Top Stories: Everything New in iOS 18 Beta 3, HomePod With Screen Rumor, and More
Apple is moving right along with development and testing on iOS 18 and related software updates, with the third developer betas arriving this past week and public beta versions of most of them expected very shortly.


Not all of the new features Apple showed off at WWDC last month will be available right away, however, with some r … ⌘ Read more

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The 26°C humidity was through the roof and we just barely escaped the thunderstorm on our stroll. Only the adjacent rain hit us hard. Black clouds caught up on us and we decided to take cover at a barn. Not even a minute later it started to rain cats and dogs for ten minutes straight. Holy crap, that was cool to watch. :-) Also, the smell of rain was just beautiful.

We then decided to continue our return in the light drizzle. But it then got much heavier again and we got completely soaked. With the wet t-shirt and the wind it actually felt rather cold. I anticipated to get rained on, so I left my camera at home. Plenty of paths turned into brook landscapes, several centimeter deep creeks ran down the hilly trails. Quite fascinating. :-)

The sunset a few minutes ago wasn’t too bad:



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Donald Trump is Unfit to Lead
The Editorial Board,    -  The New York Times

Stephan: I completely agree with this.


Credit: Kenny Holston / The New York Times

Next week, for the third time in eight years, Donald Trump will be nominated as the Republican Party’s candidate for president of the United States. A once great political party now serves the interests of one man, a man as demonstra … ⌘ Read more

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Extreme Heat Takes a Toll on the Rails
MATT SIMON,    -  truthdig

Stephan: Climate change, and the rise of temperature it is producing is having all kinds or negative effects, but have you ever heard anyone talking about buckling railroad rails? I think this is just one of hundreds of climate change problems few have thought about, predicted, or for which preparations have been made.


_Railway tracks. Credit: … ⌘ Read more

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Apple Vision Pro Launches in UK, Canada, France, Germany, and Australia
Apple’s Vision Pro spatial computing headset today arrived at Apple Store locations in the United Kingdom, Canada, France, Germany, and Australia. The device was previously only available in Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, mainland China, and the United States.


Consumer interest in the $3,499 he … ⌘ Read more

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iPhone 17 Pro Max Will Be First to Feature Three 48MP Camera Lenses
Next year’s iPhone 17 Pro Max will feature an upgraded 48-megapixel tetraprism camera for enhanced photo quality and zoom functionality, according to Apple analyst Ming-Chi Kuo.


In his [latest investor note published to Medium](水晶光電為iphone四重反射稜鏡升級藍圖的領先受益者-crystal-optech-as-a-leading-beneficiary-in-iphone-tetraprism-upgr … ⌘ Read more

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RCS Messaging in iOS 18: What iPhone Users Need to Know
Rich Communication Services (RCS) is a messaging standard Apple is adopting in iOS 18 that will revolutionize the messaging experience between iPhone and Android devices. Think of it as SMS 2.0 – a major upgrade to the traditional text messaging we’ve been using for years.


Key Features of RCS

Apple’s decision to embrace RCS came [last year]( … ⌘ Read more

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Tem estado a ser falado recentemente - e bem - sobre como as grandes tecnológicas, em particular a #Microsoft e a #Google, meteram as suas prometidas metas climáticas na gaveta com a aposta na #IA, o que os está a fazer consumir muito mais energia, quando devia ser muito menos.

Mas não basta criticar essas empresas como se fosse um “problema dos outros”, quando o problema - e os culpados - somos também nós.

Já está nas bancas o Julho-Setembro, e nele temos um artigo muito interessante sobre Sines, incluindo sobre o que é recente ou está planeado (como a Petrogalp, o Data Center ou os projectos de Hidrogénio). Do artigo, destaco um gráfico com a projecção do consumo elétrico para a expansão de Sines.

Em percentagem relativa ao consumo de Portugal em 2023, passamos de 2% em 2021 para 15% em 2026, e 59% em 2030.

E como se lê no título ao lado do gráfico: “Não há uma avaliação estratégica ambiental, social e de saúde pública do impacto da nova expansão.”



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Oito manifestantes condenados a 1 ano e meio de pena suspensa por terem parado o trânsito num protesto devido à #CriseClimática.

Qual vai ser a pena aplicada ao Governo por não ter cumprido o prazo de revisão do Plano Nacional de Energia e Clima?

Pois. A minha solidariedade com a @climaximo@climaximo, haja mais gente com coragem.


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Always makes me giggle a bit like an idiot when I see OS/2’s equivalent of the “trash” or “recycle bin”. The English original calls it “shredder” (which is appropriate – it deletes files, there is no delay like in Windows 95’s “recycle bin”) …

… but the German word for it is “Reißwolf”. That used to be a more or less common term, but nowadays it’s quite archaic. And it sounds needlessly violent. 😂🐺


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Apple Preparing Minor iOS 17.5.2 Update for iPhone
Apple is preparing to release a minor iOS 17.5.2 update for the iPhone, according to a post shared today by an anonymous leaker on X, formerly known as Twitter. The leaker has a private account, so we are not identifying it or linking to it, but they have proven to be a consistently accurate source for upcoming iOS updates.


Nothing is known about iOS 17.5.2, … ⌘ Read more

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The Supreme Court rules that state officials can engage in a little corruption, as a treat
,    -



Former President criminal Donald Trump greets corrupt Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh before his 2019 State of the Union address.

Credit: Mandel Ngan / AFP

On a 6-3 party-line vote, the Supreme Court ruled on Wednesday that state officials may accep … ⌘ Read more

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Nothing Debuts CMF Phone 1 With Modular Design Starting at $199
CMF, a London-based sub-brand of Nothing, has officially announced the CMF Phone 1, boasting a highly customizable modular design and featuring some decent hardware specs for an Android smartphone that starts at just $199.


The CMF Phone (1) is powered by a MediaTek Dimensity 7300 … ⌘ Read more

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In-reply-to » it works fine if you properly escape your urls!

Do browsers not percent-encode URLs automatically? They did in the past, right? For some reason I thought they still did, but they showed the original URL in the bar for readability.

I just used mitmproxy and pasted that URL and it didn’t escape it at all.


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US Gets More Offshore Wind Farms And A New WIV, To Boot
Tina Casey,  Staff Writer  -  Clean Technica

Stephan: Here is some good news about the advancement of offshore wind, and evidence that the lies promoted by the petroleum industries are nothing more than their usual lies to stop the transition out of the carbon era. Wind power is not harming whales.


_The pace of the US offshore wind indust … ⌘ Read more

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Top Stories: iOS 18 Beta Features, Apple Intelligence for Vision Pro, and More
With the calendar flipping over to July, public betas of iOS 18 and related operating system updates are right around the corner, so we’re continuing to take a look at what changes and features users can expect to see.


Other Apple news and rumors this week included several iconic devices being added to Apple’s list of “vintage” products, a … ⌘ Read more

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Authy Users Urged to Stay Alert After Hack Exposes 33 Million Phone Numbers
Twilio has updated its Authy two-factor authentication (2FA) service after a hacker claimed to have retrieved 33 million phone numbers from its user database.


TechCrunch reports that the hacker(s) known as ShinyHunters took to a well-kn … ⌘ Read more

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There’s something special about writing your own programs for OS/2 in C and finally getting it to work after sifting through lots of ancient docs. ✨

I’d be totally lost without KO Myung-Hun’s website and Open Watcom v2. 🙏

(I’m making a little tool to dump floppy disks to image files. I know these programs already exist – I’m doing it for fun and to learn. The task itself is not complicated, but finding the correct docs is.)

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Apple M5 Chip’s Dual-Use Design Will Power Future Macs and AI Servers
Apple will reportedly use a more advanced SoIC packaging technology for its M5 chips, as part of a two-pronged strategy to meet its growing need for silicon that can power consumer Macs and enhance the performance of its data centers and future AI tools that rely on the cloud.


Developed by TSMC and unveiled in 2018, SoIC … ⌘ Read more

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Thinking about what to do for the next Advent of Code. 🤔

Writing the solutions as DOS programs in C was super fun last year and I don’t think I can top that. 💾

Something in the realm of retrocomputing would be nice. I wonder how far I can get using QuickBASIC 4.5. Haven’t touched this in ages – but I have a feeling that this could be rather painful. 😂

Or maybe I’ll just go for Rust again, because I’m not using that a lot and keeping up with it could be useful. Or maybe a mix of both, “as many puzzles as possible with QB 4.5, Rust for the rest”. 🤔

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Monster 310-mile automated cargo conveyor will replace 25,000 trucks
Loz Blain,  Staff Writer  -  New Atlas / The Japan News (Japan)

Stephan: Here is a fascinating bit of good news from Japan. The country’s engineers, scientists, and, leadership have come up with a technology to get freight-hauling trucks off their highways.


_The Tokyo-Osaka automated logistics system, pictured usi … ⌘ Read more

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macOS Sequoia Supports HDMI Passthrough for Dolby Atmos Content
In macOS Sequoia, several Apple apps have gained a new HDMI Passthrough feature that enables a Mac to send an unaltered Dolby Atmos audio signal to a connected AV receiver or soundbar.


The new functionality appears in various places in macOS 15, including Apple’s TV, Music, and QuickTime P … ⌘ Read more

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Apple Boosts A18 Chip Orders in Anticipation of High iPhone 16 Demand
Apple is said to have upped its order of next-generation chips from TSMC to between 90 million and 100 million units, following heightened demand expectations for its iPhone 16 series.


Last year’s initial chip order volume for the iPhone 15 series launch is believed to have been in the region of 80-90 million units, suggesting Ap … ⌘ Read more

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iPhone 16 Pro Models to Adopt ‘M14’ Advanced Samsung OLED Panels for Improved Brightness and Lifespan
The upcoming iPhone 16 Pro and iPhone 16 Pro Max will be the first Apple smartphones to adopt Samsung’s high performance “M14” OLED display panel, claims a new report coming out of South Korea.


According to ETNews, Samsung’s “M” series of OLED panels are mad … ⌘ Read more

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A private call of top Democrats fuels more insider anger about Biden’s debate performance
STEVE PEOPLES,  Reporter  -  Associated Press

Stephan: In my opinion, the entire election dynamic has changed. Here is one example, of many, describing what I mean. This time next year the United States may no longer be a genuine democracy.


_President Biden and his wife … ⌘ Read more

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Kuo: New AirPods to Feature Cameras for Enhanced Spatial Experiences
Apple will launch new AirPods featuring infrared cameras to improve spatial experiences with the Vision Pro headset, according to Apple analyst Ming-Chi Kuo.


In a [post on Medium](配備ir相機的新款airpods可望提升人機交互體驗與強化apple空間音訊-空間運算生態-new-ir-camera-equipped-airpods-to-enhance-2daa9 … ⌘ Read more

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