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Recent twts from carsten
In-reply-to » Hm, unusually quiet here today - started to wonder if something was locked up on my server. Yeah, yeah, sometimes I read stuff on Twitter. But 99% of the time, I am on It is my new home. Being from the area, it was a no-brainer for me to be a part of instance. Almost ALL the people I have followed on Twitter, I have also found on Mastodon.

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In-reply-to » DEEPL now has a Writer - very nice, fast and available in multiple languages. Write better texts, instantly. There is no pressure. I just find it very helpful in my daily conversation. I have to write so many emails to so many idiots who have no idea what they are doing. But WE need their input for our work, and we kind of rely on their willingness to give us their data (by contract) in a certain time frame. Often they do not send anything and we run after them a lot. I asked if I could write something called a “brand letter” in German. But my boss refused. So, I have to write nice texts so as not to annoy them. #IfYouSeeThisBossDontFireMe :-)

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In-reply-to » Microsoft’s GitHub Copilot is massive copyright infringement Before you read this article – note that Codeium offers a competitor to GitHub Copilot. This means they have something to sell, and something to gain by making Copilot look bad. That being said – their findings are things we already kind of knew, and further illustrate that Copilot is quite possibly one of the largest, if not the largest, GPL violations in history. To prove that GitHub Copilot trains on non perm ... ⌘ Read more Hi there. Makes sense and sounds of logic to me. I will think about it. But then, where should I host my code with nice automatic builds? Can I set up something on my own? Or should I go to gitlab?

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In-reply-to » Started with Media a concept sketch of a full body end-time factory worker on a distant planet, cyberpunk light brown suite, (badass), looking up at the viewer, 2d, line drawing, (pencil sketch:0.3), (caricature:0.2), watercolor city sketch, Negative prompt: EasyNegativ, bad-hands-5, 3d, photo, naked, sexy, disproportionate, ugly Steps: 20, Sampler: Euler a, CFG scale: 7, Seed: 2479087078, Face restoration: GFPGAN, Size: 512x768, Model hash: 2ee2a2bf90, Model: mimic_v10, Denoising strength: 0.7, Hires upscale: 1.5, Hires upscaler: Latent I would not call it fake. It is not drawn by hand, that’s sure. But fake?

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In-reply-to » Started with Media a concept sketch of a full body end-time factory worker on a distant planet, cyberpunk light brown suite, (badass), looking up at the viewer, 2d, line drawing, (pencil sketch:0.3), (caricature:0.2), watercolor city sketch, Negative prompt: EasyNegativ, bad-hands-5, 3d, photo, naked, sexy, disproportionate, ugly Steps: 20, Sampler: Euler a, CFG scale: 7, Seed: 2479087078, Face restoration: GFPGAN, Size: 512x768, Model hash: 2ee2a2bf90, Model: mimic_v10, Denoising strength: 0.7, Hires upscale: 1.5, Hires upscaler: Latent Stable Diffusion was the AI that I used to generate this with the MIMIC v1.0 model.

I wish I could draw like that. But I never learned to draw. I can only do some doodles.

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In-reply-to » Started with Media a concept sketch of a full body end-time factory worker on a distant planet, cyberpunk light brown suite, (badass), looking up at the viewer, 2d, line drawing, (pencil sketch:0.3), (caricature:0.2), watercolor city sketch, Negative prompt: EasyNegativ, bad-hands-5, 3d, photo, naked, sexy, disproportionate, ugly Steps: 20, Sampler: Euler a, CFG scale: 7, Seed: 2479087078, Face restoration: GFPGAN, Size: 512x768, Model hash: 2ee2a2bf90, Model: mimic_v10, Denoising strength: 0.7, Hires upscale: 1.5, Hires upscaler: Latent

Ended up after post processing:


a concept sketch of a full body end-time factory worker on a distant planet, cyberpunk light brown suite, (badass), looking up at the viewer, 2d, line drawing, (pencil sketch:0.3), (caricature:0.2), watercolor city sketch,
Negative prompt: EasyNegativ, bad-hands-5, 3d, photo, naked, sexy, disproportionate, ugly
Steps: 60, Sampler: DDIM, CFG scale: 7, Seed: 2479087078, Face restoration: GFPGAN, Size: 768x1152, Model hash: 2ee2a2bf90, Model: mimic_v10, Denoising strength: 0.2

Postprocess upscale by: 4, Postprocess upscaler: 4x-UltraSharp

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Started with


a concept sketch of a full body end-time factory worker on a distant planet, cyberpunk light brown suite, (badass), looking up at the viewer, 2d, line drawing, (pencil sketch:0.3), (caricature:0.2), watercolor city sketch,
Negative prompt: EasyNegativ, bad-hands-5, 3d, photo, naked, sexy, disproportionate, ugly
Steps: 20, Sampler: Euler a, CFG scale: 7, Seed: 2479087078, Face restoration: GFPGAN, Size: 512x768, Model hash: 2ee2a2bf90, Model: mimic_v10, Denoising strength: 0.7, Hires upscale: 1.5, Hires upscaler: Latent

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Some Stable Diffusion Stuff


a concept sketch of a cyberpunk woman in a yellow jacket, multicolored wildly hair, mane, (badass), looking over shoulder, 2d, line drawing, (pencil sketch:0.3), (caricature:0.2), watercolor city sketch,
Negative prompt: 3d, photo, disproportionate, ugly, sexy,naked
Steps: 60, Sampler: DDIM, CFG scale: 4, Seed: 1296125785, Size: 512x768, Model hash: 2ee2a2bf90, Model: mimic_v10, Denoising strength: 0.7

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In-reply-to » Here we go! Germany, after Italy, is going bonkers: Both. Full code is complicated and does not work. I can write small functions. For example, it took me about one hour to write a full PDF management console app in PowerShell to mimic the App PDF-Archiver

But for writing full code? No, that does not work. You still have to connect all the bits and pieces. But I ask it to correct things or explain certain things during code documentation. If you give ChatGPT a complete function, regardless of the Language I tried, it can write you correct e.g. Javadoc with all params, and also document your code with inline comments. Sometimes it also shows you hints and lets you know about certain optimization features. For example, instead of using string concatenation, that you should better use a String Builder.

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Here we go! Germany, after Italy, is going bonkers:

chatgpt: Germany’s data protectors open proceedings against OpenAI.“We need to know where the data comes from” used to train ChatGPT. OpenAI is to answer to the data protection authorities.

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In the current episode of Logbuch Netzpolitik LNP457 “Nicht Normgerecht”, Khaleesi talks about her visit to the UN in New York. Just the things she tells make your hair stand on end. And when you read headlines like this: “Hate speech online: New EU agency to decrypt social media algorithms”, your hair stands even higher.

A passage in the article by Deutsche Welle particularly caught my attention, namely the one under the picture of Josephine Ballon, the head of the Abmahnverein HateAid, entitled “Tapping in the Dark”.

And above all, there is still the issue of chat control. This needs to be prevented. Please sign the petition. Thank you!

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Question: I am now trying audiobookshelf as a self-hosted solution for audio books and my audible archive. It also supports Podcasts. Which software can you recommend to download podcasts via Docker Container? Thanks

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In-reply-to » What I really hate about Youtube videos of late, is the utter lies that are made up front. "NEw and existing blah blah blah, but before we get to that..." You watch it, and nothing, it was all lies, lies! 😱 We call it the YouTube University. There are not many left who really create good content. Most of it is just because they have to create something to keep the viewers clicking on it to generate at least a bit of income through ads

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In-reply-to » Another day, another load of bullshit from the tech industry. Posted this on LinkedIn:

If, as a big company, are behind a small one and lack the competence and knowledge to achieve the same, you call for a stop! It is all money driven.

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