Google’s Nonconsensual Explicit Images Problem Is Getting Worse
Reports of intimate images and video posted online without consent are growing, and deepfakes add a horrifying new dimension to the problem. Google insiders say they’ve struggled to get executives to act. ⌘ Read more

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ptmalloc、tcmalloc 與 jemalloc 對比分析
背景介紹——–在開發中,爲了進行耗時優化,基礎庫這層按照慣例使用 tcmalloc 替代 glibc 標配的 ptmalloc 做優化,CPU 消耗和耗時確實有所降低。但在晚上高峯時期,在 CPU 剛剛超過 50% 之後卻出現了指數上升,服務在幾分鐘之內不可用。最終定位到是 tcmalloc 在內存分配的時候使用自旋鎖,在鎖衝突嚴重的時候導致 CPU 飆升。爲了弄清楚 tcmalloc ⌘ Read more

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AI-Powered Super Soldiers Are More Than Just a Pipe Dream
The US military has abandoned its half-century dream of a suit of powered armor in favor of a “hyper enabled operator,” a tactical AI assistant for special operations forces. ⌘ Read more

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The Supreme Court rules that state officials can engage in a little corruption, as a treat
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Former President criminal Donald Trump greets corrupt Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh before his 2019 State of the Union address.

Credit: Mandel Ngan / AFP

On a 6-3 party-line vote, the Supreme Court ruled on Wednesday that state officials may accep … ⌘ Read more

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How to Replace Biden as the Democratic Nominee
Scott W. Lang,  Attorney and Former Mayor of New Bedford, Masssachusetts  -  Boston Globe

_Stephan: There is, as this article by a long-term Democrat politician describes, a growing sense in the Democratic Party that it is time for Biden to retire. The problem is who would replace him and could a campaign be organized in the short time remaining? I don’t see Kamala Harris as the replacement. I would propose, as I have been doing si … ⌘ Read more

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The world wasn’t ready for Trump in 2016. It’s not making that mistake this time.

_Stephan: The rest of the world is looking at America and not at all sure that the people of the United States are smart enough not to elect criminal Trump to the Presidency again, and to preserve their democracy. So they are making, as this article describes, all sorts of calculations and arrangements to prepare for t … ⌘ Read more

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Why the sociopaths are winning — and the obvious thing we’re not doing about it
Jeremy Sherman,  Staff Writer  -  AlterNet

_Stephan: I think this article is a very good assessment of the social dynamic that is really going on in the United States politically. It is not about political philosophy, it is about sociopaths who want power and money vs decent ethical people who want to preserve democracy and foster wellbeing. WE all get to choose which s … ⌘ Read more

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Nothing Debuts CMF Phone 1 With Modular Design Starting at $199
CMF, a London-based sub-brand of Nothing, has officially announced the CMF Phone 1, boasting a highly customizable modular design and featuring some decent hardware specs for an Android smartphone that starts at just $199.


The CMF Phone (1) is powered by a MediaTek Dimensity 7300 … ⌘ Read more

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GDB 調試工具詳解:逐步剖析程序運行過程
GDB(GNU 調試器)是一個功能強大的開源調試工具,用於幫助程序員分析和調試 C、C++ 等編程語言的代碼。它可以在運行過程中檢查程序狀態,設置斷點以停止程序執行並觀察變量值、內存狀態等,並提供一系列命令和功能來輔助調試過程。GDB 可以與不同編譯器和操作系統配合使用,支持多種調試特性,如單步執行、條件斷點、查看堆棧信息、監視變量值、內存泄漏檢測等。通過 GDB,開發者能夠深入理解程序運行時的細 ⌘ Read more

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聊聊 go 語言對於 socket 的抽象
寫在文章開頭——go語言對於網絡抽象做了非常通用且高性能的封裝,所以就從net包源碼入手介紹一下go語言對於socket的抽象。Hi,我是 sharkChili ,是個不斷在硬核技術上作死的 java coder ,是 CSDN 的博客專家 ,也是開源項目 Java Guide 的維護者之一,熟悉 Java 也會一點 Go ,偶爾也會在 C 源碼 邊緣徘徊。寫過很多有意思的技術博客,也還在 ⌘ Read more

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Ftrace 技術揭祕:解密 Linux 內核追蹤神器
前言:雖然之前一直聽說過 ftrace,但從來沒將它用在實戰中,在一次客戶排查問題中,遇到了比較奇怪的現象,一位精通內核的朋友建議使用 ftrace 來定位一下。雖然那一次並沒有使用 ftrace,但也讓我覺得,後面我們勢必要提供 ftrace 相關的工具幫助我們在線上定位問題,所以自己也決定重新學習使用下 ftrace,當然也決定寫一系列的相關出來,這裏就先簡單介紹下 ftrace。一、什麼是 ⌘ Read more

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(#isz3ija) @bender@bender Nissan Navara ST Dual Cab 4WD 2.5P diesel. 2010 model. Can’t find the original specs or owners manual from Nissan o …
@bender Nissan Navara ST Dual Cab 4WD 2.5P diesel. 2010 model. Can’t find the original specs or owners manual from Nissan on this one 🤔 Can only find bits and pieces (mostly not from Nissan directly 🤦‍♂️) ⌘ Read more

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Seraphis Wallet Workgroup meeting scheduled for 15 July 2024 1800 UTC
The next Seraphis Wallet Workgroup 1 meeting is scheduled to take place on Monday, July 15 2024 at 18:00 UTC, in the IRC/Libera #no-wallet-left-behind 2 channel and the bridged Matrix room3.

Consult the project’s wiki4 page to learn more about Seraphis, Jamtis, and wallet3.

Logs for the previous meeting are available on Monero Observer5.

_This is an ongoing story and the rep … ⌘ Read more

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MrCyjaneK completes first milestone for Unnamed Monero Wallet CCS proposal
MrCyjaneK1 has posted a fourth CCS progress report2, completing the first milestone for their Unnamed Monero Wallet 3 dev work proposal4:

S01E04 (final episode for S01)

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(#ltiywoa) @bender@bender When you are trying to determine towing weights and maximums it becomes important to understand the specifications …
@bender When you are trying to determine towing weights and maximums it becomes important to understand the specifications of the engine and chassis. Things like Tow Ball Weight and Gross Mass Vehicle Weight become important factors. ⌘ Read more

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