In-reply-to » Happy Birthday my Son, I guess you are still camping and celebrating your special day with family. You were born on a Wednesday on 15 September 1982 at Belmont Hospital, which is a lovely low set place outside Newcastle, as you were brought home to live with my Mum and Dad at Sunshine in our first few months as a married couple, at Sunshine near Morriset NSW. Enjoy your special day.

Happy birthday! :-)

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In-reply-to » @prologic Some criticisms and a possible alternative direction: TLS won’t help you if you change your domain name. How will people know if it’s really you? Maybe that’s not the biggest problem for something with such low stakes as twtxt, but it’s a reasonable concern that could be solved using signatures from an unchanging cryptographic key.

This idea is the basis of Nostr. Notes can be posted to many relays and every note is signed with your private key. It doesn’t matter where you get the note from, your client can verify its authenticity. That way, relays don’t need to be trusted.

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In-reply-to » @prologic earlier you suggested extending hashes to 11 characters, but here's an argument that they should be even longer than that.

Well, we can’t have it both ways! 😅 Should we assume twtxt are read by clients, and not worry about something humans won’t see? 🤭

⤋ Read More earlier you suggested extending hashes to 11 characters, but here’s an argument that they should be even longer than that.

Imagine I found this twt one day at :

2024-09-14T22:00Z Useful backup command: rsync -a “$HOME” /mnt/backup


and I responded with “(#5dgoirqemeq) Thanks for the tip!”. Then I’ve endorsed the twt, but it could latter get changed to

2024-09-14T22:00Z Useful backup command: rm -rf /some_important_directory


which also has an 11-character base32 hash of 5dgoirqemeq. (I’m using the existing hashing method with as the feed url, but I’m taking 11 characters instead of 7 from the end of the base32 encoding.)

That’s what I meant by “spoofing” in an earlier twt.

I don’t know if preventing this sort of attack should be a goal, but if it is, the number of bits in the hash should be at least two times log2(number of attempts we want to defend against), where the “two times” is because of the birthday paradox.

Side note: current hashes always end with “a” or “q”, which is a bit wasteful. Maybe we should take the first N characters of the base32 encoding instead of the last N.

Code I used for the above example:
I only needed to compute 43394987 hashes to find it.

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In-reply-to » Happy Birthday my Son, I guess you are still camping and celebrating your special day with family. You were born on a Wednesday on 15 September 1982 at Belmont Hospital, which is a lovely low set place outside Newcastle, as you were brought home to live with my Mum and Dad at Sunshine in our first few months as a married couple. If you subtract 9 months and a bit, the term of your pregnancy, that makes your conception date a few days after our marriage, and the first time both of us had sexual intercourse together, sometime around Friday Saturday or Sunday beginning on 4th December 1981. We were married at Gosford and arrived in the Sydney Hilton Hotel on that evening Thursday 3rd December, it was such a quiet place so far above the street level, the tiny cars below looked like ants. Because you were the first child, we have special sessions each week to attend to learn how to be parents after your birth, and care for the Mum during your delivery. If I remember yours was a breech birth, the doctor had to turn you around somewhat before the normal course of action took place. Karen was brave, being only on gas. Enjoy your special day. Aww thanks! 🤗

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And here the Tommos camp with Mum and Dad in the trailor at Myall Lakes.
Boy I could tell you some stories here, like the time we got dozens of spiders all in the tent one night, and the time Dad yelled to Bob to get the red belly black snake that crawled over Brains sleeping bag. Up I jump grab a shovel and cut the head off. silly me !! We camped out with all our partners too.

Karen was treated like family with the 5 siblings and Mum and Dad. It was a great time. Happy camping James on your birthday!

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Happy Birthday my Son, I guess you are still camping and celebrating your special day with family.
You were born on a Wednesday on 15 September 1982 at Belmont Hospital, which is a lovely low set place outside Newcastle, as you were brought home to live with my Mum and Dad at Sunshine in our first few months as a married couple, at Sunshine near Morriset NSW. Enjoy your special day.

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Happy Birthday my Son, I guess you are still camping and celebrating your special day with family.
You were born on a Wednesday on 15 September 1982 at Belmont Hospital, which is a lovely low set place outside Newcastle, as you were brought home to live with my Mum and Dad at Sunshine in our first few months as a married couple. If you subtract 9 months and a bit, the term of your pregnancy, that makes your conception date a few days after our marriage, and the first time both of us had sexual intercourse together, sometime around Friday Saturday or Sunday beginning on 4th December 1981. We were married at Gosford and arrived in the Sydney Hilton Hotel on that evening Thursday 3rd December, it was such a quiet place so far above the street level, the tiny cars below looked like ants. Because you were the first child, we have special sessions each week to attend to learn how to be parents after your birth, and care for the Mum during your delivery. If I remember yours was a breech birth, the doctor had to turn you around somewhat before the normal course of action took place. Karen was brave, being only on gas. Enjoy your special day.

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In-reply-to » 20° temperature drop in just a hand full of days. Ooof. We went on a stroll at 10°C today. I could have used a beanie, my ears were very cold. The sun was out, but hardly any people. Very nice. Also, no wind. brr, we have the same here. Starting to get cold riding motorcycle to work in the morning.

⤋ Read More !! I freaking love your Timeline … I kind of have an justified PHP phobia 😅 but, I’m definitely thinking about giving it a try!

/ME wondering if it’s possible to use it locally just to read and manage my feed at first and then maybe make it publicly accessible later.

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In-reply-to » I just received a thought... When you visit a server home page, or any page, why can't the server sent you a page full of images, asking the human to click on three ants, or four ducks, or two trees, or five cars? Can an AI machine do such a thing? After a few seconds of human time, the page they wish is downloaded for them. Would this work all you computer experts? (I am getting sick of bots reading my content and stealing my copyright) Looks like you’re describing a captcha. They do not really work. Bots seem to solve them, too.

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In-reply-to » 20° temperature drop in just a hand full of days. Ooof. We went on a stroll at 10°C today. I could have used a beanie, my ears were very cold. The sun was out, but hardly any people. Very nice. Also, no wind. Thanks! Yeah, one week for autumn and spring must be enough. Or so the weather thinks. Looks like there is only on or off.

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been rather uninterested in technology lately for some reason. it’s probably the US Election’s fault, since I live in the US and all

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In-reply-to » 20° temperature drop in just a hand full of days. Ooof. We went on a stroll at 10°C today. I could have used a beanie, my ears were very cold. The sun was out, but hardly any people. Very nice. Also, no wind. Wow, those are some great shots. Fall is finally here! 😍 (Might be a bit exaggerated by my redshift. 😅)

That temperature drop was pretty sudden. Boom, cold, no warning. Give me some time to adapt, man! 😂

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20° temperature drop in just a hand full of days. Ooof. We went on a stroll at 10°C today. I could have used a beanie, my ears were very cold. The sun was out, but hardly any people. Very nice. Also, no wind.

It was nice to finally hear a few birds singing again, although it was still fairly silent. The sun gave us a nice show. In hindsight, we should have stayed at the summit a bit longer. In the forest, we missed the very best, crazy red sky. We could only see parts shimmering through the tree lines.


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I just received a thought… When you visit a server home page, or any page, why can’t the server sent you a page full of images, asking the human to click on three ants, or four ducks, or two trees, or five cars?
Can an AI machine do such a thing? After a few seconds of human time, the page they wish is downloaded for them. Would this work all you computer experts? (I am getting sick of bots reading my content and stealing my copyright)

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In-reply-to » Ford Seeks Patent For Tech That Listens To Driver Conversations To Serve Ads Ford is seeking a patent for technology that would allow it to tailor in-car advertising by listening to conversations among vehicle occupants, as well as by analyzing a car's historical location and other data, according to a patent application published late last month. The Record: "In one example, the controller may moni ... ⌘ Read more

Ford, the company can honestly go fuck themselves! No one ever asked or even thought to themselves:

Gee I wish my car would listen to my in-car conversations and serve me ads.

🤬🤦‍♂️ #Ford #Ads

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