In-reply-to » A Modest Robot Levy Could Help Combat Effects of Automation On Income Inequality In US, Study Suggests An anonymous reader quotes a report from MIT News: What if the U.S. placed a tax on robots? The concept has been publicly discussed by policy analysts, scholars, and Bill Gates (who favors the notion). Because robots can replace jobs, the idea goes, a stiff tax on them ... ⌘ Read more billionaires don’t exist. That many resources tied up by single individuals muck up the whole system.

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In-reply-to » Tutorial: Getting started with generics - The Go Programming Language -- Okay @xuu I quite like Go's generics now 🤣 After going through this myself I like the semantics and the syntax. I'm glad they did a lot of work on this to keep it simple to both understand and use (just like the rest of Go) 👌 Media #GoLang #Generics see where its used maybe that can help.

This is an upsert. So I pass a streamID which is like a globally unique id for the object. And then see how the type of the parameter in the function is used to infer the generic type. In the function it will create a new *Info and populate it from the datastore to pass to the function. The func will do its modifications and if it returns a nil error it will commit the changes.

The PA type contract ensures that the type fulfills the Aggregate interface and is a pointer to type at compile time.

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In-reply-to » Tutorial: Getting started with generics - The Go Programming Language -- Okay @xuu I quite like Go's generics now 🤣 After going through this myself I like the semantics and the syntax. I'm glad they did a lot of work on this to keep it simple to both understand and use (just like the rest of Go) 👌 Media #GoLang #Generics

one that i think is pretty interesting is building up dependent constraints. see here.. it accepts a type but requires the use of a pointer to type.

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In-reply-to » I started reading the proposal to introduce operator overloading in Go version 2 that I like to see: Now a few hours later I ended up at this gem. Write a program that makes 2+2=5: There are some awesone solutions. :-)

Is it something to do with implicit declaration of printf?

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In-reply-to » I started reading the proposal to introduce operator overloading in Go version 2 that I like to see: Now a few hours later I ended up at this gem. Write a program that makes 2+2=5: There are some awesone solutions. :-) same.


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In-reply-to » I made a thing. Its a multi password type checker. Using the PHC string format we can identify a password hashing format from the prefix $name$ and then dispatch the hashing or checking to its specific format.

Circling back to the IsPreferred method. A hasher can define its own IsPreferred method that will be called to check if the current hash meets the complexity requirements. This is good for updating the password hashes to be more secure over time.

func (p *Passwd) IsPreferred(hash string) bool {
	_, algo := p.getAlgo(hash)
	if algo != nil && algo == p.d {

		// if the algorithm defines its own check for preference.
		if ck, ok := algo.(interface{ IsPreferred(string) bool }); ok {
			return ck.IsPreferred(hash)

		return true
	return false


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In-reply-to » I made a thing. Its a multi password type checker. Using the PHC string format we can identify a password hashing format from the prefix $name$ and then dispatch the hashing or checking to its specific format.

Hold up now, that example hash doesn’t have a $ prefix!

Well for this there is the option for a hash type to set itself as a fall through if a matching hash doesn’t exist. This is good for legacy password types that don’t follow the convention.

func (p *plainPasswd) ApplyPasswd(passwd *passwd.Passwd) {
	passwd.Register("plain", p)

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In-reply-to » I made a thing. Its a multi password type checker. Using the PHC string format we can identify a password hashing format from the prefix $name$ and then dispatch the hashing or checking to its specific format.

Here is an example of usage:

func Example() {
	pass := "my_pass"
	hash := "my_pass"

	pwd := passwd.New(
		&unix.MD5{}, // first is preferred type.

	_, err := pwd.Passwd(pass, hash)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("fail: ", err)

	// Check if we want to update.
	if !pwd.IsPreferred(hash) {
		newHash, err := pwd.Passwd(pass, "")
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Println("fail: ", err)

		fmt.Println("new hash:", newHash)

	// Output:
	//  new hash: $1$81ed91e1131a3a5a50d8a68e8ef85fa0

This shows how one would set a preferred hashing type and if the current version of ones password is not the preferred type updates it to enhance the security of the hashed password when someone logs in.

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In-reply-to » ahh this is useful the go culture doesn't typically have large dependency graphs like Ruby or JS. im talking like some JS projects i have seen with 1-2G node_modules dirs. though yarn is quite vast in its modules because it does a LOOOOOOT of stuff in the background.

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In-reply-to » JUHU! Finally! The new NAS runs. Oh boy what a process. First I had to restart and redow everything three times. Sometimes things are not sooo super obvious and then you really mess up. Who decided at Asustor that you cannot move home folders off of the Volume 1? And Why are the Asustor apps so bad? Beside that, the machine, the NAS, is really nice. Updraded to 16GB RAM and I finally have NGINX PROXY MANAGER running. Now I can setup all services with nice names! what type of NAS? I just upgraded my oooold (~2008) Drobo to a Synology. I have been impressed with all the neat stuff it can do.

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In-reply-to » @eaplmx This exact thing happened to me last night. I happened to be watching some random Youtube video, then this Ad came on, normally they are short 3-5s ads and I just tolerate them (sometimes) -- But this particular ad was 20+ mins long! Somehow I kept listening to it too, despite my daughter telling me I could hit that "Skip Ad" button. duud use an ad block on youtube.

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In-reply-to » What do you feel when you listen to something you didn't believe it's true?

(by the way Jesus is born end of September beginning of October)

or August… or Jun-July… or April.. hard to say really.

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In-reply-to » git-bug

Ah git-bug! Ive chatted with the creator when he was working on the graphql parts. Its working with git objects directly sorta like how git-repo does code reviews. Its a pretty neat idea for storing data along side the branches. I believe they don’t add a disconnected branch to avoid data getting corrupted by merging branches or something like that.

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In-reply-to » Dear native english speakers, I keep hearing this ad on

He says “The college ready foundation send messages of support to all college ready foundation stations all around the world.”

It is a very odd message of support to themselves. But OK.

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In-reply-to » @movq yeah.. i rewrote it a few times because i thought there was something breaking.. but was mistaken though now i am seeing a weird cache corruption.. that seems to come and go. Media

I have found the issue with this very subtle bug.. the cache was returning a slice that would be mutated. The mutation involved appending an item and then sorting. because the returned slice is just a pointer+length the sort would modify the same memory.

          CACHE         Returned slice          
original: [A B C D]     [A B C D]
add:      [A B C D] E   [A B C D E]
sort:     [E A B C] D   [A B C D E]

fix found here:

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In-reply-to » @prologic Alright, there's some erroneous markdown parsing going on, I reckon. In my original twt I have a code block surrounded by three backticks. The code block itself contains a single backtick. However, at least for rendering, yarnd shows three backticks instead (not sure if my markdown is invalid, though): ill check this out.. also.. why the heck is my reply trying to set the subject to #bd3yzvq)

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