In-reply-to » After the behaviour of a clearly very angry feed author over the past few days, I'm very tempted to give up on Twtxt and allow it to go back to being dead. What really is the point of building and supporting a way to exchange little pieces of text with one another in a completely decentralized way, if you're just going to keep bumping up against such hostility? I don't know why I do this anymore. Only because I build and maintain additional services right? 🤔

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In-reply-to » After the behaviour of a clearly very angry feed author over the past few days, I'm very tempted to give up on Twtxt and allow it to go back to being dead. What really is the point of building and supporting a way to exchange little pieces of text with one another in a completely decentralized way, if you're just going to keep bumping up against such hostility? I don't know why I do this anymore. Oh, yeah, it certainly is more work for you than it is for me. 🫤

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In-reply-to » After the behaviour of a clearly very angry feed author over the past few days, I'm very tempted to give up on Twtxt and allow it to go back to being dead. What really is the point of building and supporting a way to exchange little pieces of text with one another in a completely decentralized way, if you're just going to keep bumping up against such hostility? I don't know why I do this anymore. you are absolutely right! And it did happen once more in the past as well. The difficulty about this particular new behavior though is that I’ve also had to blacklist it and remove it from the search engine and crawler for obvious reasons.

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In-reply-to » After the behaviour of a clearly very angry feed author over the past few days, I'm very tempted to give up on Twtxt and allow it to go back to being dead. What really is the point of building and supporting a way to exchange little pieces of text with one another in a completely decentralized way, if you're just going to keep bumping up against such hostility? I don't know why I do this anymore. I don’t understand that behavior either, but I’m afraid stuff like that is always going to happen. (I think it already happened once in the past?) As long as we have an easy way to ignore such a feed and remove it from our databases, we should be fine. 🤔

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In-reply-to » Simplified twtxt - I want to suggest some dogmas or commandments for twtxt, from where we can work our way back to how to implement different feature like replies/treads: As a replacement, it should be doable. But it won’t work together with hashes. So the community has to agree on one or the other first.

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In-reply-to » @movq, having an issue fetching a twtxt context. I am getting: I’m not sure this isn’t a bug. The feed’s URL must have changed at some point but Yarn is still using the old URL for hashing. And it’s inconsistent now:

curl -s -H 'Accept: application/json'

This gets you a twt which, when hashed again now using all the information from that API reply, does not yield the hash mowsvgq but bjs6aua.

But when you use the URL for hashing instead of, it’s mowsvgq.

So I would expect Yarn to either know about mowsvgq (showing the new URL or about bjs6aua (showing the old URL But not mowsvgq with the old URL. 😅

I don’t see how the second # url = metadata field is relevant here. 🤔

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My very strong opinion on the use of Twtxt is if you intend to use it, you should be prepared to let people pull your feed or at least check it and regular rentals.

Otherwise get out and go use something that’s either a distributed (Mastodon, AT, etc) or centralized (Facebook, X, etc) network.

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In-reply-to » After the behaviour of a clearly very angry feed author over the past few days, I'm very tempted to give up on Twtxt and allow it to go back to being dead. What really is the point of building and supporting a way to exchange little pieces of text with one another in a completely decentralised way, if you're just going to keep humping up against such hostility? I don't know why I do this anymore.

I just find a very frustrating when you have these very small number of people that lash out unnecessarily and get so angry over nothing.

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In-reply-to » After the behaviour of a clearly very angry feed author over the past few days, I'm very tempted to give up on Twtxt and allow it to go back to being dead. What really is the point of building and supporting a way to exchange little pieces of text with one another in a completely decentralised way, if you're just going to keep humping up against such hostility? I don't know why I do this anymore. I think we’ve done that here right? 🤔 we seem to have collectively formed a community of folks that are interested in interacting with one another in a completely decentralized way and minimal way.

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In-reply-to » After the behaviour of a clearly very angry feed author over the past few days, I'm very tempted to give up on Twtxt and allow it to go back to being dead. What really is the point of building and supporting a way to exchange little pieces of text with one another in a completely decentralized way, if you're just going to keep bumping up against such hostility? I don't know why I do this anymore. Agreed. I just find it an abhorrent that certain folks just don’t even bother to spend the few mins that it takes to reach out. Compares to hours of their time to cause havoc and mischief. Seriously wut da fuq?! 🤦‍♂️

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In-reply-to » After the behaviour of a clearly very angry feed author over the past few days, I'm very tempted to give up on Twtxt and allow it to go back to being dead. What really is the point of building and supporting a way to exchange little pieces of text with one another in a completely decentralized way, if you're just going to keep bumping up against such hostility? I don't know why I do this anymore. don’t let anyone bum you out, mate. We take corrective action, and move on.

I mean, you will quit twtxt when you please, but not because of some irrelevant feed. Won’t you agree?

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After the behaviour of a clearly very angry feed author over the past few days, I’m very tempted to give up on Twtxt and allow it to go back to being dead. What really is the point of building and supporting a way to exchange little pieces of text with one another in a completely decentralized way, if you’re just going to keep bumping up against such hostility? I don’t know why I do this anymore.

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In-reply-to » @movq, having an issue fetching a twtxt context. I am getting: I’m assuming jenny is doing some kind of validation and verifying if that Twt really does exist on the feed uri? 🤔 But the hash is all kinds of wrong now because @gallowsgryph for whatever reason decided it might be a good idea to have a 2nd # url that doesn’t actually point to the same Twtxt feed (bad idea).

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In-reply-to » Rebuilding my twtxt file after deciding to return, and trying to get back into working on my fork of txtnix as a reason to continue learning Perl again. it is hard to explain. I replied to OP, mention didn’t work. Then replied again, to start mention didn’t work. Then replied. Then I replied, but my replied to OP was overwritten by my last reply, no idea how. This ( was my reply to this (

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In-reply-to » Simplified twtxt - I want to suggest some dogmas or commandments for twtxt, from where we can work our way back to how to implement different feature like replies/treads: How hard would it be to implement something like (#<2024-10-25T17:15:50Z>)in jenny as a replacement for (#twthash) and have it not care about if is http(s) or a g-protocol?

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In-reply-to » Simplified twtxt - I want to suggest some dogmas or commandments for twtxt, from where we can work our way back to how to implement different feature like replies/treads: Speed is an issue for the client software, not the format itself, but yes I agree that it makes the most sense to append post to the end of the file. I’m referring to the definition that it’s the first url = in the file that is the one that has to be used for the twthash computation, which is a too arbitrary way of defining something that breaks treading time and time again. And this is the case for not using url+date+message = twthash.

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In-reply-to » Simplified twtxt - I want to suggest some dogmas or commandments for twtxt, from where we can work our way back to how to implement different feature like replies/treads: I like that. It pretty much matches what I already had in mind. (The implications of part two of point 0 are obviously controversial and I don’t know if we can ever agree on that. 😅)

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In-reply-to » @movq, having an issue fetching a twtxt context. I am getting: At some point, Yarn must have fetched the feed and used the correct URL (otherwise it wouldn’t have gotten the correct hash). And at that point, it should have updated the uri field for this twt in its database, I guess? Disclaimer: I know nothing about the internals of Yarn. 😅

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