
Einstein once said, "The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious."

Recent twts from off_grid_living


Rejects go here. You get tomato grubs, fruit fly causing brown rot, red back spiders, and some holes in them you can’t explain why. The difference between tomatoes you buy at the shops and the ones I grow at home is the amount of pesticides used. Mine are not toxic to humans, but the tomatoes come with yuck look to those not used to off_grid_living.

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Fill with sand and water inside and outside, to ensure settling, as the firbreglass tank is weak, and the walls need the outside dirt to protect against water pressure. This process is first done to a depth of 800. Than after a few days of settling, I will fill it all in. Red arrow shows the consolidation process.

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In-reply-to » Media A close up of the thermal flu part, the glass is reflecting the iron. The sun heats the air inside the glass pulling less warmer air in and allowing hotter air to escape (hot air rises). This causes all the hot air in the kitchen cavity to be extracted. I got the idea from the USA, they build them much larger and longer, a 4m thermal window, to remove hot air from their houses and cool them down over summer.

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A close up of the thermal flu part, the glass is reflecting the iron. The sun heats the air inside the glass pulling less warmer air in and allowing hotter air to escape (hot air rises). This causes all the hot air in the kitchen cavity to be extracted.

The lid above is bolted 3 cms off the thermal column, allowing hotter air to escape. The inside chamber is painted high temperature black, to help absorb heat.

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Looking from inside the thermal chimney outside through the glass wall placed there. The sun heats up this cavity drawing hot air out and sucking cooler air into it’s place. This will cool the roof cavity on the hottest and windless days.

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A view inside the funnel shaped metal structure, like a fish and chip extractor hood. The red arrow shows a vent I cut so passing hot air also sucks out the ceiling air as well, making the roof cavity cooler. This is a USA thermal chimney idea I got from the States.

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Robert Deutche predicts more rain for Australia, massively more over the next 3 weeks, the engineering of clouds bands is enormous and ongoing. We have had over 150mm rain in the last 3 days, and the state of Queensland is due for much more, especially the coast.

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