式和微服務架構的治理領域,目前國內比較流行的還包括 Spring Cloud,Apache Dubbo 等。在 Kubernetes 的技術領域,也有以 Istio 爲代表的 ServiceMesh 技術。本篇 Blog 主要分析北極星的優勢,及其服務註冊發現的技術實現 ⌘ Read more

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How a Group of Butterflies Managed to Fly 4,200 Kilometers Without Stopping
When butterflies not native to South America appeared on a beach in French Guiana, entomologists started sleuthing to prove where they came from—and how they might have got there. ⌘ Read more

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圖解 IO 多路複用之 Select 實現原理
Linux 上提供了 IO 多路複用機制的實現有多種,常見的有 select、poll、epoll,下面分析一下 select 的多路複用的原理。     服務器端有 1 個監聽文件描述符和若干個通信文件描述符,每當服務器端建立一個新的連接後就會生成一個通信的文件描述符,如下圖所示:    select 可以同時檢測讀緩衝區(Read buffer)、寫緩衝區(Write buffer) ⌘ Read more

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以 Go 語言爲例解釋什麼是僞共享以及如何解決
本文翻譯自:What’s false sharing and how to solve it (using Golang as example)譯文在解釋僞共享(false sharing)之前,有必要簡要介紹一下 CPU 架構中緩存是如何工作的。CPU 緩存中的最小單位是緩存行(cache line)(如今,CPU 中常見的緩存行大小爲 64 字節)。因此,當 CPU 從內存讀取一個變量時, ⌘ Read more

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乾貨!解析 binlog 的三種實現手段
不知道你是否有遇到過需要解析 binlog 日誌的場景。今天我整理了一些對 binlog 解析的解決方案,供大家參考下。 基於 Canal 的實時訂閱一般業內對 binlog 進行實時監聽最常用的中間件會是 canal。canal 其實本質底層是制定了一個僞造的 MySQL 的 Slave 節點,接收 MySQL 主節點發送過來的 binlog 文件。只需要我們引入相關的依賴,然後部署一套 Ca ⌘ Read more

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終於把 word2vec 的原理搞清楚了!
大家好,我是小寒。今天給大家分享自然語言處理中常用的一個知識點,word2vecword2vec 是一種廣泛用於自然語言處理的技術,主要目的是將單詞轉換爲詞向量(將單詞表示爲數字向量)。這些詞向量能夠反映不同詞語的相似性,使得語義上或語法上相近的詞語在向量空間中也相互接近。如下圖所示,從 “man” 到 “woman” 的向量與從 “king” 到 “queen” 的向量在向量空間中是平行的。這表 ⌘ Read more

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9 張圖帶你理解 Kafka 中高水位 HW
大家好,我是君哥。Kafka 高水位(簡稱 HW)是 Kafka 中非常重要的一個概念,今天來聊一聊 HW。1 HW 簡介——-HW 是 Kafka 中 Offset 的一個值,HW 作爲一個邊界,Offset 小於 HW 的消息被稱爲已提交消息,這部分消息可以被消費者進行拉取消費,大於等於 HW 的消息被稱爲未提交消息,不能被消費者拉取。如下圖:Offset 小於 108 的消息可以被消 ⌘ Read more

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Netflix 如何用緩存來提高用戶體驗
Netflix 的目標是讓用戶儘可能長時間地觀看流媒體。但用戶的注意力通常只有 90 秒。Netflix 使用 EVCache(分佈式鍵值存儲)來減少延遲,以免用戶失去興趣。EVCache 在 Netflix 有多種使用情況。01 側緩存 (Lookaside Cache)————————當應用程序需要某些數據時,它會首先嚐試使用 EVCache 客戶端,如果緩存中 ⌘ Read more

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AI Agent:基於大模型的自主智能體
AI Agent:探索 AGI 的真實形態什麼是 AI AgentAI Agent(人工智能代理)是一種能夠感知環境、進行決策和執行動作的智能實體。不同於傳統 的人工智能,AI Agent 具備通過獨立思考、調用工具去逐步完成給定目標的能力。比如,告訴 AI Agent 幫忙下單一份外賣,它就可以直接調用 APP 選擇外賣,再調用支付程序下單支付,無需人 類去指定每一步的操作。Agent 的概念由 ⌘ Read more

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Russia’s Popularity With Americans Is Growing
Brendan Cole,  Senior News Reporter  -  Newsweek

_Stephan: This is appalling. But if you know that  40% of Americans have never left the United States, 11% have never even traveled outside of the state where they were born, and 54% can’t read and comprehend anything more complex than 6th-grade level, perhaps not surprising. We are a provincial poorly educated country. and much of the population is driven by their hates, racism, resent … ⌘ Read more

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Leader of the pro-Trump Project 2025 suggests there will be a new American Revolution
,    -  Politico / Associated Press

_Stephan: This is what is going to happen to the United States if Americans make criminal Trump president and give the Republicans a majority in the House and Senate. On the 6th of November when we know the election outcome we will learn what kind of country we will be, and whether we will remain a democracy. As I writ … ⌘ Read more

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American Pride Remains Near Record Low
MEGAN BRENAN,    -  The Gallup Organization

_Stephan: This is beginning to seriously concern me. A growing number of Americans are losing pride in our country. We, as the people of the United States, must change our culture.  Our wealth inequality particularly, but also our poor and outrageously expensive illness profit system, the absurd cost of a college education, the rising christofascism as an increasing number of Americans leave any religiou … ⌘ Read more

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110 Million People in U.S. Under July 4 Heat Warnings and Advisories
Cristen Hemingway Jaynes,  Contributing Writer  -  EcoWatch

Stephan: Just under a third of the American population is under heat warnings. Welcome to climate change, and it is going to get much worse. Nothing but major changes in government policies and the development of new non-polluting technologies is going to moderate what the future holds.

![]( … ⌘ Read more

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Health Care Should Be Designed for the Extremes of Life
Much of health care is designed with the “comfortable middle” of society in mind, says designer Yves Behar, when it should be tailored to children, the elderly, and those with disabilities. ⌘ Read more

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代碼精讀 LevelDB 布隆濾波器
簡介–布隆濾波器 BloomFilter 是一種常用的「使用少量字節數判斷鍵值存在性」的手段。其大致原理爲:使用多個哈希函數,對同一個鍵值做哈希運行,並將其哈希值取模設置比特數值。當給定一個鍵值時,如果計算上述多個哈希函數,存在一個哈希值對應的比特位爲零,則說明該鍵值不存在。從上可以發現,BloomFilter 常用於判斷鍵的不存在性。由於哈希碰撞的原因,可能存在假陽性 (False Posit ⌘ Read more

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在前一篇的《圖解支付賬務系統入門》中,講解了賬務相關的一些基礎概念和關鍵模塊的設計要點。今天繼續深入講解支付賬務系統的設計,部分內容和入門篇有重複。進入正題前,先講個小故事。在入門篇中有說到,老闆把賬務系統也劃到我這裏管理,我只得被迫學習賬務知識。某日的下午,窗外驕陽如烈火,我端着一杯咖啡正襟危坐,正式開始學習賬務相關知識。首先映入眼簾的是賬戶、科目、會計分錄,翻了幾遍,還是雲裏霧裏,於是去找做賬 ⌘ Read more

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Authy Users Urged to Stay Alert After Hack Exposes 33 Million Phone Numbers
Twilio has updated its Authy two-factor authentication (2FA) service after a hacker claimed to have retrieved 33 million phone numbers from its user database.


TechCrunch reports that the hacker(s) known as ShinyHunters took to a well-kn … ⌘ Read more

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busyboredom releases initial version of AcceptXMR-Server
busyboredom1 has released AcceptXMR v0.14.02 with a few API changes alongside the initial version (0.1.0)3 of the batteries-included Monero payment gateway4 built around it:

It’s been a long time coming, but AcceptXMR-Server (the standalone payment gateway) had its initial release last night5

This update completes the first milestone ( Dockerize AcceptXMR) of busyboredom’s CC … ⌘ Read more

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selsta posts June 2024 Monero dev report
selsta1 has posted a monthly CCS progress report2 for June 2024, which includes several Monero dev updates.

Milestone 2:
-Work on v0.18.3.4 has continued,
I decided to delay the release due to bugs found by the stresset.
-Help with OSS-Fuzz issue.
-Did some initial help with the stressnet.
-Smaller bug fixes.

Note that misc work is not explicitly mentioned in these updates. The full list of changes can be found on Github3’ … ⌘ Read more

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