Twtxt spec enhancement proposal thread 🧵

Adding attributes to individual twts similar to adding feed attributes in the heading comments.

The basic use case would be for multilingual feeds where there is a default language and some twts will be written a different language.

As seen in the wild:

The attributes are formatted as [key=value]

They can show up in the twt anywhere it is not enclosed by another element such as codeblock or part of a markdown link.

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In-reply-to » What about using the blockquote format with > ? this makes sense as a quote twt that references a direct URL. If we go back to how it developed on twitter originally it was RT @nick: original text because it contained the original text the twitter algorithm would boost that text into trending.

i like the format (#hash) @<nick url> > "Quoted text"\nThen a comment
as it preserves the human read able. and has the hash for linking to the yarn. The comment part could be optional for just boosting the twt.

The only issue i think i would have would be that that yarn could then become a mess of repeated quotes. Unless the client knows to interpret them as multiple users have reposted/boosted the thread.

The format is also how iphone does reactions to SMS messages with +number liked: original SMS

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In-reply-to » What about using the blockquote format with > ? this is interesting. Is the square bracket something used in the wild for multilingual twts? what are your thoughts? Should we extend the parser to handle [lang=] and [boost] ? Or a generic attribute spec. Single word is a boolean attribute. And one with an = is a string key/value.

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What? You are still using chrome? Firefox is where its at. But if you need WebKit there is always chromium which strips out all the google nonsense.

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In-reply-to » Update on my Fibre to the Premise upgrade (FTTP). NBN installer came out last week to install the NTD and Utility box, after some umming and arring, we figured out the best place to install it. However this mean he wasn't able to look it up to the Fibre in the pit, and required a 2nd team to come up and trench a new trench and conduit and use that to feed Fibre from the pit to the utility box.

When I built I had a blue conduit installed from outside in to the util room.

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In-reply-to » Why isn't inkjet printer ink simply replaceable like the windscreen wiper fluid in our cars? Why does it have to be so expensive and complicated?

Laser all the way. Inkjets are cheaper to replace the printer than to buy the ink for a reason.

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In-reply-to » Update on my Fibre to the Premise upgrade (FTTP). NBN installer came out last week to install the NTD and Utility box, after some umming and arring, we figured out the best place to install it. However this mean he wasn't able to look it up to the Fibre in the pit, and required a 2nd team to come up and trench a new trench and conduit and use that to feed Fibre from the pit to the utility box.

Are they doing fiber to outside with ether in? Or will it make it inside the house?

⤋ Read More I have read the white papers for MLS before. I have put a lot of thought on how to do it with salty/ratchet. Its a very good tech for ensuring multiple devices can be joined to an encrypted chat. But it is bloody complicated to implement.

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In-reply-to » man... day17 has been a struggle for me.. i have managed to implement A* but the solve still takes about 2 minutes for me.. not sure how some are able to get it under 10 seconds.

So, I finally got day 17 to under a second on my machine. (in the test runner it takes 10)

I implemented a Fibonacci Heap to replace the priority queue to great success.

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In-reply-to » Feedback on why I didn't choose Mattermost (lack of OIDC) · mattermost/mattermost · Discussion -- My discussions/feedback on Mattermost's decision to have certain useful and IMO should be standard features as paid-for features on a per-seat licensed basis. My primary argument is that if you offer a self-host(able) product and require additional features the free version does not have, you should not have to pay for a per-seat license for something you are footing the bill for in terms of Hardware/Compute and Maintenance/Support (havintg to operate it). What I did as a work around for mattermost was hijack the gitlab oauth login with my own auth server.

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OH MY FREAKING HECK. So.. I made my pather able to run as Dijkstra or A* if the interface includes a heuristic.. when i tried without the heuristic it finished faster :|

So now to figure out why its not working right.

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i am wondering if maybe i need a better heap like a btree backed one instead of just list sort on Dequeue.

I found a bug where i didnt include an open/closed list that seemed to shave off a little. right now it runs in about 70 seconds on my machine.. it takes over the 300s limit when it runs on the testrunner on the same box.. docker must be restricting resources for it.

I might come back to it after i work through improving my code for day 23. Its similar but looking for the longest path instead of shortest.

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man… day17 has been a struggle for me.. i have managed to implement A* but the solve still takes about 2 minutes for me.. not sure how some are able to get it under 10 seconds.

A* PathFind:

some seem to simplify the seen check to only be horizontal/vertical instead of each direction.. but it doesn’t give me the right answer

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I have been doing interview prep for next year. The problems have been great to get practice and make it fun when compared to the dry solve this you get on hacker rank or code scene.

That and so many great write-ups to explain the problems.

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