In-reply-to » @movq yeah.. i rewrote it a few times because i thought there was something breaking.. but was mistaken though now i am seeing a weird cache corruption.. that seems to come and go. Media

I have found the issue with this very subtle bug.. the cache was returning a slice that would be mutated. The mutation involved appending an item and then sorting. because the returned slice is just a pointer+length the sort would modify the same memory.

          CACHE         Returned slice          
original: [A B C D]     [A B C D]
add:      [A B C D] E   [A B C D E]
sort:     [E A B C] D   [A B C D E]

fix found here:

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In-reply-to » @prologic Alright, there's some erroneous markdown parsing going on, I reckon. In my original twt I have a code block surrounded by three backticks. The code block itself contains a single backtick. However, at least for rendering, yarnd shows three backticks instead (not sure if my markdown is invalid, though): ill check this out.. also.. why the heck is my reply trying to set the subject to #bd3yzvq)

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