In-reply-to » @prologic I wanted to wait for things to settle down. It’s still unclear to me in which direction we’re going – and if that new/different stuff is even possible to implement in jenny. That said, I’ve been really busy with private stuff these last few days, I’ve lost track of most of what you’re discussing. 🥴 why sorry? For all we know won the lottery, and is retiring in Tasmania. :-P

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In-reply-to » Had to build a list of all feeds (that I follow) and all twts in them and there are two collisions already:

These collisions aren’t important unless someone tries to fork. So.. for the vast majority its not a big deal. Using the grow hash algorithm could inform the client to add another char when they fork.

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42 75 69 6C 64 20 77 68 61 74 20 6D 61 6B 65 73 20 79 6F 75 20 68 61 70 70 79 2E 20 4C 65 74 20 6D 69 73 65 72 61 62 6C 65 20 70 65 6F 70 6C 65 20 62 75 69 6C 64 20 74 68 65 20 72 65 73 74 2E

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In-reply-to » Gentlemen, I have a pdf file (1.5MB) which I want to be able to block and copy text writing out of it, but it's locked, preventing this. All I used to do was write it out by hand, or screen shot the text as an image. Is there any software that opens pdf format for copying and pasting of the text? I gave it a try, unfortunately it’s a scanned document (just a bundle of Images), the only real text in there, is the first two pages.

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In-reply-to » Gentlemen, I have a pdf file (1.5MB) which I want to be able to block and copy text writing out of it, but it's locked, preventing this. All I used to do was write it out by hand, or screen shot the text as an image. Is there any software that opens pdf format for copying and pasting of the text?

Aelaraji the Ubuntu Software can’t find this . Also why can’t TWTXT upload files to this forum? I could let you guys convert the file for me.

Here is the pdf file located on the Internet

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In-reply-to » Gentlemen, I have a pdf file (1.5MB) which I want to be able to block and copy text writing out of it, but it's locked, preventing this. All I used to do was write it out by hand, or screen shot the text as an image. Is there any software that opens pdf format for copying and pasting of the text?

Thanks aelaraji I will give this a go

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In-reply-to » Oh boy, I'm looking for trapezoidal (like ACME thread) screws and nuts in left hand form. The rods are already expensive, but nuts feel like a total ripoff. A hex nut for Tr20x2 being 30mm long and 30mm in "diameter" costs me 22 bucks! O_o Just a single one, made of regular steel. A meter of rod is 21€. The more common Tr20x4 hex nut is just 7€ and the rod 17€, but 4mm pitch is a bit much for a leadscrew for semi-precision work I reckon. oh, fancy!

X-Y table

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In-reply-to » Been curious about how people on Pubnix instances do manage their feed, if they have access to log? Sent in a req to join one still no res.

Idk about other pubnixes but i can freely edit caddy config (or change webserver and use other config format)

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In-reply-to » Been curious about how people on Pubnix instances do manage their feed, if they have access to log? Sent in a req to join one still no res.

NGL tilde town’s registration process was quite fun! reminded me of the good old text based adventure game.

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In-reply-to » Oh boy, I'm looking for trapezoidal (like ACME thread) screws and nuts in left hand form. The rods are already expensive, but nuts feel like a total ripoff. A hex nut for Tr20x2 being 30mm long and 30mm in "diameter" costs me 22 bucks! O_o Just a single one, made of regular steel. A meter of rod is 21€. The more common Tr20x4 hex nut is just 7€ and the rod 17€, but 4mm pitch is a bit much for a leadscrew for semi-precision work I reckon. what are you building now? The things you are mentioning I couldn’t even start wrapping my head around them! 😅 They sure sound expensive, tough.

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In-reply-to » (#5slaifq) @slashdot They must have spent such an ungodly amount in legal fees by now that I wonder if they'll come out of this in the green if they get to keep all the money from in-app purchases. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad they're doing it, but I think there's a reason why Epic Games is the only one fighting for app store neutrality. they are fighting to make more money. Seeing it any other way is rather naïve.

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Context for those who don’t know: Epic Games is the company behind the hugely popular video game Fortnite. As far as I know, the core game is still free-to-play and supported by microtransactions. It’s available on Windows, consoles, and mobile platforms. They sued Apple a few years ago because they felt the 30% cut Apple takes for in-app purchases was unreasonable and that they should be allowed to distribute their software independently of the App Store. It didn’t turn out so well for them.

⤋ Read More They must have spent such an ungodly amount in legal fees by now that I wonder if they’ll come out of this in the green if they get to keep all the money from in-app purchases. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad they’re doing it, but I think there’s a reason why Epic Games is the only one fighting for app store neutrality.

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In-reply-to » @bender I see it here hmm 🤔 Dis you accidentally mute your own Twt? yup, it was muted. I didn’t do it purposely, though. I truly don’t know how that happened. That beget the question, shouldn’t that be disallowed? That is, muting ourselves should not be possible. That same for following/blocking ourselves (if that breaks functionality).

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In-reply-to » There we go! Regarding the new way of generating twt-hashes, to me it makes more sense to use tabs as separator instead of spaces, since the you can just copy/past a line directly from a twtxt-file that already go a tab between timestamp and message. But tabs might be hard to “type” when you are in a terminal, since it will activate autocomplete…🤔

Another thing, it seems that you sugget we only use the domain in the hash-creation and not the full path to the twtxt.txt

$ echo -e " 2024-09-29T13:30:00Z Hello World!" | sha256sum - | awk '{ print $1 }' | base64 | head -c 12

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In-reply-to » Gentlemen, I have a pdf file (1.5MB) which I want to be able to block and copy text writing out of it, but it's locked, preventing this. All I used to do was write it out by hand, or screen shot the text as an image. Is there any software that opens pdf format for copying and pasting of the text? is it locked because of a DRM thing or something else?

Otherwise you can check if you already have the pdftotext command that comes with the poppler-utils package, try converting converting the pdf into a text file and copy to your heart’s content. I have just tried it myself.

If you don’t have it already here’s what you can do on Ubuntu or any Debian based distribution of Linux:

  • Update and upgrade your packages:
    > sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
  • Install the poppler-utils package
    > sudo apt install poppler-utils
  • Now you can convert your pdf to txt file with:
    > pdftotxt -layout -enc UTF-8 name_of_source_file.pdf name_of_destination_file.txt

You can always do a pdftotxt --help to see the rest of possible options.
Hope this helps.

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In-reply-to » Gentlemen, I have a pdf file (1.5MB) which I want to be able to block and copy text writing out of it, but it's locked, preventing this. All I used to do was write it out by hand, or screen shot the text as an image. Is there any software that opens pdf format for copying and pasting of the text? mind sharing the PDF, to take a look? Some PDF containing text as images, which makes it more difficult to complete the task you want to perform.

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Gentlemen, I have a pdf file (1.5MB) which I want to be able to block and copy text writing out of it, but it’s locked, preventing this. All I used to do was write it out by hand, or screen shot the text as an image.
Is there any software that opens pdf format for copying and pasting of the text?

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In-reply-to » Only with dovecot xD. For mail im use android native mail client and not mutt. And jenny display some errors with found some files and /tmp dir (android dont have /tmp)

I believe I’d missed an f:

~/src/jenny $ git diff
diff --git a/jenny b/jenny
index ada8da2..8ae9a06 100755
--- a/jenny
+++ b/jenny
@@ -1194,7 +1194,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
     if args.edit:
     elif args.fetch:
-        with DirectoryLock(f'/tmp/jenny-{getuser()}.run'):
+        with DirectoryLock(expanduser(f'~/tmp/jenny-{getuser()}.run')):
     elif args.last_seen:
	 print('Feeds last seen at (times are local time), oldest first:')

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In-reply-to » Only with dovecot xD. For mail im use android native mail client and not mutt. And jenny display some errors with found some files and /tmp dir (android dont have /tmp) I’ve just given it a try on android/termux and got it to work, I can’t promise it won’t break something else (because i definitely don’t know what I’m doing) but here’s what I broke 😅:

~/src/jenny $ git diff
diff --git a/jenny b/jenny
index ada8da2..8ae9a06 100755
--- a/jenny
+++ b/jenny
@@ -1194,7 +1194,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
     if args.edit:
     elif args.fetch:
-        with DirectoryLock(f'/tmp/jenny-{getuser()}.run'):
+        with DirectoryLock(expanduser('~/tmp/jenny-{getuser()}.run')):
     elif args.last_seen:
	 print('Feeds last seen at (times are local time), oldest first:')

and of course make sure you mkdir ~/tmp

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In-reply-to » Yesterday's April weather offered nearly everything. Sun, rain, clouds, wind. Luckily, the rain wasn't too bad, we precautionally brought our rain jackets and took cover under some trees for 5-10 minutes. From then on, it alternated mostly between sunny and cloudy. Perfect conditions for photography.

Rightfully so, pod has it on cache: This pod (, knows nothing about it, so it seems.

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In-reply-to » Yesterday's April weather offered nearly everything. Sun, rain, clouds, wind. Luckily, the rain wasn't too bad, we precautionally brought our rain jackets and took cover under some trees for 5-10 minutes. From then on, it alternated mostly between sunny and cloudy. Perfect conditions for photography.

I don’t see it on the client (Yarn), but as you can see it is on the raw feed. 🧐

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In-reply-to » Yesterday's April weather offered nearly everything. Sun, rain, clouds, wind. Luckily, the rain wasn't too bad, we precautionally brought our rain jackets and took cover under some trees for 5-10 minutes. From then on, it alternated mostly between sunny and cloudy. Perfect conditions for photography. I wonder where did this one went to:

2024-09-29T12:08:15Z	 @<lyse> love 27! Is that your town as seeing from the mountain, or some other town? From 395 to 40 is quite some picking! I figure that’s the most difficult part, right?

Ah, 16°C… what dreams are made of! 😍

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In-reply-to » Yesterday's April weather offered nearly everything. Sun, rain, clouds, wind. Luckily, the rain wasn't too bad, we precautionally brought our rain jackets and took cover under some trees for 5-10 minutes. From then on, it alternated mostly between sunny and cloudy. Perfect conditions for photography. love 27! Is that your town as seeing from the mountain, or some other town? From 395 to 40 is quite some picking! I figure that’s the most difficult part, right?

Ah, 16°C… what dreams are made of! 😍

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In-reply-to » @doesnm twt probably isn't the best client I'm afraid. It doesn't really cache twts by their key (hash) to display threads properly. Jenny however does 👌

It has twts cache which used if timeline is set to jew. Maybe i.should fork twet to make wishes like newlines (i see two squares), showing conversations, showing twts if not found in cache and parsing medata to configure url, nick and followers (currenly it duplicated in config and twtxt file)

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In-reply-to » @doesnm Thanks! I've almost come up with my own theme already 🤣 I actually don't really want to use Hugo at all, I find it too complicated. But it is pretty popular so I thought maybe I'd rip-off a nice theme... Hmmm 🧐

Yes, im also do not like Hugo so rewrite theme above to Jekyll (with some changes)

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In-reply-to » @anth you wrote: YES James, it should be up to the client to deal with changes like edits and deletions. And putting this load on the clients, location-addressing with make this a lot easier since what is says it: Look in this file at this timestamp, did anything change or went missing? (And then threading will not break;)

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Diving into mblaze, I think I’ve nearly* reached peek email geek.

Just a bunch of shell commands I can pipe together to search, list, view and reply to email (after syncing it to a local Maildir).


So far I’m using most of the tools directly from the command line, but I might take inspiration from to make my workflow a bit more efficient.

*To get any closer, I think I’d have to hand-craft my own SMTP client or something.

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In-reply-to » More thoughts about changes to twtxt (as if we haven't had enough thoughts):


Yes, that is exactly what I meant. I like that collection and “twtxt v2” feels like a departure.

Maybe there’s an advantage to grouping it into one spec, but IMO that shouldn’t be done at the same time as introducing new untested ideas.

See (especially this section: – It really doesn’t get much simpler than this 🤣

Again, I like this existing simplicity. (I would even argue you don’t need the metadata.)

That page says “For the best experience your client should also support some of the Twtxt Extensions…” but it is clear you don’t need to. I would like it to stay that way, and publishing a big long spec and calling it “twtxt v2” feels like a departure from that. (I think the content of the document is valuable; I’m just carping about how it’s being presented.)

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Recent #fiction #scifi #reading:

  • The Memory Police by Yōko Ogawa. Lovely writing. Very understated; reminded me of Kazuo Ishiguro. Sort of like Nineteen Eighty-Four but not. (I first heard it recommended in comparison to that work.)

  • Subcutanean by Aaron Reed; . Every copy of the book is different, which is a cool idea. I read two of them (one from the library, actually not different from the other printed copies, and one personalized e-book). I don’t read much horror so managed to be a little creeped out by it, which was fun.

  • The Wind from Nowhere, a 1962 novel by J. G. Ballard. A random pick from the sci-fi section; I think I picked it up because it made me imagine some weird 4-dimensional effect (“from nowhere” meaning not in a normal direction) but actually (spoiler) it was just about a lot of wind for no reason. The book was moderately entertaining but there was nothing special about it.

Currently reading Scale by Greg Egan and Inversion by Aric McBay.

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More thoughts about changes to twtxt (as if we haven’t had enough thoughts):

  1. There are lots of great ideas here! Is there a benefit to putting them all into one document? Seems to me this could more easily be a bunch of separate efforts that can progress at their own pace:

1a. Better and longer hashes.

1b. New possibly-controversial ideas like edit: and delete: and location-based references as an alternative to hashes.

1c. Best practices, e.g. Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

1d. Stuff already described at that doesn’t need any changes.

  1. We won’t know what will and won’t work until we try them. So I’m inclined to think of this as a bunch of draft ideas. Maybe later when we’ve seen it play out it could make sense to define a group of recommended twtxt extensions and give them a name.

  2. Another reason for 1 (above) is: I like the current situation where all you need to get started is these two short and simple documents:
    and everything else is an extension for anyone interested. (Deprecating non-UTC times seems reasonable to me, though.) Having a big long “twtxt v2” document seems less inviting to people looking for something simple. ( you mentioned an anonymous comment “you’ve ruined twtxt” and while I don’t completely agree with that commenter’s sentiment, I would feel like twtxt had lost something if it moved away from having a super-simple core.)

  3. All that being said, these are just my opinions, and I’m not doing the work of writing software or drafting proposals. Maybe I will at some point, but until then, if you’re actually implementing things, you’re in charge of what you decide to make, and I’m grateful for the work.

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In-reply-to » @bender I am also in camp no edit signals. deletes only breaks the head of a thread. all the replies are unaffected. So…

(#sbmynna) @xuu wrote:

”@bender I am also in camp no edit signals. deletes only breaks the head of a thread. all the replies are unaffected.”

I figure I could also answer every single twtxt like this, so that if the original gets edited, or deleted, at least I don’t sound foolish without knowing exactly what I replied to. 🤭

It Sounds like a good idea! should that be limited to just direct replays or can it be extended to replays to other replays, that way and With just the right amount of chain-replays, we’ll be RRrrrrrevolutionizing the way people Mailing Lists like, in no time! xD

P.S: Just a reminder! I’ve already told you not to mind my twts for the next couple of hours, right!

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In-reply-to » @bender I am also in camp no edit signals. deletes only breaks the head of a thread. all the replies are unaffected.

@xuu wrote:

”@bender I am also in camp no edit signals. deletes only breaks the head of a thread. all the replies are unaffected.”

I figure I could also answer every single twtxt like this, so that if the original gets edited, or deleted, at least I don’t sound foolish without knowing exactly what I replied to. 🤭

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