In-reply-to » I am supposed to come to office today, but I have caught the same cold bug wife has had for the last three days, so I am staying remote to spare cube-mates. Nose stuck, dripping, and a general slight sense of malaise is what I am feeling right now. Get well soon!


(And thanks for not being one of those “it’s just a cold” guys.)

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In-reply-to » I have months of intense security compliance theater ahead of me and wish for a quick and painless death.

One of the super frustrating things about this: I have to write lots of documents, but I am required to use horrendous software to do that. It cannot even number sections automatically, nor can you insert cross-references to other sections. Simple stuff like that. It all has to be done manually.

Even Word 97 could do shit like that …


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In-reply-to » @bendwr and I discussing something along the lines of: Media I.e: How to deal with or reduce noise from legacy feeds.

The wording can be more subtle like “This feed have not seen much activity within the last year” and maybe adding a UI like I did in timeline showing time ago for all feeds


I agree that it good to clean up the Mastodon re-feeds, but it should also be okay for anyone to spin up a twtxt.txt just for syndicating they stuff from blog or what ever.

The “not receiving replies” could partly be fixed by implementing a working webmentions for twtxt.txt

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In-reply-to » @prologic well, I think OP mother tongue isn’t English, so certainly not an encoding I might be familiar with. Thank
you! and here’s a twt with the said random characters, since I’ve been
cleaning them up manually, earlier before scp-ing my twtxt.txt file. And
maybe a screenshot of how things look in my editor?


Those new lines are added automatically as I type (except for the ones
after the screenshot.

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In-reply-to » I've been out a few hours again. I came across a dozen or so forest mice. I heard tons of squeaking and saw a lighting fast moving seething mass under leaves and groves. It was impossible to capture anything but I could watch it for two, three minutes. They even seemed to come as close as 20 centimeters judging by the rustle and moving plant leaves. Pretty cool.

I like the self-shot in the mud:

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