快停下,Redis 都要被你玩壞了
大家好,我是程序員魚皮。很多小夥伴都知道緩存的好處,從數據庫加載數據過慢時,直接上 Redis 緩存!的確,Redis 高性能 KV 存儲是後端開發提升性能的一大利器,但是有沒有想過,如果使用姿勢不對,使用 Redis 後,性能反而會更慢呢?今天就來盤下使用 Redis 性能變慢的幾個原因以及一些應對手段。1、網絡和通信導致的延遲————比如我們現在要往 Redis 裏面寫入多個 ⌘ Read more

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eBPF Talk: 在設備層統計網絡包延遲
在 Linux 內核協議棧設備層,有 2 個 tracepoint 可以用來統計網絡包的延遲:net:netdevxmit:設備層發送 skb 的 tracepoint。 net:netifreceiveskb:設備層接收 skb 的 tracepoint。 因此,不管是向外發起請求、還是接收請求,都可以通過這 2 個 tracepoint 來統計網絡包的延遲。利用這 2 個 trac ⌘ Read more

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構建更快的 Web 體驗 - 使用 postTask 調度器
介紹瞭如何利用 postTask 調度器來提高網頁的用戶體驗和響應速度,通過高效地調度任務和處理優先級來優化頁面性能。使用 postTask 可以拆分長任務、預加載資源和提高頁面交互性能,讓頁面更具響應性。同時,文章還介紹瞭如何在 React 中集成 postTask 調度器來執行不同模式或策略,以進一步優化網頁性能。今日前端早讀課文章由 @古茗科技翻譯分享。正文從這開始~~你有沒有經歷過打開一個 ⌘ Read more

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在 Go 中如何使用 go:embed 指令嵌入靜態文件
有時候,將配置文件、模板甚至整個前端應用直接嵌入到 Go 二進制文件中,是一種提高應用部署效率和簡化操作的有效方法。自從 Go 1.16 版本起,Go 語言官方引入了 //go:embed 指令,這使得嵌入靜態資源變得異常簡單而直接。本文將詳細介紹如何在你的 Go 應用中使用這一強大的特性。什麼是 go:embed//go:embed 在 Go 1.16 版本中被加入,這也是我接觸 Go 語言的第 ⌘ Read more

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理解並使用 Golang 的 “omitempty” 特性
在使用 Go (Golang) 並將數據編碼爲 JSON 時,您可能會遇到這樣的情況:如果某些字段的值爲空,則需要從編碼輸出中省略這些字段。這就是 Golang 的 omitempty 功能發揮作用的地方。struct 字段標記中的 omitempty 選項會告訴編碼器,如果字段爲空值,則跳過該字段。什麼是  “Empty Value”?在 Go 中,Empty Value 的定義是:布爾類型爲 ⌘ Read more

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構建並運行 eBPF 應用 - Part 1
本文將介紹如何使用 C 和 Golang 編寫第一個 eBPF 程序。我們將在第一部分介紹實際的 eBPF 程序,在第二部分介紹用戶空間應用程序。準備工作本文開發所運行的操作系統是:OS: Ubuntu 22.04Linux Header Version: 6.5.0–14-generic還通過 apt 安裝了一些依賴項:sudo apt-get -y install libbpf bpfcc-t ⌘ Read more

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How to Install the macOS Sequoia Public Beta
Apple has made a macOS 15 Sequoia beta available for its public beta testing group, letting public beta testers try out the software before it launches this fall. Keep reading to learn whether you should install it on your Mac, and if so, how to go about it.


Signing up to get the macOS Sequoia beta is simple, and can be done by enrolling a Mac in Apple’s free … ⌘ Read more

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0xFFFC posts June 2024 Monero dev report
0xFFFC1 has posted the second progress report (June 2024)2 for their full-time Monero dev work CCS proposal3:

Last month I worked on multiple PR. The main one is causing the 3x start-up speed for the monerod (9376).

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vtnerd, escapethe3RA CCS proposals ready for funding
Two CCS proposals have been moved to the funding stage and are now looking for community support:

  • vtnerd’s!480 1: full-time 2024 q3 2
  • escapethe3RA’s!478 3: Monero Observer maintenance (2024 Q3) 4

To support the above proposals you can donate to the XMR addresses listed on the Funding Required 5 page.

  1. [https://ccs.getmonero.org/proposals/vtnerd-2024-q3.html](https://ccs … ⌘ Read more

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Monero Research Lab meeting scheduled for 24 July 2024 1700 UTC
The next Monero Research Lab1 meeting is scheduled to take place on Wednesday, July 24th 2024 at 17:00 UTC on IRC-Libera/Matrix2 in the #monero-research-lab channels.

Agenda overview (unconfirmed)
  • Updates. What is everyone working on?
  • Stress testing monerod3
  • Potential measures against a black marble attack4
  • Research Pre-Seraphis Full-Chain Membership Proofs5
  • Uniformity of Monero’ … ⌘ Read more

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Safari already contains ad tracking technology, and they’re now adding it to Safari’s Private Browsing mode, too
We’ve been talking a lot about sleazy ways in which the online advertising industry is conspiring with browser makers – who also happen to be in the online advertising industry – to weaken privacy features so they can still track you and the ads they serve you, but with “privacy”. They’re trying really hard to ma … ⌘ Read more

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Prime Day Has Brought the Google Pixel 7A to an Incredibly Low Price (2024)
The midrange Pixel 7A from 2023 is now just $249, an all-time low price, and the Pixel Fold also sees its most significant price drop ahead of Google’s August hardware event. ⌘ Read more

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