In-reply-to » Serious open (for anyone) question: what makes you follow someone on twtxt? Will you just follow anyone that you come across, simply because that someone using the "decentralised, minimalist microblogging service for hackers" microblog? I follow feeds that are somewhat interesting to me. At least for the most part.

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In-reply-to » When we passed a few horses in the forest, there was really strong soup odor in the air. It didn't smell like horse at all, but soup. Maybe they've been soup horses, chickens were out of stock. 31°C here, feels like 33°C, with a lovely 75% of humidity. It has been raining, on and off (to make matter “better”) the whole day until now. No horses here, but if you go outside you will smell the same smell of farm animals (like goats, or pigs). That’s because two or three kilometres from here there are private farms, and when the wind blows in such way, well, we are reminded of their existence.

I haven’t left the house, so it feels well under air conditioning. In two more hours I will call it quits from the work day, and will have to dash to the grocery to get supplies for tonight’s meal (arroz con gandules). I will let you know how it truly feels out there then. :-D

For those swollen fingers, nothing better than a mildly cold shower! Oh, and paws off the keyboard! :-P

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In-reply-to » @falsifian You are totally right. The specs are at least "open enough" for us to consider that as an implementation detail. We, and by we I mean @movq @lyse @bender @xuu and others should discuss this in more detail I believe and try to see if we can agree on what we're trying to solve. Thanks for the honor, but I’m not sure why I specifically should be part of a deciding committee here. :-D I get it, I just fear people might misunderstand your message here.

I have to read up on the twtxt registry documentation on the weekend (too tired at the moment), but it should probably be no real issue to integrate that API into yarnd.

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When we passed a few horses in the forest, there was really strong soup odor in the air. It didn’t smell like horse at all, but soup. Maybe they’ve been soup horses, chickens were out of stock.

29°C, zero wind, extremely humid, luckily the sun was behind the clouds. I’m soaking wet, sweat ran down in streams and dripped in my eyes, it burned a bit. The sky is getting a little dark, I hope the thunderstorm and rain are really arriving here later. Rain had always been finally cancelled the couple last days.

I’m gotta go cool off my fingers now, they’re swollen from the heat.

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In-reply-to » @bender On twtxt, I follow all feeds that I can find (there are some exceptions, of course). There’s so little going on in general, it hardly matters. 😅 ha! Here are my top 10:

24056 "prologic"
5103 "lyse"
3932 "movq"
1984 "abucci"
1876 "adi"
1633 "fastidious"
1551 "jlj"
1455 "mckinley"
1413 "offgridliving
1280 "eaplmx"

Some of those I no longer follow, or do not exist, but their wisdom remains. LOL.

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In-reply-to » @bender On twtxt, I follow all feeds that I can find (there are some exceptions, of course). There’s so little going on in general, it hardly matters. 😅 The size … it depends. 🥴

$ du -sh ~/Mail/twt
244M   /home/user/Mail/twt


$ du -sh --apparent-size ~/Mail/twt
33M    /home/user/Mail/twt

There are about 60k twts in there.

Regarding one-way junk: True. Looks like I mostly unfollowed those, I don’t really have that in my inbox. 🤔

These are the Top 10, btw:

$ awk '/^From: / { user[$2]++ } END { for (u in user) { print user[u], u } }' * | sort -k1rn | head -n 10
24020 "prologic"
5269 "lyse"
3928 "movq"
2285 "adi"
1985 "abucci"
1713 "mckinley"
1415 "off_grid_living"
1352 "darch"
1280 "eaplmx"
956 "bender"

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In-reply-to » @bender On twtxt, I follow all feeds that I can find (there are some exceptions, of course). There’s so little going on in general, it hardly matters. 😅

Oh, and about the “There’s so little going on in general, it hardly matters. 😅”, the issue I have with it is that it is mostly one-way junk. Why to bother following that which never engages, or spews seemingly non-sense into the air (or both!)? 😅

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In-reply-to » @bender On twtxt, I follow all feeds that I can find (there are some exceptions, of course). There’s so little going on in general, it hardly matters. 😅 this is’s follow list:


And the Maildir size is 212MB. What size (not followers list) is yours?

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In-reply-to » Serious open (for anyone) question: what makes you follow someone on twtxt? Will you just follow anyone that you come across, simply because that someone using the "decentralised, minimalist microblogging service for hackers" microblog? On twtxt, I follow all feeds that I can find (there are some exceptions, of course). There’s so little going on in general, it hardly matters. 😅

And I just realized: Mutt’s layout helps a lot. Skimming over new twts is really easy and it’s not a big loss if there are a couple of shitposts™ in my “timeline”. This is very different from Mastodon (both the default web UI and all clients I’ve tried), where the timeline is always huge. Posts take up a lot of space on screen. Makes me think twice if I want to follow someone or not. 😅

(I mostly only follow Hashtags on Mastodon anyway. It’s more interesting that way.)

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In-reply-to » I guess I can configure neomutt to hide the feeds I don't care about. The twt was edited. In my cache, it also has hash st3wsda and it started like this:

(<a href="">#yqke7sq</a>) I've been sketching out some …

When fetching the feed now, the twt starts like this and the current twt gets the hash 6mdqxrq:

(<a href="">#yqke7sq</a>) I've been sketching out some …

This can’t be avoided, really. Publishing twts and then editing them is like doing a git push --force after rewriting the commit history. Chaos will ensue. 😅

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In-reply-to » I guess I can configure neomutt to hide the feeds I don't care about. it hasn’t been solved, that’s why we are here on this yarn, still. LOL. I believe the hash mismatch is happening because of an edited twtxt. I don’t follow the OP, so I have no way to check (not that I am certain it could be possible), but I have seeing similar issues in the past as a result of an edit. That’s one of the reasons I don’t edit anymore. 😬

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In-reply-to » @movq Is there a good way to get jenny to do a one-off fetch of a feed, for when you want to fill in missing parts of a thread? I just added @slashdot to my private follow file just because @prologic keeps responding to the feed :-P and I want to know what he's commenting on even though I don't want to see every new slashdot twt. You are totally right. The specs are at least “open enough” for us to consider that as an implementation detail. We, and by we I mean @xuu and others should discuss this in more detail I believe and try to see if we can agree on what we’re trying to solve.

Does yarnd provide an API for finding twts? Is it similar?

No, it doesn’t. But yarns (the search engine/crawler wrote) seems more fitting here. It’s been discussed before, the possibility of building a “Twtxt Register v1” compatible API for yarns. I think a search engine + crawler + registry (especially ones that can form a bit of a “distributed network) are far more useful I think in order to support the actual decentralised Twtxt / Yarn ecosystem (which is how I prefer to describe it).

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In-reply-to » @movq Is there a good way to get jenny to do a one-off fetch of a feed, for when you want to fill in missing parts of a thread? I just added @slashdot to my private follow file just because @prologic keeps responding to the feed :-P and I want to know what he's commenting on even though I don't want to see every new slashdot twt. I think I’m missing something in my description. When I say “search engine” I also mean “with a crawler” that is able to self-discover feeds. A registry (as designed today, or as the spec described) required users to add their feeds to one or more registries, putting the burden on the user(s). I for example do not bother adding my feed to a registry (which one would I add it to anyway?)

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In-reply-to » @movq Is there a good way to get jenny to do a one-off fetch of a feed, for when you want to fill in missing parts of a thread? I just added @slashdot to my private follow file just because @prologic keeps responding to the feed :-P and I want to know what he's commenting on even though I don't want to see every new slashdot twt. I guess I thought they were search engines. Anyway, the registry API looks like a decent one for searching for tweets. Could/should pods implement the same API?

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In-reply-to » @movq Is there a good way to get jenny to do a one-off fetch of a feed, for when you want to fill in missing parts of a thread? I just added @slashdot to my private follow file just because @prologic keeps responding to the feed :-P and I want to know what he's commenting on even though I don't want to see every new slashdot twt. to my knowledge registries were never designed to crawl the Twtxt space. If they did, they would be considered a search engine 🤣

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In-reply-to » @movq Is there a good way to get jenny to do a one-off fetch of a feed, for when you want to fill in missing parts of a thread? I just added @slashdot to my private follow file just because @prologic keeps responding to the feed :-P and I want to know what he's commenting on even though I don't want to see every new slashdot twt. So yes, you would ask a pod about the missing Twt by hash, or whatever. Pods do this already, even though there aren’t that many now, so it maybe a bit less effective today. However it’s more of a small/tiny “distributed” protocol, you ask any pod.

On registries however, I think a registry is the wrong approach. I see far greater value in feed crawlers and search engines like the (half baked one) I built over at

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In-reply-to » Serious open (for anyone) question: what makes you follow someone on twtxt? Will you just follow anyone that you come across, simply because that someone using the "decentralised, minimalist microblogging service for hackers" microblog? I usually follow anyone and anything, then I unfollow when they turn out to be either not interesting or otherwise 🤣

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In-reply-to » Bluesky Adds 2 Million New Users After Brazil's X Ban In the days following Brazil's shutdown of X, the decentralized social networking startup Bluesky added over 2 million new users, up from just half a million as of Friday. "This rapid growth led some users to encounter the occasional error that would state there were 'Not Enough Resources' to handle requests, as Bluesky engineers scrambled to keep the servers stable un ... ⌘ Read more It’s pretty hard, actually. There will either be more friction than people will accept (BitTorrent) or it won’t be decentralized in practice (LBRY/Odysee). , do you depend on first-party Bluesky servers for the client application?

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Serious open (for anyone) question: what makes you follow someone on twtxt? Will you just follow anyone that you come across, simply because that someone using the “decentralised, minimalist microblogging service for hackers” microblog?

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In-reply-to » Falling satellite will give clues to how objects burn up on re-entry A chance to observe the high-speed re-entry of a falling satellite will give researchers important insights on how debris burns up in our atmosphere ⌘ Read more

Wow! 😮 That’s huge!

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In-reply-to » Falling satellite will give clues to how objects burn up on re-entry A chance to observe the high-speed re-entry of a falling satellite will give researchers important insights on how debris burns up in our atmosphere ⌘ Read more OMFG! Dear jebus, look at the size of that! :-/ It is just a matter of time until one of those randomly falls on any of us. Just incredible!

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In-reply-to » Bluesky Adds 2 Million New Users After Brazil's X Ban In the days following Brazil's shutdown of X, the decentralized social networking startup Bluesky added over 2 million new users, up from just half a million as of Friday. "This rapid growth led some users to encounter the occasional error that would state there were 'Not Enough Resources' to handle requests, as Bluesky engineers scrambled to keep the servers stable un ... ⌘ Read more

Is it really that fucking hard to use decentralized, Self-Hosted tech? 🤔 Or do people just not know how? 😢

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In-reply-to » Bluesky Adds 2 Million New Users After Brazil's X Ban In the days following Brazil's shutdown of X, the decentralized social networking startup Bluesky added over 2 million new users, up from just half a million as of Friday. "This rapid growth led some users to encounter the occasional error that would state there were 'Not Enough Resources' to handle requests, as Bluesky engineers scrambled to keep the servers stable un ... ⌘ Read more Yes yes but this is exactly my point! We again have a social network claiming to be “decentralized” only to have “ top heavy” instances 🤣 – Mastodon is the same too 😅

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