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Recent twts from movq
In-reply-to » 👋 Q: How do we feel about forking the Twtxt spec into what we love and use today in in yarnd, tt, jenny, twtr and other clients? 🤔 Thinking about (and talking with @xuu on IRC) about the possibility of rewriting a completely new spec (no extensions). Proposed name yarn.txt or "Yarn". Compatibility would remain with Twtxt in the sense that we wouldn't break anything per se, but we'd divorce ourselves from Twtxt and be free to improve based on the needs of the community and not the ideals of those that don't use, contribute in the first place or fixate on nostalgia (which doesn't really help anyone). I’m very ambivalent on this. At the same time, I’m exhausted from work and life in general. 😅 I can’t form coherent thoughts at the moment. Maybe tomorrow. Or at the weekend.

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In-reply-to » @darch I think having a way to layer on features so those who can support/desire them can. It would be best for the community to be able to layer on (or off) the features.

@xuu without threading (as it would be the case in a “truncated” feed) does not make sense to me.

Put another way: is not twtxt. The content that we all have in our feeds really is much closer to a web forum or usenet or whatever. It’s threaded conversations. twtxt, as I believe it was originally intended, are short little status updates – that’s it. The formats of and twtxt might be very similar, but the content is vastly different and, in a way, incompatible. (As such, I think I understand very well that the original twtxt crowd is disgruntled.)

That proposed truncated feed doesn’t really provide any value, if you ask me. 🤔 It’d just be chaotic.

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In-reply-to » The EU's Proposed CRA Law May Have Unintended Consequences for the Python Ecosystem (as well as the entire free software movement).

Seatbelts and cars are so much simpler than software. It is easy to see that you might crash your car into a tree and that a belt will help you here (if you’re going slow enough, yadda yadda).

If I write a library for a compression algorithm, how can I ever prepare for someone using this in, I don’t know, a medical device in a hospital, but then my code has a bug, crashes that device and a person dies? There are so many more indirections here than with cars and seatbelts. It is completely out of my control.

Anyway, I think we both made our points clear. I’m out, cheers! 👋 🥃

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In-reply-to » The EU's Proposed CRA Law May Have Unintended Consequences for the Python Ecosystem (as well as the entire free software movement).

Yeah, we probably have to agree to disagree here.

I still think it would be better to put the burden of liability on the users – no matter if they’re private individuals or big companies. (And isn’t that already the case? Do we even have to solve a legal liability problem? Not talking about software quality here, that’s a whole other issue.)

Trust me, if people got sued or went to jail, the tech industry would figure out really fast how to make these determinations.

Yeah, they would. It’s simple: No more free software, no more publicly available projects. The only software that would ever exist is software made by large corporations who can afford the appropriate insurances and lawyers.

What you’re proposing is either classifying software in advance as “dangerous” or “harmless” (I’d argue that’s impossible – as an extreme, think of libraries, they’d all be “potentially dangerous”), or threatening free software projects with lawsuits if, at some point in the future, these projects caused an accident.

Why would anyone publish free software or contribute to it under these conditions?

Why should open source software development be any different?

IMHO because you can make software publicly available and anyone can use it for whatever they want, which the author has zero control over.

Anyway, have a good night, I’m gonna enjoy a couple of movies now. 👋 😊

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In-reply-to » The EU's Proposed CRA Law May Have Unintended Consequences for the Python Ecosystem (as well as the entire free software movement).

Firstly, contributing software to an open source project cannot be a blanket “get out of jail free” card. That’s a sociopathic stance, on its face, and just cannot be accepted.

I don’t understand. Why is that sociopathic? (Language barrier here? I really don’t get what you mean.)

But thirdly, […] And the same should happen in software. […]

How do you really know if a project has been used in dangerous situations? (If this changes in the future, are programmers that contributed in the past – when this project was not yet used in dangerous situations – also liable?)

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In-reply-to » The EU's Proposed CRA Law May Have Unintended Consequences for the Python Ecosystem (as well as the entire free software movement). Many (most?) licenses in the world of free software explicitly deny any liability (is that how you say it in English? I think you know what I mean). So, if a user still uses that software for “potentially dangerous” things, who’s to blame? The software? Or the user?

We Germans always have to make an analogy with cars 😅, so here you go: If there’s a guy on the street offering you a car and he says, “oh, maybe it’ll drive, maybe it’ll explode, who knows – either way, the risk is yours, I’m just offering it”, you might still be interested in using that car for certain things. But you wouldn’t use it as an ambulance car or a taxi or whatever. Or you might actually do that after carefully inspecting it and/or fixing some things.

So, if there actually are any liability issues here in the current laws – I know nothing about that field, especially not when it comes to corporations –, I think this should be fixed at the user’s end. You run a hospital? Then there are certain standards for you and you’re liable for certain things. If that implies that you can no longer use, say, nginx, then that’s not nginx’s problem, but yours.

I would argue that you cannot hold programmers liable if they contribute to a free software project that is publicly available, because you don’t know how this software is going to be used.

(Plus, I have a hard time imagining how you as a programmer could prove that you’ve done a good job. What’s the criterium here? Clearly, it can’t be “no bugs ever”. So, what is it, “no damage above 1000 dollars” or something like that? What does the EU thingy say here?)

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I started using st as a terminal emulator, so you might see a decline in my use of colored emojis. :)

I previously used xiate, which is based on GTK and VTE – and that’s the problem. Sooner or later, it’ll have to be ported from GTK 3 to GTK 4 and that’s not looking too good at the moment. GTK 4 is too slow. I’m not yet convinced that I have to give up xiate, but I still want to see how well st works for me.

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In-reply-to » Germany Urges Loophole for EU Ban on Fossil-Fuel Cars: Synthetic Carbon-Captured Fuels CNN reports: When EU lawmakers voted to ban the sale of new combustion engine cars in the bloc by 2035, it was a landmark victory for climate. In February, the European Parliament approved the law. All that was needed was a rubber stamp from the bloc's political leaders.

I thought Germany was a pretty progressive country 🤔

Doesn’t feel like that to me, but of course it depends on which country you’re comparing us to. 😅

I didn’t follow this closely (because I lost all hope when it comes to Germans and their cars), but it looks like this e-fuel stuff is mostly the result of the efforts of one party? Or maybe the others like it too and just blame that party for it. 🤣

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In-reply-to » Today was wastepaper collection with the scouts. We were fairly short on manpower, but luckily there was also quite little wastepaper to collect this time. My team found a paper mâché cow head at the beginning and we had to use it as a mascot on our truck. :-) I see, curious. 🤔 I’ve never seen anyone but the “official” wastepaper trucks collect this stuff over here. It’s all organized by the city.

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Stuck at home these last few days, sick. Can’t do a lot except … watching pool. Lots of it. 🤣

Some of my highlights:

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In-reply-to » Today was wastepaper collection with the scouts. We were fairly short on manpower, but luckily there was also quite little wastepaper to collect this time. My team found a paper mâché cow head at the beginning and we had to use it as a mascot on our truck. :-) I presume that’s not what’s happening by default when people throw it away, right? 🤔

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In-reply-to » Spring is there with 18°C. We've seen a hare today. It must have been years when I saw the last one. The photo quality is horrible, but oh well. On the other hand, the firebug turned out heaps better than I could have hoped for. Frühlingsanfang ist, wenn die Luftfeuchtigkeit nach dem Lüften höher ist als vorher. 😏

Is there a special meaning behind those hearts? Or just something that kids make these days?

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In-reply-to » Too bad non-native speakers (probably) cannot appreciate this beauty … 😂 // We Butter The Bread With Butter - NICE // #NowPlaying

(To avoid misunderstandings: It might sound like he’s saying the N word, but it’s “mega” with a german accent. Just so we’re clear on that.)

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In-reply-to » Trying to learn the REXX scripting/programming language. It surely requires some modifications in my brain after all those years with C-style languages. Or maybe brain damage... Oof, let us know how that goes. 😅 I only remember REXX very very vaguely, I only saw it as a kid every now and then … Are there any REXX interpreters for modern operating systems? Or are you simply doing it one, say, OS/2?

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In-reply-to » I'm worried that Yarn will become just another ActivityPub frontend. This integration threatens to split the community in two. Users of Twtxt clients without ActivityPub support won't want to follow Yarn users because they'll be engaged in conversations that are inaccessible to standard Twtxt clients. It will only force the split deeper if ActivityPub is an option to be toggled by users or pod operators. Yeah, I know. 😅 For now, I just sit back and watch. 😂

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In-reply-to » I'm worried that Yarn will become just another ActivityPub frontend. This integration threatens to split the community in two. Users of Twtxt clients without ActivityPub support won't want to follow Yarn users because they'll be engaged in conversations that are inaccessible to standard Twtxt clients. It will only force the split deeper if ActivityPub is an option to be toggled by users or pod operators. I’ll be completely honest: For a split second, I was already thinking “ah screw it, I’ll just use Mastodon now”. 😅

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In-reply-to » I never owned a coffee maker, because … I don’t really know exactly 😅, but one of the reasons is that I’m too lazy to properly clean and maintain these machines. So, I was just drinking tea at home and coffee only at the office (where we have big fancy machines). Recently, a friend told me about a super simple way to make coffee: Oh dear, that’s crazy. 😳 There are so many different and elaborate ways to make a coffee, my goodness. 😀

The upper container might get pretty messy, right? I’m looking at this picture:

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In-reply-to » I never owned a coffee maker, because … I don’t really know exactly 😅, but one of the reasons is that I’m too lazy to properly clean and maintain these machines. So, I was just drinking tea at home and coffee only at the office (where we have big fancy machines). Recently, a friend told me about a super simple way to make coffee: But but, aren’t you a programmer? I thought programmers were machines that convert coffee into code! 🤯 😅 Now what is that? 😳 Disclaimer, I am not a coffee nerd. I know next to nothing about it. 😅

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I never owned a coffee maker, because … I don’t really know exactly 😅, but one of the reasons is that I’m too lazy to properly clean and maintain these machines. So, I was just drinking tea at home and coffee only at the office (where we have big fancy machines). Recently, a friend told me about a super simple way to make coffee:


Put in a filter, put in the coffee, pour water over it, done. The only “machine” required is something to heat up the water. Hardly any cleaning involved.

I love this low-tech approach.

Now I just have to learn more about it, buy better beans and all that. 😅

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In-reply-to » Hurray, we have storm and rain and sun. Some gusts nearly made it impossible to walk. Quite cool, we could really lean against them. All photos turned out to be rubbish, that one passes just barly: Looks nice and can be quite entertaining to walk in, but it also caused quite a bit of damage: I wasn’t affected, luckily. (I’m just waiting for my windows to burst, though. 😂)

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