MMGen Wallet v14.1.0 released with new Monero features
MMGen Project 1 has released MMGen Wallet 2 version 14.1.03 with bugfixes, new Monero features, and other improvements:

Changes overview


  • offline transaction signing with automount for BTC, BCH, LTC and ETH/ERC20
  • support descriptor wallets for BTC
  • bip_hd: a minimal, easy-to-use BIP-32/BIP-44 implementation
  • mmgen-xmrwallet: new sweep_all operation
  • mmgen-xmrwallet: support fee-prioritizing of … ⌘ Read more”`

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America’s Aging Dams Are a Catastrophe Waiting to Happen
Climate change presents a growing threat to the nation’s nearly 92,000 dams, many of which are more than 100 years old, as heavy rainfall, flooding, and other forms of extreme weather become more common and severe. ⌘ Read more

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China building two-thirds of world’s wind and solar projects
Amy Hawkins,  Senior China Correspondent  -  The Guardian (U.K.)

_Stephan: Almost no one in the general media or Congress seems to understand how China is governed. Everyone says it is communist. In actuality, it is not. What China has done is recreate the Mandarian system that consolidated China and governed it from about 1115 CE to about 1911/12. The Mandarin system was a central bureaucracy of highly e … ⌘ Read more

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Trump’s Plan for NATO Is Emerging.
MICHAEL HIRSH,  former Foreign Editor and Chief Diplomatic Correspondent for Newsweek, and the Former National Editor for POLITICO Magazine.  -  Politico Magazine

_Stephan: If Trump were to be elected to President again, not only would he destroy the American economy reversing all the good things Biden has achieved, he will also diminish the influence of the United States in the world. In almost every way imaginable our world would change in a negative way. … ⌘ Read more

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There Is No ‘Alternative’ to IVF, Ob/Gyns Warn
Rachael Robertson,  Enterprise & Investigative Writer,  -  MedPage Today

Stephan: In the MAGAt media they are talking about alternatives to IVF. As this medical publication reports there are none. That means that there are couples, women, seeking to have a child who, if the MAGAts are in power and outlaw IVF, will simply not be able to do so.


_IVF Lab Credit … ⌘ Read more

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‘Moment of crisis’: Expert links Trump to ‘staggering’ uptick in hate crimes
Kathleen Culliton,  Assistant Managing Editor  -  Raw Story

Stephan: The MAGAt side, the Trumper side, of the Great Schism Trend, is given to civil violence as this article describes. I am very concerned that if Trump loses we are going to see events as bad or worse than 6 January. These people are heavily armed and filled with hate and resentments.

![](https://www.schwartzr … ⌘ Read more

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There’s a new interesting regression in yarnd that’s cropped up that results in a " /> at the end of uploaded/links images. I’m not able to …
There’s a new interesting regression in yarnd that’s cropped up that results in a " /> at the end of uploaded/links images. I’m not able to figure this bug out yet 😢 ⌘ Read more

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**(#ielhzia) @lyse Yeah he is 😭

2024-07-12T16:52:12-06:00	(#4nlm4ca) Here has been north of 38C all week. Its pretty ick. I would love a b ...**
[@lyse _@lyse.isobeef.org_]( Yeah he is 😭

2024-07-12T16:52:12-06:00 (#4nlm4ca) Here has been north of 38C all week. Its pretty ick. I would love a bit of rain to cool down.
2024-07-12T16:52:12-06:00 (#4nlm4ca) Here has been north of 38C all week. Its pretty ick. I would love a bit of rain to cool down.


I _thi … ⌘ Read more”`

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Top Stories: Everything New in iOS 18 Beta 3, HomePod With Screen Rumor, and More
Apple is moving right along with development and testing on iOS 18 and related software updates, with the third developer betas arriving this past week and public beta versions of most of them expected very shortly.


Not all of the new features Apple showed off at WWDC last month will be available right away, however, with some r … ⌘ Read more

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Windows NT 4.0 ported to run on certain Apple PowerPC Macs
The most fascinating time for Windows NT were its first few years on the market, when the brand new operating system supported a wide variety of architectures, from default x86, all the way down to stuff like Alpha, MIPS, and exotic things like Intel i860, and even weirder stuff like Clipper (even a SPARC port was planned, but never released). One of the more conventional architectures that saw a Windows NT port – … ⌘ Read more

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Package AmigaOS software for Linux and Windows with AxRuntime
This solution lets developers compile their Amiga API-based applications as Linux binaries. Once the features are implemented, tested and optimized using the runtime on Linux or Windows, developers re-compile their applications for their Amiga-like system of choice and perform final quality checking. Applications created with AxRuntime can be distributed to Linux or Windows communities, giving developers a mu … ⌘ Read more

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