Timeline is cleaned up, so now I think I have that part sorted.
Next is to refactor a bit and then fix so that the timeline refreshes properly.
Once that is done I think I’ll clean it up and upload the source somewhere and create tickets for outstanding known issues. Most likely upload it to github and continue the work there.
Another month, another pixelart! This time it’s actually not a canine, but a strange scenery, made using the PICO 8 color palette.
The only thing shared between this and the last art, is both being “slightly YIIK inspired”.
@off_grid_living@twtxt.net Your reflective glass door, has turned your dog into a yoteyote.
This illustrations is by TheRoguez
I have cleaned up the timeline a bit, I like this much more.
I use the markdown text now, instead of the ‘text’ field in the json file, looks much cleaner.
I can work with this. One thing that I want to sort out next is the way the nicknames and url is shown.
Also links in posts should be clickable - not sure if the current labels support that, but I’ll try and figure it out somehow. Anyways - latest screenshot is attached here.. :)
What is going one here?
I have note muted this tread, but i have also not turned on ActivityPub feature on my pod, so suspect that is part of the issue, since the root is from Mastodon:
@carsten@yarn.zn80.net Yes, an option for deliberate cross-posting or POSSE the IndieWeb way is more appealing to me also to keep yarn.social feeling light and clean. In that way your twtxt feed would be the backbone of your own site and then have some middle-ware, which cross-post to your mastodon account and whatever service you fancy to use:
@movq@www.uninformativ.de Here’s to old school coffee!
Well, the code for getting and setting the avatar works.
I need to align things better though. But cool that it works.
You see @abucci@anthony.buc.ci it is possible 🤣
So my status above looks like this in fltk because of the @
A lot of more work needs to be done, but at least now I got the basic timeline stuff done, took a good while to figure out how to solve it, but now I know. The reason why the statuses are cut short on some is because of html tags and stuff like that - c++ is a bit picky with strings and stuff like that. but I’ll get that sorted as well.
At least I can show the first screenshot. Keep in mind the GUI is not at all finished, I’m working on the basics first, implement all the features, then I work on finishing touches.
@prologic@twtxt.net Seems that new twtxt posts here are showing on mastodon as replies (see example):
I think goryon doesn’t show twts coming from activitypub accounts or something…
my twitter feed blew up yesterday. I typically get some hundred views. but the post I did yesterday did get a lot of traction, lot’s of replies and feedback etc.
Thoughts on the filter menu being in this position? Other idea I had was along side the search field at the top.
@prologic@twtxt.net @prologic@twtxt.net this description is applicable. As with PH.D so with this hyper focus.
@prologic@twtxt.net @prologic@twtxt.net this description is applicable. As with PH.D so with this hyper focus.
Good news, for those who miss the cursed canine sticker collection - here’s a bonus one. As always, there’s a reference there, to be guessed. :)
Bingo! There we go 🤦♂️
You weren’t able to attend to #MiniDCPT ? Well, the video of my presentation on #ilovefs is now online.
Origami, ThanatoSchizO’s last album, was released on this date, twelve years ago.
Hey @manton Are posts from Activity Pub actors I follow suppose to show up like this with the acct:
@james@yarn.mills.io Success! 🥳 Finally! 😅 After many hours this weekend, we finally have a Yarn/Twtxt <-> Activity Pub PoC going 🤣
What works (currently):
- You (Yarn.social) are discoverable in the Fediverse via Activity Pub
- You (Yarn.social) can be followed in the Fediverse via Activity Pub
- Posts you make (on Yarn.social) are delivered to your Fediverse followers via Activity Pub
I’m not an art investor myself, know a fair bit about it, but had no idea missing JPEGs, is where the money at.
⨁ Follow
button on their profile page or use the Follow form and enter a Twtxt URL. You may also find other feeds of interest via Feeds. Welcome! 🤗
@eldersnake@we.loveprivacy.club Oh yeah ! 🤣 You have too! 😝
’s web app comes in at around ~8 requests and ~400kB Are we doing okay here? 🤔