@prologic@twtxt.net I I received an email from a twt user saying my pod was not respecting the refresh limit of their feed and was instead fetching their feed every five minutes. I thought I saw a yarn about that awhile ago but don’t know how to find it. I just updated yarns yesterday I think so I have a pretty new version. What can I do about this?
@abucci@anthony.buc.ci Do you happen to have the feed uri handy? 🤔
Oh I know that person 👌 Lemme confirm something locally real quick 👌
Hmmm nothing wrong with the code:
DEBU[0005] not refreshing feed https://kolesnikov.se/twtxt.txt with refresh=7200s (1h47m38.99999925s before next refresh)
@abucci@anthony.buc.ci Do you want this in the logs? Info maybe? Warn? 🤔
Btw… The only reason I can think of this not working as expected, is if the feed in fact hasn’t changed at all and so therefore the cached Metadata is unchanged and therefore it believes there is no refresh interval. In order to bust the cache here, the user/feed has to post a Twt or you can Refresh your Pod’s Cache.
@abucci@anthony.buc.ci It does. But see above.
@abucci@anthony.buc.ci Yes. That should 🤞 do it. No restarting a pod won’t delete the cache.