There’s Another Chance to See the Northern Lights This Week
Don’t worry if you missed them in May—due to another geomagnetic storm, the northern lights might again be seen at lower latitudes across the US and Europe, from as early as Tuesday night. ⌘ Read more

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I’m putting all efforts to switch to Wayland on hold for another 2 years, minimum.

As we all know, writing a Wayland compositor from scratch is next to impossible. Luckily, there’s the wlroots project which aims to build a base library for this task. Basically every compositor except for GNOME and KDE uses it. (This is good! The less fragmentation, the better.)

wlroots is still very volatile, lots of changes with every release. Downstream users (i.e., the projects that write the actual compositor) have to constantly “chase” changes in wlroots. dwl, my favorite compositor at the moment, has recently switched their main branch to target the wlroots git version instead of the latest release. My understanding is that they have to do this in order to keep up with wlroots (maybe I’m wrong).

Everything is volatile and a moving target.

Why does any of this matter for me? Because I have to eventually fork dwl or at least keep a patch set, and I don’t have the stamina to constantly fiddle with this stuff. I’m running my own X11 window manager, it’s highly specialized, and using just “some Wayland compositor out there” is a huge step backward that I’m not willing to take. I tried, it’s just painful and annoying with zero benefits.

So … it was fun experimenting with Wayland a bit, but I’m now back to waiting for things to settle down considerably.

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No, Southwest Airlines is not still using Windows 3.1
A story that’s been persistently making the rounds since the CrowdStrike event is that while several airline companies were affected in one way or another, Southwest Airlines escaped the mayhem because they were still using windows 3.1. It’s a great story that fits the current zeitgeist about technology and its role in society, underlining that what is claimed to be technological progress is nothing but trouble, and that it’s … ⌘ Read more

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For the Director of Wicked, There’s No Place Like Silicon Valley
Six years after Crazy Rich Asians, Jon M. Chu prepares to release his adaptation of one of Broadway’s biggest musicals. From a table at his family’s famous Chinese restaurant, he opens up about his childhood among the titans of tech—and why filmmakers shouldn’t be afraid of AI. ⌘ Read more

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How Russia-Linked Malware Cut Heat to 600 Ukrainian Buildings in Deep Winter
The code, the first of its kind, was used to sabotage a heating utility in Lviv at the coldest point in the year—what appears to be yet another innovation in Russia’s torment of Ukrainian civilians. ⌘ Read more

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Golang - range 迭代器揭祕
————————————————————————————————————————————————————-簡介–我們正在使用 Go 語言編寫 Dolt

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使用 Go 語言創建你的第一個 2D 遊戲
Pixel 是一個用 Go 語言編寫的 2D 遊戲開發庫, 它爲開發者提供了一套簡潔而強大的工具, 讓創建像素風格的遊戲變得輕而易舉。本文將深入探討 Pixel 庫的核心特性, 並通過豐富的示例來展示如何使用它來構建引人入勝的 2D 遊戲。Pixel 的誕生與理念————Pixel 誕生於開發者對簡單而高效的 2D 遊戲開發工具的渴望。它的設計理念是 “手工打造”, 這意味着庫的每 ⌘ Read more

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Genkit:新一代基於 Go 的 AI 應用開發框架
Google 推出了 Genkit for Go,這是一個開源框架,用來以 Go 語言原生構建 AI 應用與雲服務。該項目是 Google Firebase 和 Go 團隊聯手合作的最新成果。Genkit for Go 於 7 月 17 日正式推出,目前版本處於 alpha 階段。Gophers 能夠通過它將 Go 的性能和併發優勢與 Genkit 的庫和工具相結合,從而來構建生成式 AI 應用程 ⌘ Read more

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紅隊對抗 LLM:完整的循序漸進的操作指南
作者:Kritin Vongthongsri 編譯:ronghuaiyang 導讀LLM 紅隊測試是一種通過故意的對抗性提示來測試和評估 LLM 的方法,旨在幫助揭示任何潛在的不期望或有害的模型脆弱性。就在兩個月前,Gemini 在生成的圖像中過於努力地追求政治正確,將所有人臉都表現爲有色人種。儘管這可能對一些人(如果不是很多人的話)來說很滑稽,但很明顯,隨着大型語言模型(LLMs)能 ⌘ Read more

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51 單片機中斷處理機制詳解
單片機多用於物聯網、自動控制系統、智能家電等領域,要求單片機能夠實時響應外部觸發的事件,中斷機制是單片機響應外部事件的重要方法。單片機多用於物聯網、自動控制系統、智能家電等領域,要求單片機能夠實時響應外部觸發的事件。例如在智能家電領域,人們可以用手機中的 APP 就可以遠程控制家電的開啓或關閉,智能家電的核心部分就是單片機,智能家電只要通電,單片機就進入工作狀態,等待外部事件的觸發,當人們通過 ⌘ Read more

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Golang 面試題:原子操作和鎖
1、問題描述原子操作和鎖的區別是什麼?2、問題解答原子操作和鎖是併發編程中常用的兩種同步機制,它們的區別如下:1、作用範圍:原子操作(Atomic Operations):原子操作是一種基本的操作,可以在單個指令級別上執行,保證操作的原子性。原子操作通常用於對共享變量進行讀取、寫入或修改等操作,以確保操作的完整性。 鎖(Lock):鎖是一種更高級別的同步機制,用於保護臨界區(Critical ⌘ Read more

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開源僅 1 天就斬獲近萬星!超越 RAG、讓大模型擁有超強記憶力的 Mem0 火了!
整理 | Tina最近,拿到 OpenAI 370 萬美元投資的一款 AI 聊天應用在 App Store 上線了。國內外 AI 聊天工具層出不窮、屢見不鮮,爲什麼這款應用卻能受到 OpenAI 的青睞呢?這款名爲 Dot 的應用 ,由總部位於舊金山的創業公司 New Computer 打造,由前蘋果設計團隊的成員 Jason Yuan 設計,編碼工作則由 Sam Whitmore 等一小撥人完成 ⌘ Read more

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(#ndodcuq) @lyse so in other words, their own entire sections of global industries that are using this rubbish crowd, strike antivirus/endpoint …
@lyse so in other words, their own entire sections of global industries that are using this rubbish crowd, strike antivirus/endpoint detection, piece of crap that are infection effectively in violation of the terms of conditions of the service? 🤔

That’s some good sleuth thing that [@lyse _@lys … ⌘ Read more

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(#pqvv4sa) @bender@bender sometimes having the open honest and transparent conversation and discussion is more valuable than anything to be i …
@bender sometimes having the open honest and transparent conversation and discussion is more valuable than anything to be individually gained. 😅 it helps us learn! ⌘ Read more

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A brief history of Dell UNIX
“Dell UNIX? I didn’t know there was such a thing.” A couple of weeks ago I had my new XO with me for breakfast at a nearby bakery café. Other patrons were drawn to seeing an XO for the first time, including a Linux person from Dell. I mentioned Dell UNIX and we talked a little about the people who had worked on Dell UNIX. He expressed surprise that mention of Dell UNIX evokes the above quote so often and pointed out that Emacs source still has #ifdef for Dell UNIX. Quick Go … ⌘ Read more

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OpenBSD workstation for the people
This is an attempt at building an OpenBSD desktop than could be used by newcomers or by people that don’t care about tinkering with computers and just want a working daily driver for general tasks. Somebody will obviously need to know a bit of UNIX but we’ll try to limit it to the minimum. ↫ Joel Carnat An excellent, to-the-point, no-nonsense guide about turning a default OpenBSD installation into a desktop operating system running Xfce. You definitely don’t nee … ⌘ Read more

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