人工智能領域的權威吳恩達教授,在其創立的《The Batch》週報中發表了一篇博文,概述了機器學習領域六種基礎算法的歷史和重要性。他強調了在這一領域不斷學習和更新知識的必要性。這些算法包括線性迴歸、邏輯迴歸、梯度下降、神經網絡、決策樹和 k 均值聚類算法,它們是機器學習進步的基石。本文將進一步探討這些算法的背景、原理、優缺點及應用場景。線性迴歸背景:線性迴歸是最古老也是最簡單的迴歸算法之一,其歷史 ⌘ Read more

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MQ 選型:一文詳解 Kafka 與 RocketMQ 區別
引言在做 MQ 技術選型的時候,Kafka 和 RocketMQ 是常用的兩個消息隊列中間件,今天就從架構設計、性能分析、使用場景來比較一下兩者的區別,到底該使用哪個 MQ?Kafka 最初由 LinkedIn 開發,後來成爲 Apache 的一個頂級項目,它設計之初就是爲處理大規模數據而生,特別擅長於高吞吐量的場景。Kafka 廣泛應用於日誌收集、流式處理、事件驅動架構等多種場景,被許多知名企業 ⌘ Read more

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Apache BookKeeper 一致性協議解析
導語Apache Pulsar 是一個多租戶、高性能的服務間消息傳輸解決方案,支持多租戶、低延時、讀寫分離、跨地域複製(GEO replication)、快速擴容、靈活容錯等特性。Pulsar 存儲層依託於 BookKeeper 組件,所以本文簡單探討一下 BookKeeper(下文簡稱 BK) 的一致性協議是如何實現的。背景Pulsar 相對於 Kafka 根本的區別在於數據一致性協議,這也是爲 ⌘ Read more

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「Go 開源」freeze:一個能將源代碼轉換成圖片的工具
大家好,我是漁夫子。今天給大家推薦的開源工具是 freeze,該工具可以將源代碼或終端中的輸出內容轉換成對應的圖片。如下圖效果:比如,我們想把一個 go 語言編寫的源代碼 main.go 轉換成圖片,則可以按如下方式操作:freeze main.go –output main.png生成的效果如下:你看,就把對應的代碼按照高亮的形式生成了圖片。實現原理那這個 freeze 的實現原理是什麼呢?通 ⌘ Read more

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一款用於實時監控 PostgreSQL 數據變化的 Go 語言庫
在現代應用開發中,實時數據處理扮演着至關重要的角色。實時監控數據庫變化,並對這些變化做出迅速響應,是許多應用場景(如實時數據分析、緩存更新、事件驅動架構等)的核心需求。Flash 正是這樣一款應運而生的 Go 語言庫,它爲開發者提供了便捷高效的方式來管理 PostgreSQL 數據庫的實時變化。Flash 簡介——–Flash 是一款輕量級的 Go 語言庫,它利用事件管理機制,實現了對 ⌘ Read more

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She Defrauded Apps Like Uber and Instacart of Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars. Meet Priscila, Queen of the Rideshare Mafia
Priscila Barbosa came to the US with a dream of making it. Using gig-economy platforms she built a business empire up from nothing. There was just one huge problem. ⌘ Read more

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With the End of Chevron, Health and Environmental Experts’ Hands Are Tied
Elizabeth Cerceo, MD,  Associate Professor and Director of Climate Health  -  MedPage Today

_Stephan: What the media have not understood is that the Supreme Court’s Chevron decision transfers absolute power from scientific experts in regulatory agencies to non-scientist judges and will have no competence is assessing a measure. The corrupt christofascist majority on the Supreme Co … ⌘ Read more

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One key factor drives White nationalism — and it’s probably not what you think: expert
Daniel Hampton,  Senior Editor  -  Raw Story

_Stephan: Here is an insight into one of the major dynamics driving White Nationalism. White men so unattractive in their attitudes and behavior that they can’t find a woman willing to have sex with them. The Incel movement and White Nationalism have merged, and become a major part of the MAGAt Party that seeks t … ⌘ Read more

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‘I was handed to a complete stranger’: the survivors fighting to end child marriage in 37 US states — and the people who want to keep it legal
Alaina Demopoulos,  Feature Writer  -  The Guardian (U.K.)

_Stephan: Child marriage, which really means young girl marriage, even barely pubescent girls, is an issue that, in my view is not getting anywhere near the attention it should be getting. … ⌘ Read more

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‘Yacht trip to Russia’: Senators publish list of Clarence Thomas’ gifts from benefactors
Carl Gibson,  Staff Writer  -  AlterNet

Stephan: Clarence Thomas is the most corrupt Justice of the Supreme Court in two centuries. And yet there he sits, untouched and held to no accountability for his corruption, one of the six christofacists who are taking our democracy apart and affecting the lives of over 300 million Americans in a negative way.
… ⌘ Read more

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The $11 Billion Marketplace Enabling the Crypto Scam Economy
Deepfake scam services. Victim data. Electrified shackles for human trafficking. Crypto tracing firm Elliptic found all were available for sale on an online marketplace linked to Cambodia’s ruling family. ⌘ Read more

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1  介紹本文對大型語言模型的壓縮和效率推理進行了綜述。大型語言模型基於 Transformer 架構,具有強大的性能,但也帶來了巨大的內存和計算成本。本文從算法角度對大型語言模型的壓縮和效率推理方法進行了分類,包括量化、剪枝、知識蒸餾、緊湊架構設計和動態網絡。大型語言模型有兩個顯著特點:(1)大多數壓縮算法需要在壓縮後對模型進行微調和甚至重新訓練,而大型模型的微調和訓練成本非常高。因此,許多算法 ⌘ Read more

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構建 LLM 應用:數據準備(第二部分)
作者:Vipra Singh 編譯:ronghuaiyang 導讀在系列博客中,我們通過檢索增強生成(RAG)應用的視角來學習大規模語言模型(LLM)。檢索增強生成(RAG)的數據準備工作流在上一篇文章中,我們深入探討了檢索增強生成(Retrieval Augmented Generation, RAG)的流程,全面理解了它的各個組成部分。任何機器學習應用的初始階段都涉及數據準備。這包 ⌘ Read more

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3-4K Stars!爲 RAG 而生的數據工程神器!OmniParse
大模型 RAG 的難題是什麼?  RAG 或者 Fine-tuning 微調作爲大模型的增強技術,最核心的技術在於如何把企業的私有數據清洗轉換成知識,企業中能夠第一時間拿到的私有數據,往往是異構的、數據質量參差不齊,通過數據工程把數據變成知識就不是一件很容易的事兒。OmniParse 正是爲此而生的利器!它將任何非結構化數據轉換爲結構化知識。Github 地址:https://github.comRead more

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一、前言—-事實表 作爲數據倉庫維度建模的核心,緊緊圍繞着 業務過程 來設計,通過獲取描述業務過程的度量來表達業務過程,包含了引用的維度和與業務過程有關的度量。事實表中一條記錄所表達的業務細節程度被稱爲 粒度。通常粒度可以通過兩種方式來表述:一種是維度屬性組合所表示的細節程度;一種是所表示的具體業務含義。基於某個業務過程,需要創建事務事實表,需要填寫的信息遵循如下規範建議:英文名:我們預設定了 ⌘ Read more

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【SpringBoot】 如何做到無感刷新 token?
前言—–最近在搞一個鑑權認證服務器,其中有個問題就是 token 的無感刷新。Token 無感刷新是一種在用戶不感知的情況下自動更新訪問令牌(Token)的機制,以維持用戶的登錄狀態。一般是使用一個短期的 token 來做權限認證,而更長時間的refreshToken來做短 token 的刷新,而在實現的過程中就有各種問題出來比如:Q1: 是要在服務器端實現還是能在客戶端實現? Q2: ⌘ Read more

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圖解 IO 多路複用之 Poll 的實現原理
IO 多路複用在 Linux 上還有一種 poll 的實現方案,其實 poll 和 select 一樣,它們都是函數,但是 poll 針對 select 的底層使用的 bit 數組的文件描述符列表做了優化,下面分析 poll 的原理。 1、認識 poll 函數poll 的原型函數如下所示: struct pollfd myfd

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(#fza7hea) @mckinley@mckinley yeah we already have this here in Australia, EV vehicles and your non-EV vehicles. And yes, it’s a pain in the ar …
@mckinley yeah we already have this here in Australia, EV vehicles and your non-EV vehicles. And yes, it’s a pain in the arse as the car randomly breaks for things that a normal human driver wouldn’t break for just because the low eye detection races a false positive. ⌘ Read more

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Monero Research Lab meeting scheduled for 17 July 2024 1700 UTC
The next Monero Research Lab1 meeting is scheduled to take place on Wednesday, July 17th 2024 at 17:00 UTC on IRC-Libera/Matrix2 in the #monero-research-lab channels.

Agenda overview (unconfirmed)
  • Updates. What is everyone working on?
  • Stress testing monerod3
  • Potential measures against a black marble attack4
  • Research Pre-Seraphis Full-Chain Membership Proofs5
  • Uniformity of Monero’ … ⌘ Read more

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Justin Berman posts CCS progress report after 350 hours of dev work
Justin Berman1 has published a second progress report2 for his full-time 2024 ( part 7) Monero/Seraphis dev work CCS proposal3:

Update 2: 350 hours

Work overview

-Completed first pass of the grow_tree and trim_tree algorithms and tests
  -It's not PR ready as is
  -this is a significant fcmp integration milestone
-Submitted a PR to ensure when un-synced wallets call scan_ ... ⌘ [Read more](https://monero.observer/j-berman-posts-ccs-progress-report-after-350-dev-work-hours/)

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Monero Observer 2024 Q3 CCS proposal ready for community review
The Monero Observer CCS proposal for 2024 Q3 is ready for community review:

I will continue to maintain Monero Observer (https://monero.observer) for the next 3 months (2024 Q3): July, August and September.

You can support the proposal by posting feedback in !4781.

Thanks for being a loyal MO reader!


  1. [https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/478](https://repo.getmonero … ⌘ Read more

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Google extends Linux kernel support to keep Android devices secure for longer
Android, like many other operating systems, uses the open-source Linux kernel. There are several different types of Linux kernel releases, but the type that’s most important to Android is the long-term support (LTS) one, as they’re updated regularly with important bug fixes and security patches. Starting in 2017, the support lifetime of LTS releases of Linux was extended from t … ⌘ Read more

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Mozilla opts to extended Windows 7/8/8.1 support
Among them, Byron Jourdan, Senior Director, Product Management of Mozilla, under the Reddit username ComprehensiveDoor643 revealed that Mozilla plans to support Firefox on Windows 7 for longer. When asked separately about whether it also included Windows 8 and 8.1 too, Jourdan added that it was certainly the plan, though for how long the extended support would last was still undecided. ↫ Sayan Sen at Neowin Excellent move by Mozilla. … ⌘ Read more

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No more boot loader: lease use the kernel instead
Most people are familiar with GRUB, a powerful, flexible, fully-featured bootloader that is used on multiple architectures (x86_64, aarch64, ppc64le OpenFirmware). Although GRUB is quite versatile and capable, its features create complexity that is difficult to maintain, and that both duplicate and lag behind the Linux kernel while also creating numerous security holes. On the other hand, the Linux kernel, which has a large develope … ⌘ Read more

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