How Disinformation From a Russian AI Spam Farm Ended up on Top of Google Search Results
A fake article about Zelensky’s wife buying a $4.8 million Bugatti with US aid was promoted by bots, Russia state media, and pro-Trump influencers on X. It’s part of a network of websites supercharged by AI. ⌘ Read more

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How the IRS went soft on billionaires and corporate tax cheats
David Ake,    -  International Consortium of Investigative Journalists

_Stephan: Yet another story about the vast corruption of the U.S. government, this story one about how the rich and big corporations get special treatment from the IRS. What this country needs is a revolution. It is a disgusting tale of the real facts. The revolution we need is not the kind criminal Trump and the MAGAts have in mi … ⌘ Read more

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The future is all bot vs. bot
Scott Rosenberg,    -  Axios

Stephan: The more I learn about AI the more it seems to me to be a very mixed bag. For one thing, I think bots may be one of the reasons SR gets so many hacks. What really concerns me is the amount of misinformation being spewed out by bots that influence human perceptions and thinking. I believe it is affecting governments all over the world, particularly democracies because they are based on human consensus.

![](https://www.schwartz … ⌘ Read more

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Trump-appointed judge forced to resign as damning ethics report details sex misconduct
Matthew Chapman,  Staff Writer  -  Raw Story

Stephan: I am surprised the media has not seemed to comprehend that everyone criminal Trump apooints to anything, from staff to agencies, to courts are corrupt. Look at how many are in prison. I think you have to be corrupt and willing to be subservient to Trump in order for him to appoint or hire you.

![] … ⌘ Read more

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U.S. Confidence in Higher Education Now Closely Divided
JEFFREY M. JONES,    -  The Gallup Organization.

_Stephan: I have many issues with the cost of colleges and universities, but this sad decline in confidence about higher education I see as the result of misinformation and MAGAtism. Note that there is a correlation between the drop in confidence and affiliation with the MAGAt Party. Consider this: 54% of the American public can only read to 6th grade level – so the … ⌘ Read more

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Aujourd’hui et demain mercredi, Enedis va peut-être couper le courant le matin. Mon serveur va donc peut-être être inaccessible (,

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RCS Messaging in iOS 18: What iPhone Users Need to Know
Rich Communication Services (RCS) is a messaging standard Apple is adopting in iOS 18 that will revolutionize the messaging experience between iPhone and Android devices. Think of it as SMS 2.0 – a major upgrade to the traditional text messaging we’ve been using for years.


Key Features of RCS

Apple’s decision to embrace RCS came [last year]( … ⌘ Read more

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揭祕 Rust HTTP 生態系統
在這篇文章中,我們將看到 Web 開發的不同部分如何在 Rust HTTP 生態系統中組合在一起,這樣你就可以無所畏懼地在 Rust 中啓動你的下一個 (微)web 服務,並享受所有附帶的好處 (枚舉、一流的錯誤處理、無與倫比的可靠性、性能等等)。Actix-web vs AxumRust HTTP 框架有兩個主要框架:acitx-web 和 axum。兩者之間的主要區別在於,actix-web ⌘ Read more

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開源數據庫是現代軟件開發中的關鍵組成部分,提供了強大、可擴展和靈活的數據存儲和管理解決方案。以下是十個流行的開源數據庫的詳細概述,突出其主要特點和使用場景。01 MySQL——–特性:關係數據庫管理系統 (RDBMS):MySQL 使用結構化查詢語言 (SQL) 進行數據訪問和管理。 ACID 合規性:確保原子性、一致性、隔離性和持久性的可靠事務。 跨平臺支持:運行於多種操作 ⌘ Read more

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Go 性能度量利器,完全替代 io-Reader 和 io-Writer!
在 Go 語言的世界裏,io.Reader 和 io.Writer 接口是數據流處理的基石。然而,標準庫並沒有提供一種便捷的方式來追蹤通過這些接口傳輸的字節數。metered-io 庫應運而生,它提供了 io.Reader 和 io.Writer 的替代品,並能夠方便地獲取傳輸的字節總數,爲性能度量和監控提供了強大的支持。metered-io 庫簡介————–metered-io ⌘ Read more

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