Kuo: New AirPods to Feature Cameras for Enhanced Spatial Experiences
Apple will launch new AirPods featuring infrared cameras to improve spatial experiences with the Vision Pro headset, according to Apple analyst Ming-Chi Kuo.


In a [post on Medium](https://medium.com/@mingchikuo/配備ir相機的新款airpods可望提升人機交互體驗與強化apple空間音訊-空間運算生態-new-ir-camera-equipped-airpods-to-enhance-2daa9 … ⌘ Read more

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What a night. The first storm cluster passed us in about 25km distance.

The second one hit us right in the face. The sky was constantly flashing and there was a continuous rumble, not individual thunder. (You can’t really hear it in the video, I was too close to the window …)


Most of the lightning was inside the clouds, apparently.


No water damage this time, luckily.

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The Supreme Court Upends the Separation of Powers
Matt Ford,  Staff Writer  -  The New Republican

Stephan: American society is being restructured by six corrupt christofascists. Think about that for a minute. There are 337 million Americans and their their lives are being changed by six people who are political agents, not law-based justice agents. And no one is doing anything about it.


_The Supr … ⌘ Read more

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Top Stories: iOS 18 Beta 2, Apple Vision Pro International Launch, New Beats Speaker, and More
Apple is moving right along on iOS 18, macOS Sequoia, and other new operating systems that were unveiled at WWDC earlier this month, releasing the second developer betas of the updates this week with a number of new changes and additions. Public betas will follow sometime next month ahead of a full public release in the fall.


Othe … ⌘ Read more

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MacRumors Giveaway: Win an iPhone 15 Pro From GRID Studio
For this week’s giveaway, we’ve teamed up with GRID Studio to offer MacRumors readers a chance to win a 256GB iPhone 15 Pro. GRID Studio is well known for transforming old, discarded Apple devices into displayable artwork.


GRID Studio deconstructs Apple devices and artfully arranges the components … ⌘ Read more

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In-reply-to » Iceland seems like a nice place to be right now.

It’s about time to move while we still can! We had another heavy hail storm. 10-15mm diameter on average, maxing out at about 25mm. Oh boy. And my funnel contraption into the bucket at the cables in the basement were dead on.


Two larger streams were pouring out of the now porous looking mortar around the cables. Cool fountain in the basement. You would have thought that the right one was the bad one, but no, that one only dripped. I caught it just in time, not even half a minute later and the bucket would have spilled over. I estimate 60-75l water in total were about to mess up the floor again. Crisis averted.


Gotta upgrade the bucket to a rain barrel until this is fixed.

Shortly after, I heared the fire brigade responding a couple of times.

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Rising Seas Will Disrupt Millions of US lives by 2050, Study Finds
Nina Lakhani,  Staff Writer  -  Mother Jones

Stephan: The evidence for climate change and sea rise is so irrefutable and the response to the damage it is going to do is so pathetically inadequate. Do you think this issue will even come up in this afternoon’s debate?


_Jim Comunale and Pam Mervos walk in Hollywood, F … ⌘ Read more

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Multivitamin myth: Study shows no benefit to long-term health, longevity
StudyFinds Staff,    -  StudyFinds

Stephan: If you take multivitamins with the intent it will help your health, you should read this.


Credit: Pixelbliss

Key Takeaways

  1. For generally healthy adults, taking a daily multivitamin doesn’t appear to help you live longer.
  2. The study found no benefit for … ⌘ Read more

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Cá em casa já temos o documentário, mas para quem prefere o grande ecrã…

Documentário e Livro/Catálogo que abordam os 35 anos de existência da editora ANTI-DEMOS-CRACIA.
👉 Depois de no passado dia 15, o Documentário realizado por Fátima Rocha ter sido exibido no Cine-Teatro do Ginásio Clube de Corroios, é a vez de seguir viagem, em direcção ao Norte, mais concretamente ao Porto, para ser exibido na SOCORRO.
O evento será no dia 13 de Julho, a partir das 16H, e conta para além do Documentário, com a apresentação do Livro/Catálogo de autoria de Paulo Coimbra Martins e Carlos Paes, e que será apresentado pelo autor Paulo Coimbra Martins.
O final da tarde vai trazer-nos um concerto dos SPREADER.
Coloquem na agenda…
📅 13 de Julho | 16H | Socorro | Rua Guedes de Azevedo, nº. 44, 4000-271 Porto



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The surgeon general declared gun violence a public health crisis. What does that do?
Rachel Treisman,  Staff Writer  -  npr

Stephan: Finally, someone in a position of authority speaks the truth about the gun violence in this country. Now we will see whether the Surgeon General is more powerful than the weapons corporations and the NRA.


_Surgeon General Dr. Vivek M … ⌘ Read more

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iCloud ‘Keep Downloaded’ Option Included in iOS 18 and macOS Sequoia
In iOS 18, iPadOS 18, and macOS Sequoia, Apple has added a new “Keep Downloaded” option when browsing items in iCloud, allowing users to designate which files and folders should remain permanently available locally on their device.


In previous versions of iOS and macOS, users had limited control over which files and folders were … ⌘ Read more

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In-reply-to » @lyse I agree. A night in the forrest, while you are not at danger of being hunted, is surreal and amazing. I still remember the many times I did it as a child (and yes, caught fireflies and put them in a glass jar, and released them the next morning).

@bender@twtxt.net Oh this sounds really cool! :-) I never caught them, only watched ‘em. But I have to admit that I wanted to catch them barehanded this week. Didn’t try, though.

I just returned from another trip into the forest. This time, I went deeper, there was some beautiful firefly activity. When I checked on yesterday’s spot on the way home there was barely anything. But I saw some presumably females sitting on the leaves in the shrubs. I didn’t notice a single one yesterday. Their illuminated parts were really huge compared to the flying males. The biggest was the size of a small finger’s nail (contrast that with a tiny shining dot of maybe 2-4mm max). I could even see the three distinct sections being lit up. That must have been a common glow-worm (großes Johanniswürmchen), I’d say: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Datei:Lampyris_noctiluca.jpg The others might also just have been the smaller species. I don’t know.

There were also some toads on the paths. A very lovely evening stroll. I’m very happy now. The dayjob’s stress is completely forgotten.

I really do enjoy that I am in the woods in about 10-15 minutes afoot. The most dangerous animals here are ticks and then come the boars. And that’s really it. Well, mozzies might be in the list, too. Some adventive ones can carry diseases, luckily, I haven’t encountered them here yet. Today, a bunch of gnats wanted to eat me. Yesterday, I had my peace, though.

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macOS 15 No Longer Needs Twice the Free Space for App Store Installs
Starting with macOS Sequoia, app downloads and installations from the Mac App Store will no longer require double the amount of local storage space available. Instead, the free space requirement now matches the final install size of the app, plus a small buffer, according to Apple.


The new space requirement in macOS 15 should … ⌘ Read more

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Yesterday, I paid Duck Memorial another visit: :-D

Actually a war memorial on Mt. Hohenrechberg, but it always looks totally like a duck to me

Actually a war memorial on Mt. Hohenrechberg, but it always looks totally like a duck to me

It was a really nice hike, there was hardly anybody outside. The weather wasn’t bad at all, around 22°C and cloudy most of the time. The drizzle got me a few times, but it wasn’t terrible. It just raised the humidity. A bit more wind would have been nice, it was very calm, even at the summits.

On the way there I had to kill a tick that I found on my trousers. Those bloody suckers! What benefit do they bring nature? At home I checked and couldn’t find any others. Phew.

On the way back from Mt. Hohenrechberg I saw a deer and hare. It’s been years that I came across hares in the wild, so that was really cool. I decided to watch the sunset from Mt. Hohenstaufen, so I took a small detour. Absolutely worth it:



A group of hippies eventually joined me at the sunset lookout, lit joss sticks, played some weird music on a metal pipe thingy (a bit like a single windbell) and sang a sun dance song. Said song had gone missing for a very long time and was recovered only lately, they told me. Okay. Some other really crazy dude told us that the mountain we’re on had been raised in the Young Stone Age. That period where harvests were plentiful and people had a lot of spare time. WTF!? I mean they all were super nice and friendly and talking to them was also actually lovely, but what… err… interesting mindsets.

On the final return I saw another three deer on a paddock. And now for the very, very best part of the whole trip: in the forest I encountered 83 fireflies before I stopped counting. In the end it must have been 500-600 in total. One even nearly hit me in the face if I hadn’t ducked at the last second. :-) Man, this was soooo fricking amazing! Fireflies for round about 1.5km! Didn’t even try to take photos in this darkness, though.

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Google Chrome will have Gemini LLM built into the browser.

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EU Accuses Apple’s App Store Steering Rules of Violating DMA and Opens Investigation into Developer Fees
The European Commission has formally announced its preliminary view that Apple’s App Store policies are in breach of the Digital Markets Act (DMA), specifically in relation to anti-steering rules.


Under the DMA, developers distributing their apps via Apple’s ‌A … ⌘ Read more

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In Just First Year of State’s Ban on Plastic Bags, 1.5 Billion Fewer Have Been Used
Andy Corbley,    -  Good News Nework

Stephan: Here is some good waste plastics news from Colorado. Now if all the states would adopt this approach we could achieve a serious improvement in our waste plastic problem.


Used plastic bags. Credit: velkr0

At the beginning of 2023, Color … ⌘ Read more

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Top Stories: Apple Watch X Rumors, New Final Cut App for iPhone, and More
The avalanche of news coming out of WWDC earlier this month is finally starting to slow, but that doesn’t mean there wasn’t still lots to talk about in Apple news and rumors this week.


This week saw some additional rumors about the upcoming Apple Watch models, the release of major Final Cut Pro updates, the launch of Apple’s annual Back to Scho … ⌘ Read more

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Still doing the #RaceWhoKnowsJosephBookClub challenge: my #FridayReads book this week is the eigth and last in the Anne of Green Gables Novels, “Rilla of Ingleside”. I’m still not done with it, but I am already certain it one of the best of the lot (with the first). Quite different from the other, this is a war novel - and the only book written by a female Canadian author that has lived #WWI writing about it.


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Yes in God’s backyard? This housing solution may be the answer to your prayers.
Rachel M. Cohen,  Staff Writer  -  Vox

Stephan: Here is the latest on some good news about homelessness SR has been covering.  It offers an example of how real Christians, as opposed to christofascists, behave and seek to foster social wellbeing.


_A rendering of Bethel AME’s new housing compl … ⌘ Read more

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iOS 18 Expands Convenient AirPods-Like Pairing to More Bluetooth and Wi-Fi Accessories
During its WWDC 2024 keynote last week, Apple announced that iOS 18 and iPadOS 18 will let apps offer AirPods-like pairing for more Bluetooth or Wi-Fi accessories.


In apps that implement this new pairing process, users would be able to … ⌘ Read more

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In-reply-to » @prologic Watched that one the other day after seeing that much chatter about #HTMX on the feed. And now I'm watching HTMX Sucks - Youtube by the same person (or should I say people?) 😂

But what would you prefer if you were rethinking the architectural design of your next web app? A bazillion lines of Javascript™ with all kinds of indirections and acrobatics that are impossible to understand? 🤔


– Or just write your web application as a normal set of pages in the Hypermedia Driven Application (HDA) style/architecture, than sprinkle a few hx-* attributes and get the same user experience? 😅 #htmx

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(#dqacyjq) But what would you prefer if you were rethinking the architectural design of your next web app? A bazillion lines of Javascript™ wi …
But what would you prefer if you were rethinking the architectural design of your next web app? A bazillion lines of Javascript™ with all kinds of indirections and acrobatics that are impossible to understand? 🤔


– Or just write your web application as a normal set of pages in the Hypermedia Driven Application (HDA) style/architecture, tha … ⌘ Read more

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Apple Education Store Down in US and Canada, Back to School Offer Expected Soon
Apple’s online education store has gone down in the United States and Canada, as Apple prepares to launch its annual Back to School promotion for university students.


Apple’s back to school sales provide students with a free Apple gift card when purchasing a Mac or an iPad, and this year’s promotion co … ⌘ Read more

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(#prvbjla) A initial post, reply and conv -> post (bottom of page) and nothing 🤔 All 6 requests are POST /post followed by a GET <from>
A initial post, reply and conv -> post ( bottom of page) and nothing 🤔 All 6 requests are POST /post followed by a GET <from> where ever I was coming from. Hmmm 🧐


This is nuts 🌰 ⌘ Read more

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Select Multiple Items Faster With This Simple iPhone Gesture
Your iPhone has multiple touch and gesture capabilities that can enhance how you interact with apps. Some, like pinch and zoom, are well known enough to be considered second nature, but others are less obvious, like the one we’re about to explain.


Two-Finger Drag to Select Items

If have apps whe … ⌘ Read more

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Habbo Launches Classic Version of Game on Mac in Throwback to 2005
If you were a kid who grew up using the internet in the early 2000s, there is a good chance that you heard of Habbo Hotel. Once a massively popular virtual world with millions of players, the game slowly died out over the years as the young teenagers who played it eventually became adults and moved on with life.


With the modern version of Habbo no longer offering th … ⌘ Read more

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Apple Teases June 25 Beats Pill Unveiling
Apple appears to be planning to unveil its new Beats Pill speaker on Tuesday, June 25, according to a teaser shared on social media site X (formerly Twitter) today.


The Beats by Dre account posted a short video starring LeBron James and featuring the Beats Pill speaker, with the text “6/25,” which seemingly hints at the debut date of the device.

Signs of a … ⌘ Read more

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The Return of Whaling
Peter Corkeron,  Contributing Writer, Marine Ecologist and Conservation Biologist.  -  Common Dreams

Stephan: I think whaling is disgusting and evil. The return of whaling provides two leading examples of this truth: The leaders and governments of human societies neither understand nor respect the matrix of life, and greed always trumps any other consideration.


_The harpoon ship Hvalur 9 is seen transp … ⌘ Read more

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