In-reply-to » It looks super foggy from my apartment (tower building and all – I see a plain white wall when I look out the window), so I thought I’d go for a walk and take the camera with me, because fog can make for some great shots. Turns out, it’s only foggy up here, not so much down on the ground. Oh well. Thanks. 🙃 Yeah, I’m pretty high up, but there’s still people above me (so still plenty of opportunity for water damage 😅). But, well, even at the top I’d get water damage, because the roof is leaking. 🤣

The first raptor (4273), oof, I was just a couple of meters away from it – but I didn’t notice and neither did the bird. 🥴 Then we pretty much noticed each other at the same time, I reached for the camera, but of course it flew away. Luckily, it landed again nearby, so it could still make some shots using high zoom.

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