一、簡介:—–大語言模型(LLM) 擁有龐大的規模、預先訓練的知識和卓越的性能,被廣泛應用於各種任務。提示學習 (prompt learning) 和指令微調(instruction tuning) 是兩種重要的使得大模型能理解具體任務的技術手段。然而,這些 prompt 或 instruction 常常會包含隱私信息,使得難以直接共享。本文講解了兩篇大語言模型中的 prompt 和 ins ⌘ Read more

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Auto-Populate iPhone Home Screen With Your Most Used Apps
Do you find yourself frequently scrolling through multiple Home Screen pages on your iPhone to get to the apps you access most often? If so, chances are you’ve already filled up the first page with some of your favorite apps. But what if you could automatically make all of your most-used apps appear on page one? With the Siri Suggestions widget, you can.

![](https://images.macrumors.com/article-new/2024/07/siri-suggested-apps-iphone-home … ⌘ Read more

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The Thomas Crooks Conspiracy Theories Aren’t Going Anywhere
The FBI says Donald Trump’s would-be assassin acted alone; the CIA denies any association with him. But experts say the complex reasons for belief in conspiracies will likely keep people believing. ⌘ Read more

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You can contribute to KDE with non-C++ code
Not everything made by KDE uses C++. This is probably obvious to some people, but it’s worth mentioning nevertheless. And I don’t mean this as just “well duh, KDE uses QtQuick which is written with C++ and QML”. I also don’t mean this as “well duh, Qt has a lot of bindings to other languages”. I mean explicitly “KDE has tools written primarily in certain languages and specialized formats”. ↫ Thiago Sueto If you ever wanted to contribute to KDE bu … ⌘ Read more

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The Mysterious Discovery of ‘Dark Oxygen’ on the Ocean Floor
Researchers believe they have discovered oxygen being produced 4,000 meters below the sea surface, and think polymetallic nodules—the sought-after bounty of deep-sea miners—could be the source. ⌘ Read more

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The 2024 Paris Olympics Opening Ceremony Will Be Unlike Any Before It
For the first time in history, the Olympics opening ceremony won’t be held inside a stadium. Instead, it will float down the Seine. Here’s everything you need to know. ⌘ Read more

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Kuo: 2026 iPhone to Use New Advanced Camera Sensor From Samsung
Apple’s iPhone will adopt a new 48MP Ultra Wide CMOS image sensor (CIS) made by Samsung as early as 2026, breaking Sony’s years-long monopoly as Apple’s CIS supplier, according to Apple analyst Ming-Chi Kuo.


Writing in a brief report published on X (formerly Twitter), Kuo said Samsung has … ⌘ Read more

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兼容 sentry 協議的輕量級監控: glitchtip
前言–上一篇文章說了重啓 sentry 的事因爲過程太折騰了,一度想過放棄 sentry 換成其他比較輕量級的開源監控系統這不就給我找到了另外倆個https://glitchtip.com/ https://www.highlight.io/ 這次就來試試這個 glitchtip用了之後才發現,這個也是用 Django 開發的,而且兼容 sentry 協議,連 SDK 都用的 sen ⌘ Read more

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前言用過 sqlite 的朋友都知道,在數據庫目錄會有 xxx.db 文件,你可能看到過,其實數據庫不只有 xxx.db,有時候還會有 xxx.db-shm、xxx.db-wal、xxx.db-journal 等文件,你有想過這些文件的作用是什麼嗎?還有使用數據庫時,偶爾會報 SQLITEBUSY 或者 SQLITELOCKED 的錯誤,你知道是因爲什麼導致的嗎?請看正文。知識點db-shm、db ⌘ Read more

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無需業務改造,一套數據庫滿足 OLTP 和 OLAP,GaiaDB 發佈並行查詢能力
在企業中通常存在兩類數據處理場景,一類是在線事務處理場景(OLTP),例如交易系統,另一類是在線分析處理場景(OLAP),例如業務報表。OLTP 數據庫擅長處理數據的增、刪、改,以及小數據量的查詢,更側重數據的實時響應、高吞吐和事務性等要求。OLAP 則以大數據量的複雜查詢爲主,更側重數據容量的擴展性、複雜計算能力等要求。爲了滿足這兩類業務場景,企業通常會採用 OLTP + OLAP 的組合方案或 ⌘ Read more

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優化 Oracle:最佳實踐與開發規範
前言爲了提高開發效率、保證代碼質量、增強產品的可維護性,針對在 ORACLE 數據庫中使用 SQL 及 PL/SQL 開發時所涉及的工程活動進行標準化定義,其中包含過程規範、命名規範、設計規範、代碼格式規範和程序開發規範。使用統一的 ORACLE SQL 編程規範,使 ORACLE 數據庫編程風格標準化,以便於閱讀、理解、繼承和維護及項目組成員相互交流。SQL 開發規範大小寫風格—–1、所有 ⌘ Read more

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etcd:增加 30- 的寫入性能
本文最終的解決方式很簡單,就是將現有卷升級爲支持更高 IOPS 的卷,但解決問題的過程值得推薦。 譯自:etcd: getting 30% more write/s我們的團隊看管着大約 30 套自建的 Kubernetes 集羣,最近需要針對 etcd 集羣進行性能分析。每個 etcd 集羣有 5 個成員,實例型號爲 m6i.xlarge,最大支持 6000 IOPS。每個成員有 3 個卷:ro ⌘ Read more

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Go 語言定時任務 time-Sleep 和 time-Tick 的優劣對比分析
golang 寫循環執行的定時任務,常見的有以下三種實現方式 1、time.Sleep 方法:for {   time.Sleep(time.Second)   fmt.Println(“我在定時執行任務”)}2、time.Tick 函數:t1:=time.Tick(3time.Second)for {   select {   case <-t1:      fmt.Println(“t1定時 ⌘ Read more

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New Samsung phones block sideloading by default
The assault on a user’s freedom to install whatever they want on what is supposed to be their phone continues. This time, it’s Samsung adding an additional blocker to users installing applications from outside the Play Store and its own mostly useless Galaxy Store. Technically, Android already blocks sideloading by default at an operating system level. The permission that’s needed to silently install new apps without prompting the user, … ⌘ Read more

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Google won’t be deprecating third-party cookies from Chrome after all
This story just never ever ends. After delays, changes in plans, more delays, we now have more changed plans. After years of stalling, Google has now announced it is, in fact, not going to deprecate third-party cookies in Chrome by default. In light of this, we are proposing an updated approach that elevates user choice. Instead of deprecating third-party cookies, we would introduce a new exper … ⌘ Read more

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Why Paris 2024 Olympic Athletes Are Sleeping on Cardboard Beds
The competitors’ bedroom furniture is simply stiff paper, along with coffee tables made from badminton shuttlecocks and ottomans made from parachute fabric. And as for durability, this gear can go the distance. ⌘ Read more

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