binarybaron and einliterflasche submit CCS proposal to ‘transform’ XMR-BTC atomic swaps ecosystem into ‘mature marketplace’
binarybaron1 and einliterflashche2 have submitted a CCS proposal3 looking to continue XMR-BTC atomic swaps4 development and help transform the ecosystem from a prototype into a mature marketplace:

We are confident that given a few months time to fully dedicate to the project, we can transf … ⌘ Read more

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Cake Wallet adds support for WOW
Cake Labs1 has released Cake Wallet v4.19.02 with support for Wownero3 wallets, various XMR fixes and enhancements:

Much wow…Cake Wallet v4.19.0 is live! Devs working on big things and more big things are coming

Changes overview (since 4.18.2)
Monero enhancements
Add Wownero wallet
Improvements for Tron and Nano wallets
Bug fixes

It is worth mentioning that Monero.com4 v1.16.0 was also released today. Consul … ⌘ Read more

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Cuprate Meeting scheduled for 16 July 2024 1800 UTC
The next Cuprate Meeting is scheduled1 take place on Tuesday, July 16 2024 at 18:00 UTC on IRC-Libera/Matrix2 in the #cuprate channels.

Cuprate is an effort to create an alternative Monero node implementation.

Agenda overview
Updates: What is everyone working on?
Project: What is next for Cuprate?
Any other business

The meeting’s moderator should be boog9003. Consult the Cuprate code repository[4 … ⌘ Read more

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hinto-janai releases Gupax v1.3.9
hinto-janai1 has released Gupax 2 version 1.3.93 with a change4 to its list of XMR remote nodes: is no longer operational

Changes overview
Remote Node changes:
-Removed (thanks @SChernykh #94)

Bundled Versions:
-P2Pool v4.0
-XMRig v6.21.3

The full changelog, sources, SHA256SUM and .asc files can be found on Github3 and on the website5.

Consult hinto- … ⌘ Read more

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Design and build the next version of OSNews
Despite being live since 1997, OSNews has had fairly few redesigns in the grand scheme of things. If my memory serves me correctly, we’ve had a grand total of 6 designs, and we’re currently on version 6, introduced about 5 years ago because of unpleasant reasons. It’s now 2024, and for a variety of reasons, we’re looking to work towards version 7 of our almost 30 year old website, and we need help. I have a very clear idea of what I want OSNews … ⌘ Read more

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Tesla shareholders will appear in court to argue that an unprecedented request for more than $7 billion in attorneys’ fees to be paid by the company is ‘outlandish,’ the latest twist in a legal showdown over Musk’s $56 billion pay packageRead more

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Getting the most out of TWM, X11’s default window manager
Graham’s TWM page has been around for like two decades or so and still isn’t even remotely as old as TWM itself, and in 2021 they published an updated version with even more information, tips, and tricks for TWM. The Tab Window Manager finds its origins in the lat 1980s, and has been the default window manager for the X Windowing System for a long time, now, too. Yet, few people know it exists – how many people even kn … ⌘ Read more

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Apple Preparing Minor iOS 17.5.2 Update for iPhone
Apple is preparing to release a minor iOS 17.5.2 update for the iPhone, according to a post shared today by an anonymous leaker on X, formerly known as Twitter. The leaker has a private account, so we are not identifying it or linking to it, but they have proven to be a consistently accurate source for upcoming iOS updates.


Nothing is known about iOS 17.5.2, … ⌘ Read more

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A brief summary of click-to-raise and drag-and-drop interaction on X11 and Wayland
The goal is to be able to drag an icon from a background window without immediately raising that window and obscuring the drop target window when using the click-to-focus mode. This is a barebones description of what needs to happen. It assumes familiarity with code, protocols, etc. as needed. ↫ Quod Video The articles describes how to get there using both X and Wayla … ⌘ Read more

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構建 LLM 應用:介紹(第一部分)
作者:Vipra Singh 編譯:ronghuaiyang 導讀在系列博客中,我們通過檢索增強生成(RAG)應用的視角來學習大規模語言模型(LLM)。即使是一個簡單的檢索增強生成(RAG)應用也涉及到調整衆多不同的參數、組件和模型在我最近對語言模型(LLM)應用的探索中,我被檢索增強生成(RAG)所扮演的重要角色深深吸引。從概念構想到雲上部署,全面理解端到端的 RAG 架構是一項相當 ⌘ Read more

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如何分析 Rust 進程使用了多少內存?
在篇文章中,我們使用 memory-stats crate 來報告和分析 Rust 進程使用了多少內存,它依賴於操作系統的內存計算。使用以下命令創建一個 Rust 新項目:cargo new memory-stats-example加入以下依賴項:

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普通登錄提到單點登錄,首先可以想到傳統登錄,通過登錄頁面根據用戶名查詢用戶信息,判斷密碼是否正確,正確則將用戶信息寫到 session,訪問的時候通過從 session 中獲取用戶信息,判斷是否已登錄,登錄則允許訪問。普通登錄的缺點由於 session 不能共享,服務越來越多,並且還服務還搭建集羣,導致每訪問另外一個服務都需要重新登錄。單點登錄單點登錄有個簡稱是 sso,它是一個功能可以控制多個有 ⌘ Read more

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不必過於擔心掌握不了 Rust 的生命週期
前段時間在內網 Rust 羣看到同事分享的一篇關於 Rust 生命週期的文章,個人覺得很適合筆者這一類 Rust 初學人羣,利用週末翻譯記錄一下。 原文地址:很多人提到 Rust 很難學的時候,他們大多數都會提到 Rust 的生命週期。然而,在開發了七年 Rust 代碼之後,我 (原文作者,後面同) 可能 95% 的 ⌘ Read more

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深入研究 Rust 的內部可變性 - Cell 是如何工作的?
在 rust 中,我們從引用借用的規則中知道有不可變 (共享) 引用和可變 (獨佔) 引用。如果我們有一個共享引用,我們可以想要多少就有多少。這是因爲這些引用不允許我們改變它們指向的值,所以同時有多個引用是可以的。可變引用則不然,顧名思義,可變引用允許我們改變它們所指向的值。所以在這種情況下,對值有多個引用是不行的。例如,考慮兩個線程,其中每個線程都持有一個獨佔引用並同時更改其值。線程運行後的值應 ⌘ Read more

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作者簡介 Liang,攜程技術專家,專注系統性能、穩定性、承載能力和交易質量,在技術架構演進、高併發等領域有豐富的實踐經驗。本文概述了攜程門票預訂交易系統在應對秒殺活動中面臨的挑戰與應對策略。第一部分闡述了業務激增對系統架構的考驗;第二部分深入剖析了系統架構的優化路徑,涵蓋讀熱點、寫入性能瓶頸、強一致性事務處理及流量精細化控制等關鍵問題的解決方案,並總結了確保系統高可用性與持續性的治理措施。希望 ⌘ Read more

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