OpenAI beta tests SearchGPT search engine
Normally I’m not that interested in reporting on news coming from OpenAI, but today is a little different – the company launched SearchGPT, a search engine that’s supposed to rival Google, but at the same time, they’re also kind of not launching a search engine that’s supposed to rival Google. What? We’re testing SearchGPT, a prototype of new search features designed to combine the strength of our AI models with information from the web to give you … ⌘ Read more

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Two threads, one core: how simultaneous multithreading works under the hood
Simultaneous multithreading (SMT) is a feature that lets a processor handle instructions from two different threads at the same time. But have you ever wondered how this actually works? How does the processor keep track of two threads and manage its resources between them? In this article, we’re going to break it all down. Understanding the nuts and bolts of SMT will help you decide … ⌘ Read more

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Intel: Raptor Lake faults excessive voltage from microcode, fix coming in August
In what started last year as a handful of reports about instability with Intel’s Raptor Lake desktop chips has, over the last several months, grown into a much larger saga. Facing their biggest client chip instability impediment in decades, Intel has been under increasing pressure to figure out the root cause of the issue and fix it, as claims of damaged chips have stacked … ⌘ Read more

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New Jersey’s $500 Million Bid to Become an AI Epicenter
The Garden State has enacted a hefty new tax credit specifically for AI businesses. But tax incentives—particularly around data centers—haven’t always created large numbers of jobs. ⌘ Read more

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Hmmm 🧐

for url in $(jq -r '.Twters[].avatar' cache.json | sed '/^$/d' | grep -v -E '(|||' | sort -u); do echo "$url $(curl -I -s -o /dev/null -w '%header{content-length}' "$url")"; done

😅 Let’s see… 🤔

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Hmm remove the cpu limits on this pod, not even sure why I had ‘em set tbh, we decided at my day job that setting cpu limits on containers is a bit of a silly idea too. Anyway, pod should be much snappier now 😅

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Cars Are Now Rolling Computers, So How Long Will They Get Updates? Automakers Can’t Say
Phones are supported well beyond their average ownership lifetime. In stark contrast, automakers are struggling to work out how long their “smartphones on wheels” can be kept on the road. ⌘ Read more

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FreeBSD as a platform for your future technology
Choosing an operating system for new technology can be crucial for the success of any project. Years down the road, this decision will continue to inform the speed and efficiency of development. But should you build the infrastructure yourself or rely on a proven system? When faced with this decision, many companies have chosen, and continue to choose, FreeBSD. Few operating systems offer the immediate high performance and security of … ⌘ Read more

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I had a play with LiveKit Agents Playground: KITT and I have to say it’s pretty impressive. Not the ChatGPT part of course, but the speech recognition and text to speech synthesis.

KITT is an AI voice assistant powered by LiveKit Agents, Deepgram, Eleven Labs, and ChatGPT. It is running on LiveKit Playground.

It’s too bad it relies on three cloud services, none of which can be run locally (with the exception of Ollama that you could replace the OpenAI component with).

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The Hugely Important Ocean Current You’ve Never Heard Of
This week, we learn about the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, and how the failure of this critical ocean current could throw the world’s climate even further into crisis. ⌘ Read more

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Joe Biden Lost The Internet. Kamala Harris Is Trying to Win it Back
Biden’s campaign crafted countless bespoke identities for him, a response to a fractured internet. It’s early, but the Harris campaign appears to have a very different approach. ⌘ Read more

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‘Deadpool & Wolverine’ Scales New Heights of Cinematic Self-Awareness
Deadpool’s first foray into the Marvel Cinematic Universe is all about giving fans more Easter eggs and references than they can catch. Will it also score Disney a hit? ⌘ Read more

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How Soon Might the Atlantic Ocean Break? Two Sibling Scientists Found an Answer—and Shook the World
A gigantic, weather-defining current system could be headed to collapse. Peter and Susanne Ditlevsen had a simple yet controversial question: How much time might we have left to save it? ⌘ Read more

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引言 在現代 Web 開發中,CORS(Cross-Origin Resource Sharing,跨域資源共享)是一個不可忽視的重要概念。隨着 Web 應用的日益複雜,跨域請求變得越來越普遍。然而,由於同源策略的限制,瀏覽器默認不允許跨域請求。CORS 作爲一種機制,允許服務器顯式指定哪些外部網站可以訪問其資源,從而解決了這一問題。本文將深入解析 CORS 的原理、應用及其優缺點。CORS 原 ⌘ Read more

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什麼是 LRU 緩存?LRUCache 原理詳解和 C– 代碼實現
什麼時候會用到緩存 (Cache)———————緩存(Cache)通常用於兩個速度不同的介質之間,以提高數據訪問的速度和效率。這裏有幾個典型的應用場景:處理器和內存之間:處理器(CPU)的運算速度遠快於從內存中讀取數據的速度。因此,在 CPU 和內存之間會有多級緩存(L1、L2、甚至 L3 緩存),用來臨時存儲即將被 CPU 使用的數據和指令。這樣做可以大幅減少 CPU ⌘ Read more

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Linux 一鍵配置時鐘同步全攻略
前言爲了確保 Oracle RAC 環境中的時間同步,通常會使用網絡時間協議 (NTP) 或 chrony 來同步各節點的系統時間。這可以確保所有節點都具有一致的時間,從而保證數據庫的正常運行和數據的一致性。首先要先了解下這兩種方式的區別以及優缺點,可參考紅帽官方文檔:使用 ntpd 配置 NTP: more

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使用 LLMs 來生成合成數據
作者:Kritin Vongthongsri 編譯:ronghuaiyang 導讀如果我告訴你,現在有可能在幾分鐘內生成數千個高質量的測試案例,這些案例你過去可能要花費數週時間精心製作,你會怎麼想?構建大規模、全面的數據集來測試 LLM 輸出可能是一個耗時、昂貴且充滿挑戰的過程,尤其是從零開始。但如果我告訴你,現在有可能在幾分鐘內生成數千個高質量的測試案例,這些案例你過去可能要花費數週 ⌘ Read more

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系統設計 - 數據同步(批量 - CDC)方案選型
公衆號:TechLead 少個分號知乎:少個分號微信號:shaogefenhao網站:shaogefenhao.com數據同步的需求在日常工作中非常頻繁,幾乎每個公司或多或少會考慮調研數據同步的方案。不過在不同的場景下,需要考慮的問題有所不同,根據這些問題,我們可以制定相應的同步策略。01 同步策略——-下面是一些分析同步策略時需要考慮的問題:同步過程是全量的還是增量的? 是同一類數 ⌘ Read more

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史上最全 Git 圖文教程,沒有之一
Git 安裝——安裝先去官網下載這個軟件, 準備安裝到本電腦中根據自己電腦系統下載此軟件到本機 Windows 系統直接下載 .exe 文件即可,macOS 系統使用 Homebrew 命令行安裝,終端輸入 git –version 確認安裝默認選擇默認安裝路徑即可,如若想更改路徑,務必使用英文路徑對於 Windows 系統,查看安裝是否成功 ⌘ Read more

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