In-reply-to » I found that old Article (2012) : Minority Report is real: FBI wants to use social networks to prevent future crime : I like to ask the same question about PRISM. Just look at the reach the NSA had in 2013:

Boy, I wonder what they’re doing with the massive Utah Data Center which was completed in 2014.


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In-reply-to » I share with you the first 'public alpha' of the tool to vote for the best time on an International Call.

Thank you for the feedback and your votes (Bananas, Søren Peter, prologic) !

On the programming side, this problem is not that challenging (yet). Ask availability to your friends, and make some statistics with it, sum, sets. I think this will be done quickly.

On the product design and user interface sides, it has been challenging.
It’s different if you ask to decide between Tue 9pm, Wed 9pm or Thu 9pm. vs. deciding two days, vs a whole week (24 x 7 = 168 possible options)

We have discussed getting inspiration from Doodle and Framadate but I find that is difficult to make it accessible, and for a week’s view those are also confusing.


Currently, I’m focusing on the use case of deciding on a Weekly call on Fridays and Saturdays in the mornings or afternoons (about 48 different options), but I’m trying to find a better strategy. Perhaps divide and conquer (Fri mornings, Fri afternoons, Sat mornings, Sat afternoons)

What do you think?

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In-reply-to » Speaking of DST, it appears Mexico will abolish it? Thanks for the catch-up. I live in that state, so I experienced firsthand the change.

Basically, our state had an ICANN region (Mexican Mountain Time/MT), but the government said “Forget that and follow Mexican Central Time”.
But as the state on the border, Texas, USA, stays with American MT, that made some trouble between companies and offices.
That has happened before, the municipalities/regions had different start and end for DST for 1 or 2 weeks, but now they have 1 hr offset all the year.

Municipalities affected in this State

Municipalities affected in this State

tl;dr ICANN timezone America/Chihuahua is not gonna be used anymore. Some municipalities are going to switch to America/Mexico_City and some others to US/Mountain. In the future, when USA removes DST, those states are going to follow. Regions on the border will follow American regulations. #sovereigntyFTW

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Vote/opinion: which is the preferred or correct render of block quotes - yarnd or the yarn app?



I would have expected it to look like it does in the app when I wrote the posts, but yarnd collapsed it allo into one blockquoute, which intrired to fix by adding (...)

Is this a problem with the markdown parser not being the same used in the app and in yarnd?

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I found a Foosball with a digital scoreboard.


In college I wanted to make one of these with electronics and PICs, but it was a bit expensive as a student, so never I finished that.
Later I made one with a tablet and an online ranking system.

I wanted to build one for table tennis, inspired by one I say online which recognizes a RFID chip in your racket 🏓

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In-reply-to » Mercedes Locks Faster Acceleration Behind a $1,200 Annual Paywall Mercedes is the latest manufacturer to lock auto features behind a subscription fee, with an upcoming "Acceleration Increase" add-on that lets drivers pay to access motor performance their vehicle is already capable of. From a report: The $1,200 yearly subscription improves performance by boosting output from the motors by 20-24 percent, increasi ... ⌘ Read more

I signed the open letter/


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In-reply-to » I'm working on this PoC to vote on the best time for an international call, showing the multiple timeslots in your local time, and getting numbers on preferences among people. The UI could be vastly improved, but this is what I have so far... I want to see it in action since it's very different to choose between 1, 2, or even 7 days (24 hours each). If you want to help to test it and give some comments send me a reply! I agree! is a great inspiration. Instead of Emojis, using standard symbols like (✓) or , with the standard traffic light colors, could be a better idea.
Thanks for the feedback!

Screenshot from

Screenshot from

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I’m working on this PoC to vote on the best time for an international call, showing the multiple timeslots in your local time, and getting numbers on preferences among people.
The UI could be vastly improved, but this is what I have so far… I want to see it in action since it’s very different to choose between 1, 2, or even 7 days (24 hours each). If you want to help to test it and give some comments send me a reply!

At least I’m learning a lot on the topic…😁



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In-reply-to » Oh farrrrk me! 🤦‍♂️ React Apps, NodeJS c'mon! 🤦‍♂️ How does anyone do this shit?! 🤯

The problem isn’t with NodeJS or NPM, it’s developers that are so willing to use horrible frameworks/libraries/tooling that is just simply not needed. NodeJS gives you so much out of the box, and NPM is simply a place to store your packages. With Deno, you won’t even need a package manager as it takes a step closer to go modules approach.

If you’re going to use React, TypeScript, NextJs, Webpack, Styled Components, Material UI, Jest, and the 10k dependencies that comes with it, then yeah, your dev environment is going to be slow, bloated, and incredibly frustrating to work with. Not to mention have security issues. I’ve literally just done a fresh create-react-app installation (latest version 5.0.1 as I write this), and boom, 6 high severity vulnerabilities.


But it doesn’t have to be this way. Choose lightweight libraries that do one thing really well, and build your project from the ground up yourself.

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In-reply-to » Oh farrrrk me! 🤦‍♂️ React Apps, NodeJS c'mon! 🤦‍♂️ How does anyone do this shit?! 🤯

The problem isn’t with NodeJS or NPM, it’s the developers that are so willing to use horrible frameworks/libraries/tooling that is just simply not needed. NodeJS gives you so much out of the box, and NPM is simply a place to store your packages. With Deno, you won’t even need a package manager as it takes a step closer to go modules approach.

If you’re going to use React, TypeScript, NextJs, Webpack, Styled Components, Material UI, Jest, and the 10k dependencies that comes with it, then yeah, your dev environment is going to be slow, bloated, and incredibly frustrating to work with. Not to mention have security issues. I’ve literally just done a fresh create-react-app installation (latest version 5.0.1 as I write this), and boom, 6 high severity vulnerabilities.


But it doesn’t have to be this way. Choose lightweight libraries that do one thing really well, and build your project from the ground up yourself.

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